Scene 13 ~ Cross-roads of the Fallen King

The scene changes to Frodo and Sam wandering through a
grey leafless forest, following Gollum.
SAM: |
It must be getting near teatime. Leastways it would be in decent places
where there is still teatime.
We’re not in decent places.
The camera moves to
Frodo. He looks concerned.
SAM: |
Mr Frodo? What is it?
It’s just a feeling. I don’t think I’ll be coming back.
Sam walks over to him.
SAM: |
Yes you will. Of course you will. That’s just morbid thinking. We’re
going there and back again just like Mr Bilbo. You’ll see.
He stands back to let
Frodo lead off in front. They arrive at the crossroads. There is a statue
of a King scrawled all over with red graffiti.
I think these lands were once part of the Kingdom of Gondor.
They walk around to the
front of the statue as the camera moves up it.
Long ago, when there was a King.
The camera shows the head
of the King replaced by a roughly worked, iron wrapped stone. As Frodo and
Sam move off they come across the King’s head on the ground with flowers
weaved around its top like a crown. The sun comes out and illuminates the
King’s head. Sam turns around and sees it.
SAM: |
Mr Frodo, look! The King has got a crown again.
He smiles at Frodo and
the sun goes in.
Come on, Hobbits! Mustn’t stop now. This way!
They continue to follow
Scene 14 ~ "The Deep Breath Before the Plunge"

Gandalf stands looking
out of a window in Gondor smoking his pipe. Distant thunder can be heard.
The camera shows Pippin behind Gandalf. Gandalf coughs.
So I imagine this is just a ceremonial position.
(He picks up a sword and pulls it out of its scabbard and replaces it again,
putting it down.) I mean, they don’t actually expect me to do any
fighting, do they? (looks at Gandalf uncertainly.)
You’re in the service of the steward now. You’ll have to do as you are
told Peregrin Took. (Gandalf coughs some more).
The camera shows Pippin
pouring a goblet of water. (off camera)
Ridiculous Hobbit! Guard of the Citadel!
Gandalf continues to
cough. The camera moves to show Mordor again then moves back to Gandalf who
is still coughing. Pippin hands him a goblet of water.
Thank you. (he touches Pippin’ shoulder. Pippin
moves forward studying the sky.)
There’s no more stars! Is it time? (looks at
Pippin leans on the
It’s so quiet.
Gandalf stands behind
It’s the deep breath before the plunge.
I don’t want to be in a battle. But waiting on the edge of one I can’t
escape is even worse. (he looks at Gandalf) Is
there any hope Gandalf, for Frodo and Sam?
Gandalf leans down on the
parapet next to him.
There never was much hope. Just a fool’s hope.
(He smiles at Pippin and looks back to Mordor) Our enemy is ready.
His full strength’s gathered. Not only orcs, but men as well
(shows the Haradrim.) Legions of Haradrim from
the South, mercenaries from the coast (shows ships.)
All will answer Mordor’s call. (shows ships again)
Come on!
Camera goes back to
Gandalf and Pippin on the balcony.
This will be the end of Gondor as we know it. Here the hammer stroke
will fall hardest. (camera moves over to show
Osgiliath.) If the river is taken, if the garrison at Osgiliath
falls, the last defence of this city will be gone.
But we have the white wizard. That’s got to count for something.
(smiling at Gandalf).
Gandalf looks at him
Gandalf turns away
looking at Mordor.
The camera shows a different scene with a Black cloaked figure.
Sauron has yet to show his deadliest servant.
(shows an articulated gaunlet being put on by the
black cloaked figure.)
The one who will lead Mordor’s army in war. (shows a
black helmet being donned) The one they say no living man can kill.
(camera moves back to Gandalf)
The Witch King of Angmar. You’ve met him before.
(Pippin looks at Gandalf)
He stabbed Frodo on Weathertop. (Flashes back to the
scene on Weathertop when Frodo is stabbed.)
He is the lord of the Nazgûl. The greatest of the nine.
Scene 15 ~ Minas Morgul

Scene changes to show
Frodo, Sam and Gollum approaching a wall. They peer over it to look at
Minas Morgul.
The Dead City! Very nasty place full of enemies.
He jumps up over the wall
and the Hobbits follow him. They move across the front of the City.
Quick, quick! They will see, they will see!
Gollum and Sam begin to
climb up the steps on front of the city. Frodo looks at the Silent Watcher.
Come away, come away. Look we have found it. The way into Mordor.
They look up the steep
The secret stair. Climb.
Frodo hesitates and looks
back at the city. His gaze is drawn and he is forcibly drawn inexorably
towards it.
SAM: |
No! Mr Frodo
Not that way!
They run after him. Sam
grabs him to stop him.
Whats it doing?
SAM: |
They’re calling me.
SAM: |
Frodo and Gollum struggle
with Frodo pulling him back towards the stairs. They fall over, there is a
bright flash and a huge signal goes up from the tower of the city.
Camera moves to Gandalf and Pippin who see the signal
rise up into the sky from their balcony. Camera returns to Frodo and Sam as
Frodo struggles up off the ground. The ground shakes and they struggle to
climb up the first stairs.
Hide, hide!
Camera shows the people
of Gondor watching the signal go up, in fear. Moves up behind Gandalf and
Pippin, who looks at Gandalf in alarm. Gandalf puts his arm around
Pippin’s shoulder.
The camera returns to Sam and Frodo. Frodo
clutches his shoulder in agony, sweating with pain. As they peer over the
edge of the stair, a fell beast alights on the top of the tower bearing The
Witch King. The Witch King screeches and they hold their ears in agony
trying to stop the noise. Frodo clutches his shoulder again.
I can feel his blade. (he groans in agony.)
The camera moves back to
the fell beast which roars down at the opening doors to the citadel. Out of
the doors march Mordor’s armies of Orcs. The camera moves back to Gandalf.
We come to it at last. (Pippin looks up at him)
The great battle of our time.
The camera moves back to
follow Mordor’s army of Orcs marching over the bridge. Frodo and Sam watch
as they pass just feet below them. The fell beast takes off from the
tower. It swoops low over Sam and Frodo’s heads down to hover over the
Come away Hobbits. We climb. We must climb.
The Hobbits climb the
stair after Gollum with the huge army continuing to pass by below them. The
camera goes back to Gandalf.
The board is set, the pieces are moving.
Scene 16 ~ Sam's Warning

And then back to Sam,
Frodo and Gollum.
Up, up, up the stairs we go. And then it’s into the tunnel.
SAM: |
Hey, what’s in this tunnel? (Sam grabs Gollum)
You listen to me! You listen good and proper. Anything happens to him,
you’ll have me to answer to. One sniff that something’s not right, one
hair that stands up on the back of my neck, its over. No more slinker, no
more stinker. (Frodo watches them) You’re
gone. Got it? I’m watching you. (Gollum watches
slyly as Sam moves off.)
What was that about?
SAM: |
Nothing. Just clearing something up.
Gollum sneers after him.