Scene 9 ~ Arwen's Vision

Scene is in a woodland showing a long
train of elves riding slowly along a path. Zooms in on Arwen
Take her by the safest road. A ship lies anchored in the Grey Havens. It
waits to carry her across the sea. The last journey of Arwen Undómiel.
A child runs across the
path on front of the elves. Arwen watches him as he runs into a scene where
Aragorn stands looking out of the window.
Aragorn turns and runs over to the boy, swinging him up in his hands,
smiling at him and turning around with him. Arwen watches as the boy looks
down into Aragorn’s face. Aragorn kisses him on the cheek and he laughs then
he stops and looks directly at Arwen.
The camera moves back and forth between them as Arwen notices the Evenstar
around his neck. She closes her eyes and a tear falls from them.
Cuts to Elrond
There is nothing for you here only death.
Cuts back to Arwen still
with her eyes closed. She can now only see the forest with no additional
Lady Arwen we cannot delay. (she turns her horse
around and gallops off) My lady!
She rides off and the
elves continue on their journey.
Scene 10 ~ The Reforging of Narsil
Cuts to Arwen riding
across the bridge at Rivendell. She rides up and runs towards her father
dropping her cloak. As she runs up the steps… |
Tell me what you have seen.
Elrond stands up and
approaches her.
You have the gift of foresight. What did you see?
I looked into your future and I saw death.
But there is also life. You saw there was a child. You saw my son.
That future is almost gone.
But it is not lost.
Nothing is certain.
Some things are certain.
If I leave him now, I will regret it forever. It is time.
Scene changes to inside
where a cloaked figure is shown approaching the shards of Narsil.
From the ashes of fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadow shall spring,
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
(scene changes showing the breaking of the blade
beneath Sauron’s foot and then back to the shards of Narsil)
The crownless again shall be king.
The scene returns to the
conversation between Elrond and Arwen.
Reforge the sword… ada.
The camera is on Arwen as
Elrond walks away… pans out from her showing her holding a book in a
different scene. She sits down and drops the book out of her hands. She rubs
her fingertips. Elrond picks up the book. He holds her hands.
Your hands are cold. The life of the Eldar is leaving you.
He looks at her worried.
This was my choice. Ada, whether by your will or not there is no ship
now that can bear me hence.
Scene changes to show the
reforging of Narsil into Anduril the Flame of the West.
Scene 11 ~ Minas Tirith
Gandalf and Pippin gallop
across plains and through forest. They splash through a river.
We have just passed into the realm of Gondor.
They gallop up a hill and
look down at a great white city.
Minas Tirith. City of Kings.
They gallop through the
city until they reach the topmost level. They stop in front of a huge white
hall. As they walk towards the door they pass a dead white tree. Pippin
spots it.
It’s the tree! Gandalf, Gandalf.
Yes the white tree of Gondor. The tree of the King. Lord Denethor
however, is not the King. He is a steward only, a caretaker of the throne.
He stops and turns to
Pippin at the door.
Now listen carefully. Lord Denethor is Boromir’s father. To give him
news of his beloved son’s death would be most unwise. And do not mention
Frodo or the Ring. And say nothing of Aragorn either. In fact, its better if
you don’t speak at all Peregrin Took.
They walk through the
massive hall approaching the throne where a man sits in a seat at the base
of the steps to the throne.
Hail Denethor son of Ecthelion, Lord and Steward of Gondor.
The camera cuts to show
Denethor bent over a broken horn.
I come with tidings in this dark hour and with counsel.
Perhaps you come to explain this.
He shows the horn to
Perhaps you have come to tell me why my son is dead.
Scene cuts to the death
of Boromir as remembered by Pippin.
Boromir died to save us my kinsman and me. He fell defending us from
many foes. (He approaches the throne and kneels down)
I offer you my service, such as it is in payment of this debt.
This is my first command to you. How did you escape and my son did not?
So mighty as man as he was.
The mightiest man may be slain by one arrow and Boromir was pierced by
Denethor is visibly
Gandalf walks forward hitting Pippin with his staff to move him out of the
Get up!
My lord, there will be a time to grieve for Boromir but it is not now.
War is coming. The enemy is on your doorstep. As steward, you are charged
with the defence of this city. Where are Gondor’s armies? You still have
friends. You are not alone in this fight. Send word to Theoden of Rohan.
Light the beacons.
You think you are wise Mithrandir. Yet for all your subtleties you have
not wisdom. Do you think the eyes of the White Tower are blind? I have seen
more than you know. With your left hand you would use me as a shield against
Mordor and with your right you would seek to supplant me. I know who rides
with Theoden of Rohan. Oh yes, word has reached my ears of this Aragorn, son
of Arathorn. And I tell you now. I will not bow to this Ranger from the
North. Last of a ragged house long bereft of Lordship.
Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the King, steward.
Denethor jumps up angry.
The rule of Gondor is mine and no others!
Pippin looks between
Gandalf and Denethor as they stare at each other angrily. Gandalf turns.
They walk rapidly from
the hall.
Scene 12 ~ The Decline of Gondor
All had turned to vain ambition. He would use even his grief as a cloak!
A thousand years this city has stood and now at the whim of a madman it will
fall! And the white tree, the tree of the King will never bloom again.
They walk through the
courtyard towards the tree.
Why are they still guarding it?
They guard it because they have hope. A faint and fading hope that one
day it will flower. That a king will come and this city will be as it once
was before it fell into decay. (The camera shows the
city of Minas Tirith)
The old wisdom born out of the west was forsaken. Kings made tombs more
splendid than the houses of the living and counted the old names of their
descent ( the camera moves around and pans in on the
city of Minas Tirith) dearer than the names of their sons.
(They walk along the parapet to the end)
Childless lords sat in aged halls musing on heraldry or in high, cold towers
asking questions of the stars. And so the people of Gondor fell into ruin.
(camera moves in on Gandalf and Pippin looking out
over the city of Minas Tirith)
The line of Kings failed. The white tree withered. The rule of Gondor was
given over to lesser men. |
Pippin moves away from
Gandalf looking at the mountains of Mordor and the disturbances that go on
Yes, there it lies. This city has dwelt ever in the sight of its shadow.
A storm is coming.
This is not the weather of the world. This is a device of Sauron’s
making. A broil of fume he sends ahead of his host. The Orcs of Mordor have
no love of daylight, so he covers the face of the sun to ease their passage
along the road to war. When the shadow of Mordor reaches this city it will
Well… Minas Tirith… very impressive. (looks at
Gandalf enquiringly) So where are off to next?
Oh, it’s too late for that Peregrin. There’s no leaving this city.
(He looks towards Mordor)
Help must come to us. |