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: The Smoking Ban  ( 23125 )
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Amy Lee

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« : March 01, 2007, 10:33:12 PM »

I just looked through the "World Events" board, and the topic on smoking seems to have gone... so i'll post something I posted in another topic (slightly edited) here in the hope that it might be moved to World Events or something. This post is mainly about smoking in pubs.

This whole smoking ban is stupid >.< If there are so many non-smokers out there who actually care, why don't they bond together and open NON SMOKING pubs?

I'll tell you why...because the number of non smokers who go to pubs is nowhere near as many as those who smoke who go, and the majority of the non smokers who DO go to pubs don't actually mind people smoking around them. The person who started off this campaign has probably just been sitting thinking, right, where will we ban smoking? then thought of the most smoky areas there are - Pubs.

But why? The people who go to pubs are all over 18, or they SHOULD be, so they are generally classed as "Adults". This stupid ban is just another way for the government to slap the irons on us... What is this, a dictatorship or a democracy? We cant smoke, we cant own swords...Its like putting us into a babys playpen with all the "fluffy" things and saying we can play with those, but the things outside the playpen are too much for us to handle. I for one can't stand being treated like a child. The government should focus on more important things, like gang violence, etc. I mean, nicotine calms people down... booze hypes a lot of people up. Force people to give up smoking while drinking is like giving them petrol to put on a flame and nothing to put it out with.

While I may not be able to smoke right now, I do like a cig with a drink. I know that going into a pub, there's going to be smokers, so I stay away...

Restaurants, fair do's, pubs, HANDS OFF!

Rant done :P

Ranger of the North

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« #1 : March 01, 2007, 11:11:14 PM »

I think it's a good thing that smoking in public places is being banned, why should everyone have to inhale smoke? My own health has been damaged because of second hand smoke, for over a month I was extremely ill and I know many other people affected by it.

It's a disgusting habit and I can't wait for the ban to take place.

If people really want to smoke,  they can smoke in their own homes, but it's not right that a person  (even if they are over 18, that's not the point) should have to inhale it.

Especially since most pubs serve food now too, who wants to inhale smoke whilst eating?

If people have a problem with the smoking ban, there's one simple solution: Stop smoking.

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In AmericEar

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« #2 : March 01, 2007, 11:38:28 PM »

I just looked through the "World Events" board, and the topic on smoking seems to have gone... so i'll post something I posted in another topic (slightly edited) here in the hope that it might be moved to World Events or something. This post is mainly about smoking in pubs.

This whole smoking ban is stupid >.< If there are so many non-smokers out there who actually care, why don't they bond together and open NON SMOKING pubs?

I'll tell you why...because the number of non smokers who go to pubs is nowhere near as many as those who smoke who go, and the majority of the non smokers who DO go to pubs don't actually mind people smoking around them. The person who started off this campaign has probably just been sitting thinking, right, where will we ban smoking? then thought of the most smoky areas there are - Pubs.

But why? The people who go to pubs are all over 18, or they SHOULD be, so they are generally classed as "Adults". This stupid ban is just another way for the government to slap the irons on us... What is this, a dictatorship or a democracy? We cant smoke, we cant own swords...Its like putting us into a babys playpen with all the "fluffy" things and saying we can play with those, but the things outside the playpen are too much for us to handle. I for one can't stand being treated like a child. The government should focus on more important things, like gang violence, etc. I mean, nicotine calms people down... booze hypes a lot of people up. Force people to give up smoking while drinking is like giving them petrol to put on a flame and nothing to put it out with.

While I may not be able to smoke right now, I do like a cig with a drink. I know that going into a pub, there's going to be smokers, so I stay away...

Restaurants, fair do's, pubs, HANDS OFF!

Rant done :P

Well it's not all about Pubs...

And like Selene said, its got a lot to do with health, I mean I know I myself react to smoke badly.

Also it has been proven in New York and Ireland, that the number of smokers dropped once the ban came in, and frankly I'm happy about that because I think our generation really has no excuse to start smoking, they know all the dangers!

People in teh generation above us had an excuse, like my Grandparents, (Or whatever the generaton I'm talking about is to everyone else :P) they had an excuse to start because they didn't know the dangers and were well hooked by the time the dangers were made public!

If people have a problem with the smoking ban, there's one simple solution: Stop smoking.


Ħoney In The Sunshine
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« #3 : March 02, 2007, 01:32:20 AM »

I gave up smoking... wow I just realised it was 12 months ago! But every time I go to the pub drinking and have smokers around me I always want to smoke! I just avoid the pubs now or stick to the areas that are non smoking, which is hard because almost everyone I go out with smokes  :dry:

It's ok if it's not blowing in my face. Most smokers however, don't really care where their smoke is going  :dry: That annoys me. I also don't like the smell of someone who has just put one out and then stands really close to me. Bleh!

We have smoking and non smoking areas in pubs and clubs here. It's worked out ok, but most of the pubs have made the poker machine area the smoking area which I suppose is good if you don't want to inhale smoke you won't gamble, but if you want to gamble then you have to inhale the smoke. A lot of the pubs around here have done up nice outdoor areas for smokers to go. Don't know how that's gonna go during winter though.....

Threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back. Difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed and passed over when I've looked right through to see you naked and oblivious and you don't see me. But i threw you the obvious just to see if there's more behind the eyes of a fallen angel, the eyes of a tragedy. Here i am expecting just a little bit too much from the wounded. But i see through it all and see you. So i threw you the obvious to see what occurs behind the eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy. Oh well. Apparently nothing. You don't see me. You don't see me at all.

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« #4 : March 02, 2007, 03:00:22 AM »

I am tired of the smoking minority complaining about this law - the majority gets its way, that's politics. Smoking is a disgusting and dangerous habit, furthermore, people who work in pubs, go to pubs can have adverse health affects; not to mention the money spent by non-smokers on dry cleaning.

In 1604, King James VI/I said, "Have you not reason then to bee ashamed, and to forbeare this filthie noveltie, so basely grounded, so foolishly received and so grossely mistaken in the right use thereof? In your abuse thereof sinning against God, harming your selves both in persons and goods, and raking also thereby the marks and notes of vanitie upon you: by the custome thereof making your selves to be wondered at by all forraine civil Nations, and by all strangers that come among you, to be scorned and contemned. A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the Nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the Lungs, and in the blacke stinking fume thereof, neerest resembling the horrible Stigian smoke of the pit that is bottomelesse."

People who don't like it are free to live in any of the 27 EU countries, 14 British dependent territories, and 3 Crown Dependencies - I'm sure at least one of them won't have a ban, go live there.

There is one problem with that law: it didn't go far enough. It should've banned the sale of tobacco.
« : March 02, 2007, 03:07:36 AM Mithrandir »

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« #5 : March 02, 2007, 05:14:25 AM »

you're right of course Mith
as a smoker, always giving up for years, but forever driven back to the silly habit... I actually welcome the ban of smoking in enclosed spaces.

I recently went to Rome where they already have this ban, and in Italy as in Europe, they smoke loads more than we do... it was so nice to goto a restaurant in which you could smell the food and not the fags and ashtrays!  Everyone accepted that they went outside to smoke... and it just made it such a more pleasant experience for everyone!

Pubs, who do or dont serve food.... really... what do you want from your home, a clean smelling air... you wouldnt wish it on your home, so why elsewhere?  As a smoker at the moment, I didnt mind nipping out for 5 mins to have a fag and to join my mates back .... I actually appreciated moving into a clean air..... Ive always found a smoky atmosphere, whether a smoker or a non-smoker really oppressive, even claustrophobic at times...

So, yeah, I smoke atm... but I dont mind the ban....  its not a hassle!

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Amy Lee

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« #6 : March 02, 2007, 07:46:21 AM »

"Give up smoking"

Why should we if we don't want to? - You're being as hypocritical as you say we're being! You don't want to be around smokers - and as I said, fair do's - but as I SAID, why can't they just start up non-smoking pubs to accomodate people who don't want to be around smokers?

Thats like the government trying to ban people who DONT smoke from pubs. Imagine if pubs became a "smokers-only" area - You wouldn't be happy about that, would you? I bet you'd whinge about it twice as much as us smoking minority  :^ are doing in regards to the smoking ban.

If you don't like smoking - Get your own bleedin places! People have ALWAYS smoked in pubs - way back into history... from cigs to pipes and god knows what else!! Even Lord of the rings has people smoking in their Inns (Yes i'm aware its films/books, but it is documented that people smoked pipes...anyway, its just common sense.)

I mean, its not like we're saying, here, have a cig....and a lot of us are considerate and dont blow smoke in people's faces...

You say smoke in our own homes - but some of us have people who don't smoke there, too, and out of consideration we go outside, or to the PUB. When I smoke(d) down there, I was always in the room off the main room where hardly anyone sat, and I blew my smoke towards the window. A LOT of smokers are like that.

So tell me, what EXACTLY would it hurt to have non smoking pubs and leave us in peace?

So, in response to your "Stop smoking" comment....

Go somewhere else!!!

† Gilly †
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« #7 : March 02, 2007, 09:22:12 PM »

I KNOW plenty of places that WILL still have smoking and will not give a damn about the fines and moaning non smoking customers  ;)

Only place I agree to no smoking is Restaurants and shopping mall's

One day the government dip shnits will try banning smoking in your own home  :D

But yeah, what is the harm in having smoking and non smoking pubs,  non smokers can go do what they do and smokers can go have a pint, a fag and watch the footy  :D

It is kind of taking away our "freedom" but alas, the government make the rules, we just break them he he he

*goes for a fag*

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In AmericEar

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« #8 : March 02, 2007, 10:51:20 PM »

why can't they just start up non-smoking pubs to accomodate people who don't want to be around smokers?

But why should the Government accomidate for people who are commiting slow suicide, it's a lifestyle choice and people can smoke if they want, it's got nothing to do with me, I just don't want to have to be around it, like ÉG said, it isn't any hassle. It's a lifestyle choice!


Amy Lee

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« #9 : March 02, 2007, 11:57:19 PM »

But surely the same could be said for drinking itself??

Drinking causes FAR more problems than smoking...Higher NHS bills too.

Just think, liver conditions, drunken brawls, passing out... The amount of people who go to hospital through drinking is FAR higher than smokers...

Not everyone is a chain smoker - a lot of people are social smokers who only smoke when theyre in a pub or something. For that to do any damage the non smoker would have  to be in the pub almost every night!! or at least on a very regular basis.

So on the grounds of the government funding a place for people to commit slow suicide....if thats your argument, then don't you think pubs in general are going to go soon too?...

Ħoney In The Sunshine
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« #10 : March 03, 2007, 01:34:49 AM »

I am sure there are people out there who have friends who are smokers and friends who are not. And I am sure that they all like to go out at the same time to the same pub with each other. I doubt they will go to seperate pubs just because one does or doesn't like smoking. That's not practical. It's wishful thinking. There needs to be some compromise. The bans don't say you can't smoke, they just say you can't smoke in the building.

There's been no smoking in restaurants here for... ever... well not that long but it has been for a long time. Eww I can't even imagine sitting in a restaurant now and having the person behind me smoking while I am eating. That's just wrong! Same with malls and shopping centres, they've been non smoking areas for many years.

As for banning smoking in your own home... they talked about banning smoking in your own car here. Mainly if you had children in the car... It hasn't gone through yet...

Threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back. Difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed and passed over when I've looked right through to see you naked and oblivious and you don't see me. But i threw you the obvious just to see if there's more behind the eyes of a fallen angel, the eyes of a tragedy. Here i am expecting just a little bit too much from the wounded. But i see through it all and see you. So i threw you the obvious to see what occurs behind the eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy. Oh well. Apparently nothing. You don't see me. You don't see me at all.
In AmericEar

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« #11 : March 03, 2007, 12:34:59 PM »

So on the grounds of the government funding a place for people to commit slow suicide....if thats your argument, then don't you think pubs in general are going to go soon too?...

Nope, because we are taught that when you get to a certain age, some alcohol is good for you, like Red Wine, and there is no harm in having an odd Pint of Beer every so often, but having an odd fag still does damage.

And yes I know, what about the people who have more than the odd pint of beer and get drunk and all of that, but they're choosing to do that even though they know that it's bad for them. Pubs still do offer the slight benefit so they won't be going.


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« #12 : March 03, 2007, 12:49:59 PM »

The ban's been going where I live for almost three years now. There is also talk of making the ban apply to public outdoor venues such as parks. 

I wish the law went further to ban smokeless tobacco. Seeing people spitting on the sidewalks or walking about with cups full of brown stinky gob-juice makes me want to barf.

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Ħoney In The Sunshine
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Ë.N.Ŧ.A.R.Ï Subconcious Dreams are So Unkind

« #13 : March 03, 2007, 01:04:26 PM »

I wish the law went further to ban smokeless tobacco. Seeing people spitting on the sidewalks or walking about with cups full of brown stinky gob-juice makes me want to barf.

People still do that? Wow. That's disgusting.   :-\

Threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back. Difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed and passed over when I've looked right through to see you naked and oblivious and you don't see me. But i threw you the obvious just to see if there's more behind the eyes of a fallen angel, the eyes of a tragedy. Here i am expecting just a little bit too much from the wounded. But i see through it all and see you. So i threw you the obvious to see what occurs behind the eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy. Oh well. Apparently nothing. You don't see me. You don't see me at all.
Amy Lee

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« #14 : March 03, 2007, 07:34:57 PM »

Nope, because we are taught that when you get to a certain age, some alcohol is good for you, like Red Wine, and there is no harm in having an odd Pint of Beer every so often, but having an odd fag still does damage.

Yes, and my point is that we're told that cigs are bad for you, but just like "bad" alcohol, that doesn't stop anyone. Can you really see many people going into a pub just for a glass of red wine?

The point is, most people never stop at the "odd pint of beer", do they?? And I bet the government stamp their feet about that too. Its not fair to stop one thing on the grounds of NHS costs, etc, and let something which costs about 10x more continue, and that'll be their argument.

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