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: The Smoking Ban  ( 23010 )
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In AmericEar

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« #15 : March 03, 2007, 08:21:36 PM »

So in that case you think we should just leaglise everything?

Shall the government just legalise all Class A drugs, 'cos they might aswell if they're going to ban smoking? :8o

Plus I know a load of people who go into a pub for the odd pint of beer/glass of red wine.

I know my Dad and his collegues (sp?) do it to discuss meetings.

And I know loads of people who just meet up there just to have the odd pint.

Just because all we're told about is the bad stuff, doesn't mean there isn't any good. :)


Ranger of the North

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« #16 : March 03, 2007, 09:17:52 PM »

Except, you can't die from being near someone drinking, unless they're violent of course.

Smoking is a selfish, disgusting habit, because by smoking you're not only killing yourself but you're damaging those around you.

Pubs are for DRINKING, not SMOKING, so why should their be special pubs for smokers? ???

Hey I think they should ban smoking completely, would it really be such a bad thing if no one smoked? Sure people who smoke wont like it, but I don't think they would complain after they realise they can actually breathe fresh air. :P

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« #17 : March 04, 2007, 12:51:08 AM »

Well prepare yourselves now...
....I have officially stopped smoking!! *shock shock horror horror*
I have done without a cigarette for near 5 days now. 
I cut down before I stopped.
Taking only one in the morning and one after work. T
hen I thought to myself.
Why bother with only 2?
So I quit..

The legal age for smoking should be 18 and the legal age for drinking should be 21.
Dont talk to me about less danger from drinking than smoking.
I am very much against alcohol because it ruined my family, My childhood and pretty much buggered up my head in many ways.
Drinking booze is a filthy habit too and I am sorry but I cannot be arsed with people who drink each and every night...
Smoking...drinking whatever..just dont ask for sympathy when you are dying of cancer or in need of a new liver...
Ranger of the North

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« #18 : March 04, 2007, 01:39:21 AM »

I'm all in favour of the ban.
I work in a pub/restaurant and sometimes I can't literally see for the smoke, it's disgusting. I'll admit i've tried the odd cigarette but i've never fully "taken up smoking" as it were, and trying it has made me realise how disgusting it is and has made me hate it even more.
Two of my best friends smoke too, and are trying to quit, they always end up getting back into it, I don't think they realise they're harming us too, they're always complaining that they have bad coughs etc, but we're just as bad trying to get all that gunk out of our lungs too!
I think this ban will help everyone who does smoke get a better idea of how much of a health issue smoking, and passive smoking, actually is. The warnings on cigarette packets aren't good enough in my opinion.
Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« #19 : March 04, 2007, 02:39:20 PM »

Well prepare yourselves now...
....I have officially stopped smoking!! *shock shock horror horror*
I have done without a cigarette for near 5 days now. 
I cut down before I stopped.
Taking only one in the morning and one after work. T
hen I thought to myself.
Why bother with only 2?
So I quit..

The legal age for smoking should be 18 and the legal age for drinking should be 21.
Dont talk to me about less danger from drinking than smoking.
I am very much against alcohol because it ruined my family, My childhood and pretty much buggered up my head in many ways.
Drinking booze is a filthy habit too and I am sorry but I cannot be arsed with people who drink each and every night...
Smoking...drinking whatever..just dont ask for sympathy when you are dying of cancer or in need of a new liver...

I agree with Pippy here! Alcohol can be as damaging, or, if not more damaging than Ciggies. I have watched my family fall apart because of it. I was in a relationship with a alchoholic for 8 years, and I was a nervous wreck for most of that because of that I calm my nerves.
I gave up for a few years recently, but unfortunately I am smoking again, since about April, when I started a new job (Which is very stressful by the way).
I was doing really well before that. I would like to give up smoking altogether. I am cutting down though. I am neither for nor against the smoking ban. I just hope it will encourage me to quit for good!
Maybe if they stopped selling tobacco, I would have more chance of

(But then the ordinary tax payer would have to shell out more, because the tobacco sales (or lack thereof) would not be making any money for the govt to fill their coffers, and by their Jags...)


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« #20 : March 04, 2007, 06:01:07 PM »

I didnt know it was you there Waelith ^_^
All you need to do to stop smoking and this works for me because I was on like 40 a day I am sure!
I drank more tea muwaha! Like 50 cups of tea a day  ::) Crazy stuff I agree but still that's the way it goes. I am sure you will stop smoking Waelith!
I need healthy bodeeeeh! for me to carry my children  :D my test tube babies of course hehe ;) Also I wanted to be able to wake up in the morning and not want a smoke.
† Gilly †
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« #21 : March 05, 2007, 09:15:36 PM »

We should ban Driving, flights, big huge intoxicating ships and barges, factories that let off many many MANY intoxicants etc etc etc  :D

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Eagle of the North

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« #22 : March 06, 2007, 08:12:03 AM »

Well personally I cant wait for this ban to take place. I understand the stubborn group of smokers who know what theyr doing is bad for them and dont care (just like those who drink waaaay too much alcohol all the time) want to have places they can go out as groups, but tbh, Mith did make a fairly good point, unfortunately the way politics works is what the majority wants.

Secondly, if you did have some non smoking and some smoking pubs, what about the people that work there. What if the smoking pub troubles their lungs but they cant get a job elsewhere and by quitting theyr job they cant get full benefits like being fired. I work in a pub so I know what it is to work amongst all the second hand smoke and I hate it. The days when I am working the smoking area I come home coughing, with stingy eyes and I stink of stale smoke. All my work clothes have to go through the wash. It gets extremely expensive to be washnig it continuously like that.

So yeah, I appreciate that there are some who dont want to have to go out of their way to accomodate the majority, but hey, sometimes, life sucks. At least the majority are happy ay, and from the sounds of it, a large portion of the minority are happy with the ban too.


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« #23 : March 11, 2007, 03:31:29 AM »

I agree, people like fresh air and shouldn't've have to put up with the toxicants other smokers breath out.

I find it ludicrous that there is talk about accommodating the majority. Due to the change in the law, we now have smoke free pubs, so your argument is redundant. I doubt very much if this law will ever be repealed, the majority of people are happy with it, so smokers who don't like it will just have to accept it.

To say that because there has always been smoking in pubs is a redundant argument as far as I'm concerned. Fox Hunting had always happened, there was always hereditary peers, etc. etc. Things change, times change.

And, while we're on the subject on a bad on alcohol - I wouldn't mind that either!

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« #24 : April 01, 2007, 09:20:31 PM »

To be honest, I'm torn between both arguments.

I'm a social smoker, sounds stupid I know but I am. I always smoke when I go out with my mates. And no, I don't smoke because everyone else is and I wanna fit in. That's not the case, I smoke because I want to and I like to have a smoke now and again. I have many friends who smoke as well as family relatives who do smoke and they're gonna have a job to smoke when on a night out.

However, I don't have a huge problem with the ban because there won't be any second hand smoke and pubs will be cleaner and healthier than they are right now. Some days, I don't want to smoke and I don't want to breathe in other people's smoke. Now people, if you want to try and contradict what I just said, I'm game but don't bother, really. Another possible problem that could occur from this ban could be that pubs could lose money as their previous customers who are smokers won't be able to go into the pub anymore.

I know I'm going a bit off topic now, but I noticed that a couple of people on here were talking about alcohol and stuff. I'm sorry but I highly doubt that the Government will ban us from drinking alcohol. Why? Because the majority in the UK drink and again, businesses/pubs could be affected because they could lose a lot of money from it.
And bringing the legal age to drink alcohol to 21 in the UK? Sorry, but I think it's a bad idea because a majority of university students are under 21 and student unions could lose a huge amount of money from that.

Anyway, back on topic now. Smokers may not be happy about it, pubs could be affected as they could lose money as customers who are smokers can't go into their pubs anymore but one thing about this ban that is the most pointless of all is that, Wales go through the smoking ban first. The law comes in tomorrow while England don't bring in this ban until May. That is absolutely stupid, if they are going to bring in a law such as this one, the ban should come in at the same time for each country.
Ranger of the North

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« #25 : April 01, 2007, 10:03:40 PM »

The ban comes in to effect here in Wales tomorrow, finally!
I don't see what a big fuss it's all about, the majority of pubs/clubs have outside beer gardens and outdoor facilities for it's customers, and now the nicer weather is coming in, most people will be willing to sit outside anyway, with the owners of these establishments still getting the same amount of money.
It's a great thing!
Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« #26 : April 06, 2007, 03:43:44 PM »

Smoking ban or not, I will probably still go down the pub, but what I would really like to happen is that it encourages me to quit altogether. I am thinking of going on a stop smoking plan soon. I am kind of fed up with smoking. The only thing I am dreading when I do give up is the cravings and the irritableness and the moodiness. I think I might need a padded cell for a week. lol. But I am wanting to be smoke free by the summer.
Now I am not at that job anymore I might find it easier to pack up the ciggies.

Wish me luck peeps.

Ranger of the North

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« #27 : April 08, 2007, 04:03:47 AM »

Good luck! I hope you can manage it Waelith, it'll be so great for you when you manage to quit! :D

One thing I have to say: I love this ban :D Pubs and clubs feel so much cleaner and it's nice to be in there to socialise now! Although some pubs in my town are sneaking around the rules, tut tut.
Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« #28 : April 10, 2007, 04:35:56 PM »

Yup. I know its not doing my health any good. I am gonna go for one of those smoking cessation clinics on Friday. lol :D


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« #29 : June 12, 2007, 04:58:06 AM »

Pubs on the whole, as far as I know, began as a venue for the community to meet and socialise. Of course, in those days, nobody understood the dangers of any intoxicant, whether it's legal or not in 2007. They would have smoked opium and marijuana as well as tobacco, and then drunk the alcohol. These were passtimes that allowed the civilian to relax, which we all enjoy.. relaxing with our mates.

If you take away smoking AND drinking, you don't lose the original purpose of the Public House. You may lose a lot of its business, as the alcoholics would no longer return there for their fix and smokers would be banned. The same with Nightclubs. Less business, but those who come for the social and the music and dancing will still come. As always, there'll be some arse who sneaks in his own bottle of vodka, and he'll get removed from the premises.

So why not? Let's ban public drinking too!

I love to go to pubs with my friends, but I don't smoke and I just HATE coming home my hair and clothes full of ash and smoke, it's disgusting. I rarely drink and drunk people make me uncomfortable. They behave differently to sober people and I lose my ability to trust even the ones I adore, when they're drunk.

In regards to banning smoking in your car.. why not? You can't drive under the influence of alcohol or other drugs... Nicotine is a drug. Whilst it doesn't have the same drastic effects as estacy or marijuana or other illegal drugs, think how little effect you feel a single drink has? "Oh I'm fine, I'm not even tipsy!!".  Your perception and reactions will still be clouded. Therefore your driving ability is affected. I'd like to see results on an experiment to find the effect smoking has on drivers and the frequency of accidents.

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