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: Olympic fever  ( 6789 )
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« : May 29, 2012, 06:30:48 PM »

Do you have it yet? 

I've been watching TorchCam on the BBC website which I've found to be terribly addictive - even the bits where they are driving between locations (who knew that Britian's roads could be so empty!). 

We don't have tickets for anything but will almost certainly be watching bits of the games once they start.  Is anyone going to see anything live?  Is anyone carrying the torch?


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS

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« #1 : May 29, 2012, 11:50:41 PM »

The torch is due in my home town tomorrow so I anticipate traffic misery and hysteria in the late afternoon. I'm not a sports fan, apart from the odd bit of cheese coursing and dwarf tossing, so I don't think I'll be catching Olympic Fever, but I am spending the weekend with friends who watch sports all day every day all the time anyway - sometimes two different kinds at once, with their subscription US baseball playing on the laptop and something else on the telly.  Drives me insane :)  However, the place where they live is - and I didn't come up with this myself, though I wish I had, so I present it as a quote - 'like Hobbiton with better roads.'   :s:
Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #2 : May 30, 2012, 01:21:06 AM »

Oh I shall be watching it at home... too right!  Wasnt even tempted to try for tickets, all those people?  *shudder*  no way... much happier at home in comfort with the best view in the house! 

Yes Pips, am expecting the torch tomorrow here...and Thursday they reckon too :)


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« #3 : May 30, 2012, 04:19:45 AM »

So should I be watching for you on the Torch Cam - you could hold up a large cake to make it easy to pick you out. 


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS

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« #4 : June 01, 2012, 04:26:45 PM »

Haven't seen anyone with a cake yet ....


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« #5 : June 01, 2012, 07:16:53 PM »

My Uncle David happened to be sitting outside his daughter's house, and by chance it proved to be the exact spot for a torch relay changeover, so the retiring runner apparently sat on the wall near him and spoke to him.  There are pictures on Facebook, I believe, and I will try to post a link.  He was delighted.  :)  I do not know whether or not he had a cake on his person.  I have just baked two, though, one lemon and one so far plain.
Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #6 : June 02, 2012, 03:34:38 AM »

To my shame Anne, I didnt go!  I had the opportunity to play in the parade, but I couldnt fit all the practice into everything else I do.  I wonder if I shall regret it in the future? 

No doubt I shall see! 


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« #7 : June 20, 2012, 01:19:24 AM »

Hum, well I saw the suggestions for the opening ceremony - felt it was lacking in hobbit holes if it was meant to be the Shire.  If it was meant to represent the UK, then something more than sheep is needed.  Mind you, you'll never please everyone.  But what is the first thing that springs to mind when you think of this country?


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS
Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #8 : June 21, 2012, 12:48:29 AM »



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« #9 : July 31, 2012, 01:21:19 AM »

OK, so maybe it's just me, but did anyone else thing that the opening ceremony basically implied that we had a green and pleasant land that we dug up and turned into Isengard so some guys could come and run in circles for a fortnight?  It was all very clever and a good use of the area and so on, but the the basic plot line needed a bit a of work I thought.


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS
Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« #10 : July 31, 2012, 02:20:17 AM »

 I thought it was just bizarre..  The only bit I enjoyed XD was Mr. Bean..  :laugh:  Hehehe..  :rofl:  Otherwise, it was just too weird..

Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #11 : August 01, 2012, 03:58:16 AM »

OK, so maybe it's just me, but did anyone else thing that the opening ceremony basically implied that we had a green and pleasant land that we dug up and turned into Isengard so some guys could come and run in circles for a fortnight?  It was all very clever and a good use of the area and so on, but the the basic plot line needed a bit a of work I thought.

Well to be honest, I lost interest after 10 minutes and it was making me cringe too much!  :[  but I kept moving back during adverts so out of what I saw I thought:

How stupid to have such small scale action (the acting out bits)  in such a huge arena!!  SO inappropriate.
The NHS part was just so vague, no one who is not British would have understood any of it!  and they DIDNT by all accounts!
I liked the history of music but it seemed to jump from the 80s to the present... what happened did they get bored of it half way through?
Thought the chimneys were just a gimmick and I agree with you Anne... reckon they pinched the plot from Tolkein ;)
The olympic rings were clever... but the best bit by far for me was........................

The torch... fabulous..... oh and when is Paul McCartney gonna be man enough to retire?  He must know  that his voice has gone... unless he has gone deaf through all the rocks gigs he has played at!! 

Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« #12 : August 01, 2012, 04:25:29 AM »

  Did anyone else hear that the doctors and nurses that were doing all that dancing were supposed to actually be doctors and nurses?  We all kept saying, "yeah right!"  I don't believe that for one second, no matter what anyone says..

  I missed the McCartney part..  I stopped watching after the Mr. Bean bit; I was tired..  :P


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« #13 : August 03, 2012, 04:18:43 AM »

LOL - yeah I've seen a lot of comments saying "Just retire gracefully" and one or two saying "But he's ... PAUL MCCARTNEY!".  Have to admit I'm with the former.

I've only watched highlights so far but I've got friends who managed to get tickets who've generally enjoyed what they've seen (apart from the chap at my office who got tickets to see the badminton and ended up at the game where they didn't play properly - he was a tad miffed that his one opportunity to see some Olympic sport live was being spoilt). 


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS
Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« #14 : August 07, 2012, 05:14:35 AM »

  We've been enjoying watching the olympics in the evenings..  The niece and nephews like watching gymnastics..

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