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: Kate Moss  ( 41389 )
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« #30 : September 29, 2005, 11:36:10 AM »

Really, I heard she had a £200-a-day habit. :ph34r:

My friend takes cocaine. She is the most amazing mother i've met.

See, I don't see what difference it makes, surely she doesn't take it around her child..

Runt: What's the color of love, Pig?
Pig: What sort of love, love?
Runt: Don't know. But you know the way things, they got a color. I wonder what the color of love is.
Pig: Jesus, Runt. You could read a thousand think books and never know the answer to that quiz.
Runt: It's be a good one to know, ah?
Pig: It'd be brilliant, Runt. It's around here somewhere.

« #31 : September 29, 2005, 01:08:12 PM »

Pollz, I reckon she is scrutinized because of the fact she was going out with a high profile junkie who she promised to help come off drugs. It's all a bit weird really.

True. True. I suppose her saying she will help Pete with his problem and then it comes out she is also taking drugs too. I mean, maybe they can sort themselves out together, go to rehab together perhaps. Since they both take drugs and have a problem, maybe it wouldn't be such a hard deal if they went together. They wouldn't be alone then.

£200 a day habit? Eep, well, I suppose if you want to get drugs so bad, you'll have to be willing to pay the amount of money it cost to keep having a habit like that. If your hooked on the drug then you'll obviously do anything to get your hands on it.

Well, you'd hope she doesn't take it around her child, what's she called? Lilly? Anyways, I think she probably doesn't, her kid is probably in a completely different room when she takes it

« #32 : September 29, 2005, 04:12:55 PM »

In my ideal world, models wouldn't exist....

...soon people, soon...



 Well bloody said.
 It's you choice tho if you want to be that kind of human waste called model tho. Be my guest.

 As for drugs, why should you rehab? you should be taken into custody, be injected the stuff in overdoses until you die, then the problem will be sorted. The sooner we get rid of Class A drugs the bloody better.

 Yeah I don't like the word tolerance much  ;)

« #33 : September 29, 2005, 05:42:04 PM »

Doesn't seem like it. Eh.

To be quite honest, there are all types of drugs (not specifically on the class As) that cause harm, not only mentally but physically. But if you take them, your not arrested are you? I know, I am slightly wavering from the topic, but it is about drugs, so many people, (okay, a small minority) have died from the wrong sort of drug they've taken (for their medical condition etc). And it's sad. I mean, you have to give the person the right sort of medication or something could go wrong, I heard awhile ago, of a case of this man taking the wrong type of medication and he basically was blind for year's.

Anyway, back on topic. Many class A drugs should be get rid of, but they never will be, I doubt it, anyway. There will always be drug smugglers and people who pay farmers in South America (and other countries) to grow the plant for such a stupid amount of money and the only real person who benefits from this is the middle-man. And if the farmer refuses to grow the crop then he shall be other-wise removed  :dry: I think that's terrible.. Still, I don't want to be shot either.

Being a model is a pretty pointless (sorry, no offence to those who want to be/are one.) Job. I mean, your told to sit, pose, prance around in (sometimes) next to nothing for ludicrous amounts of money. Just for some designer's "wonderous" clothes. Your a clothes horse. Nothing more-A blank canvas for the artist to show their wears. It's sad. Imagine where maybe even half the money could go to? Like a childrens charity, a refugee charity or poverty stricken families! But all the while these thin pretty ladies prance up and down for large amounts of cash to spend on exspensive clothing that they'll only wear once AND go on silly holidays to hot countries...

Rant over.
« : September 29, 2005, 11:08:11 PM _ole bathwater_ »
High Dśnedain King

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« #34 : September 29, 2005, 07:23:17 PM »

People should not have drugs near kids.

What happens if you accidently leave the drug around?  Your on the phone...your kids wander off, start looking for sweets....see a tablet ( a mint or a sweet)  or a powder (sherbert)

Kids don't know any differen.t  White powder could easily be sherbet...they try it...

How guilty would you feel if YOU had killed your own child with your disgusting drug habit?


« #35 : September 29, 2005, 11:16:57 PM »

Yeah, I remember in school, I think, we were taught about drugs, and there was one story where this 6 year old (or younger) went searching round her mum's house and found a Ecstasy tablet, and thought it was a sweet, and took it, ended up in hospital. Terribly sad. And bad parenting, leaving this sort of thing around.

No, they don't know any different, their young, naive and don't know what they could do to them.

I would feel terribly guilty, that my kid had died because of my stupidity, my sillyness..

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« #36 : September 30, 2005, 01:17:06 AM »

Obviously I don't know your friend Shadowfax, but surely having class A drugs around a child is not a good thing?  ??? Personally I don't think it's a healthy environment to be brought up in.
It does depends to what extent she uses cocaine, I mean there is a difference between someone who uses occasionally, and someone who is a full blown addict, but I wonder where the line is drawn  :-\

Shes not an addict, obviously she wont do it when her kid is IN THE HOUSE...WITH HER.....if hes away with her mother or something for the weekend, or shes out.  She doesnt do it regularly, and im just pointing out you can do both.  I am under the impression that kate moss uses slightly more than my friend, but remember that kates kid probably isnt around her too much because of her work so what you dont know cant hurt you. Especially when you're like, two.

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.

« #37 : September 30, 2005, 03:47:39 AM »

I agree with Shadowfax. What you know won't hurt you, especially when your at such a young age. And yeah, Kate obviously doesn't do it around her kid since she worked so much...
High Dśnedain King

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« #38 : September 30, 2005, 10:02:24 PM »

What if Kate did drugs when her Kid was out...left some on accident...then her kid comes back, plays with Mummy...then eats a 'Sweet' that was behind the settee.

I don't care how *nice* some drug ADDICTS are, its still highly stupid and irresponsible to have a drug habit with a child.  Its bad enough that some parents have the stupidity to smoke and drink with a child.

Remmirath - Nazgūl Queen of Mordor

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« #39 : October 01, 2005, 12:43:57 AM »

In my opinion, responsible parents keep their wits about them , and dont do drugs...period.

But thats my opinion.


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« #40 : October 01, 2005, 12:57:49 AM »

What if Kate did drugs when her Kid was out...left some on accident...then her kid comes back, plays with Mummy...then eats a 'Sweet' that was behind the settee.

In order to prevent that happening, she hires a maid.


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a LOTRUK original

« #41 : October 01, 2005, 08:28:26 AM »

She made a choice- it was wrong.....

We make choices.....we can be wrong.

In the end, are we all that different?

Crucifying someone because of celebrity is discrimination, but that's British culture for you- booze, drugs, cred and "celebs." It's a joke is what it is.  ???
« : October 01, 2005, 08:30:14 AM Muramasa Edge »

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #42 : October 01, 2005, 08:33:22 AM »

Perhaps, but at the same time I don't think it's right that she gets let off...she was caught using class A drugs, it's a crime, it's a scandal that she be let off, as I said before, if it were a member of the working class she/he would be arrested immediately.

Remmirath - Nazgūl Queen of Mordor

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« #43 : October 01, 2005, 01:50:10 PM »

She made a choice- it was wrong.....

We make choices.....we can be wrong.

In the end, are we all that different?

Crucifying someone because of celebrity is discrimination, but that's British culture for you- booze, drugs, cred and "celebs." It's a joke is what it is.  ???
Trouble is, she is not being "crucified"... She seems to have got away with it...

Now if that was me or you, it would be totally different. We would be jailed by now, for possesing class a substances...

It is a joke. Yes I agree.

Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #44 : October 01, 2005, 05:33:15 PM »

She made a choice- it was wrong.....

We make choices.....we can be wrong.

In the end, are we all that different?

Crucifying someone because of celebrity is discrimination, but that's British culture for you- booze, drugs, cred and "celebs." It's a joke is what it is.  ???

Letting them get away with it because of celebrity is also discrimination .... and it is not right.  I am so sick of celebrities having a different standard to work to.  They are just the same as us.  The food goes in and out in just the same way.  It is fundamentally wrong that celebrities should get away with breaking laws as they do. 

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