The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum
Off Topic Section => World Events => Topic started by: Anne on September 23, 2005, 08:41:20 PM
Kate Moss was allegedly shown taking cocaine. Following the publication of this picture in the media, some of her contracts were cancelled, the police are investigating her and there are questions about whether she is a fit mother of her two year old daughter. Kate has recently put out a statement apologising for letting people down.
Did she have it coming or is she a victim of a media feeding frenzy? Is she a role model purely because she's in the public eye or do you think that what she does in private is nobody's business but her own?
Kate Moss is cool. Its blatant shes been taking coke since at least 99... I dont see why her contracts should be dropped, with the exception of perhaps rimmel because shes still really pretty.
As for her child, i dont know if she is a fit mother, i mean it cant be easy having a child and being a supermodel. My friends mother is in with the Jade/Kate crowd so they go on holiday with them and stuff and he says she doesnt look after her kid properly or give it first priority but ..... hmm.
I think Kate is cool also, I like her more than Naomi. I do think she is a role model. I just think she could be shown more doing things with her daughter, you know. Shown being the mother she apparently is. I mean, she shouldn't be dropped for taking Coke, yeah it's bad and all, but there are plenty of other celebrities who take it, maybe on the sly. She should be left alone. And also, I am should it's not a easy life being a mum and a supermodel, but she's done it so far hasn't she?
I think where the "did she have it coming or victim of a media frenzy" is concerned, I think it's a mixture of both.
I've heard all kinds of stories about Kate Moss..this story about her taking cocaine and the other about not looking after her kid properly. I think Kate's alright but I don't think that she's as great as she used to be. As both Shadowfax and Pollz have already said, she's had a tough time recently because she's a supermodel and a mum so it's not easy for her.
I think that she's gone downhill since dating Pete Doherty..he has a bad reputation and I think that she has a bad reputation now because of him..yes I know that I sound harsh by saying this but it's what I think.
About the "did she have it coming or is she a victim of a media feeding frenzy"..I think there is a mixture of both about this. I think that she had it coming because of the stories about her and Pete as well as stories about not giving her daughter first priority.
However, I think that she is a victim of a media feeding frenzy because she is in the public eye, she is famous for being a supermodel and because of's gonna be difficult for her to actually have a private life because she (along with many other celebs) will be followed around by papparazi and you gotta be extra careful with what you do in your private life when you're as famous as her.
I think what she does in her private life is completely up to her, as long it doesn't affect her work.
I think that she's gone downhill since dating Pete Doherty..he has a bad reputation and I think that she has a bad reputation now because of him..yes I know that I sound harsh by saying this but it's what I think.
I agree. I think that ever since she met him, she has changed one hell of a lot. I don't know...blah!
But yeah...she can do whatever she likes in her private life. Thousands upon millions of people do cocaine so why should her face be plastered over the papers and news JUST BECAUSE she's got fame and money under her belt?
Thats the thing about being a celebrity...
...You dont HAVE a private life. Its just the way it is.
I think she could of done with being a bit more careful about how she went about snorting coke, etc. If there were pics of her blatantly snorting it, then she obviously didnt know(or care) that there were camera's on her.
Possesing coke (A class a drug) is a criminal offence. She must of had it on her person, in order to snort it. Its a know fact she has done it before.
If I was her employer, I would of been extremely unhappy with this situation, I think I would of been with-holding her contract on the basis she is/was involved with criminal activity, as it would not be looking very good for business.
Big businesses like H&M, and Rimmel, etc etc have a point.
I dont see whats wrong with her going out with Pete Doherty....or at least I dont see how its damaging her reputation anymore; who hasnt she shagged? Shes like groupie turbo promiscuous individual.....and always coked up, firstly its been quite well known for a few years now, secondly, you dont stay that skinny..nope.
*sigh* - i wish i was her.
I love Kate Moss, she really is stunning. I don't agree that it's just because of Pete that she is snorting cocaine, like Shadowfax said, it's been going on for ages, it's just easy to blame Pete because of his reputation. I think, as long as she is a good mother to Lila, then it doesn't much matter what drugs she is doing.
As for young girls seeing her snorting coke and thinking that they should because it's 'cool', I think that this is ridiculous. Personally, I really admire Kate, and yet after seeing the pics of her drug taking, I didn't feel the sudden urge to snort some coke myself. Maybe, I am just being naiveé but I don't think young girls are that impressionable, and most can't afford to snort coke anyways, it's an expensive habit!
As for the media, they really need to get over it, wherever I turn, it's all 'cocaine kate', getting kind of boring now guys, especially as it was obviously happening anyways. As far as I am concerned, kate is good at what she does, she's a good mother and that's all that should matter. I feel so sorry for kate after losing most of her big contracts, especially her Burberry contract which has gone to Sienna Miller, who is as dull as dishwater (pur-lease).[/b]
From what I've read in most sources of mass media as well as a number of discussions that I've heard, everyone seems to have an opinion about this issue and possibly the whole country has a split opinion about this.
(Now, before you say or think this..I don't believe everything that I read in the papers but I thought this was rather interesting).
I was reading Billy Muir's column in the Wales on Sunday earlier and what he thought was "Weak of the week" was the fashion houses that ditched Kate Moss. This is what he had to say about that:
"Talk about hypocrisy. These companies have promoted the waste waif look for years and known that drugs are rife within their industry. It'll take a large spray of perfume to cover this stink."
On the other hand, there was another opinion about this where Keith Hallawell (a former drugs tsar) criticised the country's top policeman for ordering an investigation into claims about Kate Moss taking cocaine. He said: "It would be wrong to either let someone off or prosecute them because they are high-profile".
Hmm..rather interesting opinions there.
Kate Moss deserves more than having her contracts dropped.
She's a drug addict...end of. Why is she spared the convictions of an unfamous drug addict, just because she's averagely-pretty and can wear clothes on a catwalk?
She's made her bed, she should lie in it too. Why should she get away with drug-taking? If I did it, if any of you did it, it would be jail almost definately. Why shoudln't she be locked up?
It makes me sick how "celebrities" get off with stuff because they're somewhat famous.
She's a terrible role model, with a junkie boyfriend. If I had kids, I'd teach them how horrible she is. I woudln't want them with a drug-addict boyfriend and thinking drugs are "cool."
She deserves a much more severe punishment. Saying sorry doesn't erase it.
Why should she apologise, it's her life and she can ruin it in whatever dumbass way she wants to. And she worked hard to get those contracts and to lose them when she is only doing what most of the modelling world is, is unfair.
Why should she apologise, it's her life and she can ruin it in whatever dumbass way she wants to. And she worked hard to get those contracts and to lose them when she is only doing what most of the modelling world is, is unfair.
I agree. I mean the companies knew she was on drugs...i'd say at least 7 years ago. But now that this is all frontpage news, splattered over the media, they feel the need to drop her, incase she damages their precious reputation. It isn't on. I say...fair play to her, shes a millionaire, shes damn-all else to spend her money on...may as well! That's just my opinion.
On the other hand...I do believe that her fame and her position in the upper class of society does not make her exempt from the fact that she has committed a crime for possessing and using a class-A drug, and should be arrested and charged immediately...especially since Sir Ian Blair told us about his huge "crackdown on drugs." I swear, if it were someone on the dole, or someone working for a fiver an hour in Tescos or something, they'd be arrested, charged and imprisoned full term.
I know what i've said is a paradox....but it makes sense to me... :P
Makes sense to me too, and I whole heartedly agree. It's isn't right that she gets away with the crime because of who she is, but that's life at the end of the day.
In my ideal world, models wouldn't exist....
...soon people, soon...
In my ideal world, models wouldn't exist....
Agree with you totally. All they do is make women think that they need to be unhealthily thin to be beautiful :dry:.
But who would we have to be our role-models then, politicians.... ???
Fashion shouldn't be taken so seriously, it's just a bit of fun.
Our role-models I reckon would be like...musicians...I'm not sure...
Though, I agree with the comment about not having models at all. It seems a lot of people like to be like them, so they diet and make themselves unhealthily thin just to think that they are perfect.
Models are stupid and annoying anyway (no offence to models and such), but really....anyone can models don't need to be a skinny runt to do so...
Oops, I was being sarcastic.. XD
I think the modelling world is really quite interesting, I love clothes designs and modelling programmes etc, I just think people do take things to seriously in life. :)
Oh yes without a doubt it is interest and fashion is pretty much a way of life. If you are not "fashionable" then you don't fit in with the in-crowd as they say...
Though, I have to admit that people do sometimes take it waaaaaay too seriously and that people shouldn't be judged on what they wear. It's because of fashion that people get bullied, that people feel they have to have the best clothes and stuff...
If fashion wasn't so god damn important, people would have one less thing to worry about...
In my ideal world, models wouldn't exist....
Agree with you totally. All they do is make women think that they need to be unhealthily thin to be beautiful :dry:.
Models are amazing. They give people things to aspire to awards, and its kinda nice to have beauty in the world. Just because it doesnt look good on you then you can at least appreciate that it looks good on SOMEONE.
Plus....unhealthily thin and skinny? Half our nation are obese for christs sake, i dont think people are that bothered. And they arent all that skinny. Eva Hertzigova anyone?
Models are just a tool by which corporations line their pockets with.
I do think Models are some sort of inspiration, in a way. But not one that is of importance. Sure they're made to wear nice clothes, but they don't get to show personality. They're just a blank canvas, that the designers shove their work on. That's not something to look up to, some people who fast and diet till their at a stupid weight.
What do models actually do?
Honestly...what? They dress up, wear loads of exactly is that being a good role model?
I'd much rather my children to have a role model who actually has a job, or actually does something, like an Actor, or a Musician. Or a Scientist, or a Hero.
I just can't see what a Model does...they dress up in "fashionable" clothes, pose a bit...sell products...thats about it.
I just think, why should Kate Moss be let off so lightly? She's exactly like everyone else. Everyone should be treated the same, no matter how pointless or famous they are.
In my ideal world, models wouldn't exist....
Agree with you totally. All they do is make women think that they need to be unhealthily thin to be beautiful :dry:.
Not necessarily unhealthily thin, but the fact is any woman over a size 12 is considered fat. That's another topic though.
Why should she apologise, it's her life and she can ruin it in whatever dumbass way she wants to. And she worked hard to get those contracts and to lose them when she is only doing what most of the modelling world is, is unfair.
It's not just her life though.If it was, I wouldn't care. It's the life of her child that concerns me the most. Anyone who takes drugs like that should have their child taken away. Celebrities get special treatment, take Michael Jackson. In the real world people like him and Kate Moss would have had their kids taken away by now. But because they are rich and famous, there seems to be a different law for them.
Models are basically there to make big money for whoever they work for. Any company that has employed models like Kate Moss tends to be the type that caters for slim girls, and that considers a size 14 to be 'plus size'.
Given that the average woman in the UK is a size 16, why do we hardly ever see models who actually look like a normal person?
Back to Kate Moss, my last word on her is that I find it immensely funny that she got dropped by BURBERRY *cough*chavscum*cough*
Very well put Elfy, I agree :)
Thats also another good point you brought up about her child. Your right, anyone else would have their kid taken off them. Not here, because she has money and a famous persona
What do models actually do?
Honestly...what? They dress up, wear loads of exactly is that being a good role model?
I'd much rather my children to have a role model who actually has a job, or actually does something, like an Actor, or a Musician. Or a Scientist, or a Hero.
I just can't see what a Model does...they dress up in "fashionable" clothes, pose a bit...sell products...thats about it.
I just think, why should Kate Moss be let off so lightly? She's exactly like everyone else. Everyone should be treated the same, no matter how pointless or famous they are.
A model has no real purpose. Just to prance up and down a stage (catwalk) wearing designer's clothes, for ludicrous amounts of money! Imagine where that money could go! Help people in Africa per say?
And yes, I'd rather have my children idolise someone whose earned their "idolise" status. A scientist, a musician (I'd choose) or a athlete even.
Yeah, she shouldn't be let off. Her and Naomi Campbell and many other models and supermodels have been taking drugs in large amounts for well over 10 years! Why aren't the other's scrutinised(sp) too?
Yeah, her child is the important one in all this. Which is probably why Kate has given temporary custody to her father and is trying to sort herself out.
Pollz, I reckon she is scrutinized because of the fact she was going out with a high profile junkie who she promised to help come off drugs. It's all a bit weird really.
I still think fashion is wonderful and it does not make me feel any pressure to be 'unhealthily thin' and I don't think models are 'role-models' either.
My friend takes cocaine. She is the most amazing mother i've met.
Obviously I don't know your friend Shadowfax, but surely having class A drugs around a child is not a good thing? ??? Personally I don't think it's a healthy environment to be brought up in.
It does depends to what extent she uses cocaine, I mean there is a difference between someone who uses occasionally, and someone who is a full blown addict, but I wonder where the line is drawn :-\
Well judging from knowing 'Fax it's very rarely.
Really, I heard she had a £200-a-day habit. :ph34r:
My friend takes cocaine. She is the most amazing mother i've met.
See, I don't see what difference it makes, surely she doesn't take it around her child..
Pollz, I reckon she is scrutinized because of the fact she was going out with a high profile junkie who she promised to help come off drugs. It's all a bit weird really.
True. True. I suppose her saying she will help Pete with his problem and then it comes out she is also taking drugs too. I mean, maybe they can sort themselves out together, go to rehab together perhaps. Since they both take drugs and have a problem, maybe it wouldn't be such a hard deal if they went together. They wouldn't be alone then.
£200 a day habit? Eep, well, I suppose if you want to get drugs so bad, you'll have to be willing to pay the amount of money it cost to keep having a habit like that. If your hooked on the drug then you'll obviously do anything to get your hands on it.
Well, you'd hope she doesn't take it around her child, what's she called? Lilly? Anyways, I think she probably doesn't, her kid is probably in a completely different room when she takes it.
In my ideal world, models wouldn't exist....
...soon people, soon...
Well bloody said.
It's you choice tho if you want to be that kind of human waste called model tho. Be my guest.
As for drugs, why should you rehab? you should be taken into custody, be injected the stuff in overdoses until you die, then the problem will be sorted. The sooner we get rid of Class A drugs the bloody better.
Yeah I don't like the word tolerance much ;)
Doesn't seem like it. Eh.
To be quite honest, there are all types of drugs (not specifically on the class As) that cause harm, not only mentally but physically. But if you take them, your not arrested are you? I know, I am slightly wavering from the topic, but it is about drugs, so many people, (okay, a small minority) have died from the wrong sort of drug they've taken (for their medical condition etc). And it's sad. I mean, you have to give the person the right sort of medication or something could go wrong, I heard awhile ago, of a case of this man taking the wrong type of medication and he basically was blind for year's.
Anyway, back on topic. Many class A drugs should be get rid of, but they never will be, I doubt it, anyway. There will always be drug smugglers and people who pay farmers in South America (and other countries) to grow the plant for such a stupid amount of money and the only real person who benefits from this is the middle-man. And if the farmer refuses to grow the crop then he shall be other-wise removed :dry: I think that's terrible.. Still, I don't want to be shot either.
Being a model is a pretty pointless (sorry, no offence to those who want to be/are one.) Job. I mean, your told to sit, pose, prance around in (sometimes) next to nothing for ludicrous amounts of money. Just for some designer's "wonderous" clothes. Your a clothes horse. Nothing more-A blank canvas for the artist to show their wears. It's sad. Imagine where maybe even half the money could go to? Like a childrens charity, a refugee charity or poverty stricken families! But all the while these thin pretty ladies prance up and down for large amounts of cash to spend on exspensive clothing that they'll only wear once AND go on silly holidays to hot countries...
Rant over.
People should not have drugs near kids.
What happens if you accidently leave the drug around? Your on the phone...your kids wander off, start looking for sweets....see a tablet ( a mint or a sweet) or a powder (sherbert)
Kids don't know any differen.t White powder could easily be sherbet...they try it...
How guilty would you feel if YOU had killed your own child with your disgusting drug habit?
Yeah, I remember in school, I think, we were taught about drugs, and there was one story where this 6 year old (or younger) went searching round her mum's house and found a Ecstasy tablet, and thought it was a sweet, and took it, ended up in hospital. Terribly sad. And bad parenting, leaving this sort of thing around.
No, they don't know any different, their young, naive and don't know what they could do to them.
I would feel terribly guilty, that my kid had died because of my stupidity, my sillyness..
Obviously I don't know your friend Shadowfax, but surely having class A drugs around a child is not a good thing? ??? Personally I don't think it's a healthy environment to be brought up in.
It does depends to what extent she uses cocaine, I mean there is a difference between someone who uses occasionally, and someone who is a full blown addict, but I wonder where the line is drawn :-\
Shes not an addict, obviously she wont do it when her kid is IN THE HOUSE...WITH HER.....if hes away with her mother or something for the weekend, or shes out. She doesnt do it regularly, and im just pointing out you can do both. I am under the impression that kate moss uses slightly more than my friend, but remember that kates kid probably isnt around her too much because of her work so what you dont know cant hurt you. Especially when you're like, two.
I agree with Shadowfax. What you know won't hurt you, especially when your at such a young age. And yeah, Kate obviously doesn't do it around her kid since she worked so much...
What if Kate did drugs when her Kid was out...left some on accident...then her kid comes back, plays with Mummy...then eats a 'Sweet' that was behind the settee.
I don't care how *nice* some drug ADDICTS are, its still highly stupid and irresponsible to have a drug habit with a child. Its bad enough that some parents have the stupidity to smoke and drink with a child.
In my opinion, responsible parents keep their wits about them , and dont do drugs...period.
But thats my opinion.
What if Kate did drugs when her Kid was out...left some on accident...then her kid comes back, plays with Mummy...then eats a 'Sweet' that was behind the settee.
In order to prevent that happening, she hires a maid.
She made a choice- it was wrong.....
We make choices.....we can be wrong.
In the end, are we all that different?
Crucifying someone because of celebrity is discrimination, but that's British culture for you- booze, drugs, cred and "celebs." It's a joke is what it is. ???
Perhaps, but at the same time I don't think it's right that she gets let off...she was caught using class A drugs, it's a crime, it's a scandal that she be let off, as I said before, if it were a member of the working class she/he would be arrested immediately.
She made a choice- it was wrong.....
We make choices.....we can be wrong.
In the end, are we all that different?
Crucifying someone because of celebrity is discrimination, but that's British culture for you- booze, drugs, cred and "celebs." It's a joke is what it is. ???
Trouble is, she is not being "crucified"... She seems to have got away with it...
Now if that was me or you, it would be totally different. We would be jailed by now, for possesing class a substances...
It is a joke. Yes I agree.
She made a choice- it was wrong.....
We make choices.....we can be wrong.
In the end, are we all that different?
Crucifying someone because of celebrity is discrimination, but that's British culture for you- booze, drugs, cred and "celebs." It's a joke is what it is. ???
Letting them get away with it because of celebrity is also discrimination .... and it is not right. I am so sick of celebrities having a different standard to work to. They are just the same as us. The food goes in and out in just the same way. It is fundamentally wrong that celebrities should get away with breaking laws as they do.
You'd still tank her.
I never said she should be let off- but when you look at the media coverage, it's clear that they are trying to crucify her. It's what British celebrity is all about, you build up someone into a superstar, and act, like you're their friend in your articles, make sure said person is on your side- as soon as you find dirt on them, you stick the knife in and blow the story up into epic proportions.
She should be arrested for it, definately, but we the people should not have been the first to know about it, it should have been the police- but as I say, British celeb obsessing is more important than the law in their eyes, and it's just wrong.
Funny how they've known about it all this time, and the only time they turned on her is when it becomes a media scandal.
In the immortal words of Captain Jack Sparrow; "Funny old world, innit?" ::) :P
Apparently Kate Moss is currently in a rehab clinic in Arizona (like they all do ::) ) and when she gets back to this country the police are said to want to speak to her then.
However much we may hate it, celebs are basically on a different level to us.......... legally as well as finanically. Yeah it sucks, but doesn't life?
She's a role model and as she is such she has to expect her private life to be public thanks the British media.
She should be treated the same way as any other person breaking the law. In fact, I reckon she should be treated more severely to show that celebrities don't get off everytime and make an example of her as a deterant.
What if Kate did drugs when her Kid was out...left some on accident...then her kid comes back, plays with Mummy...then eats a 'Sweet' that was behind the settee.
In order to prevent that happening, she hires a maid.
True say. Also, cokes a powder.
I know coke's a powder, don't insult my intelligence. A kid could think its I said previously.
Plus it shows how much of an irresponsible parent she is...she loads the responsibility onto a Nanny...when she should be taking care of her child and not killing herself slowly.
she loads the responsibility onto a Nanny...when she should be taking care of her child and not killing herself slowly
Or promoting the the products she models for overseas, or when just basically out of the house.
I'd hire a nanny if I had the money....or indeed if I had a kid.
Its one thing to have a Nanny is you need one..its another thing to have a Nanny because your too selfish to care about your child, and would rather be with your drug-addict boyfriend and take all sorts of drugs and s***.
If I was that child, and I grew up knowing this about my Mother...I'd feel cheated of a real parent.
Its one thing to have a Nanny is you need one..its another thing to have a Nanny because your too selfish to care about your child, and would rather be with your drug-addict boyfriend and take all sorts of drugs and s***.
If I was that child, and I grew up knowing this about my Mother...I'd feel cheated of a real parent.
I agree with you, Icy... Having grown up with parents that drink, and have no time for you is something I was familiar with once, myself. I felt absolutely crap as a result, and I rebelled as much as I could. My mum found it hard to control me. Now I have grown up we have built bridges and got over it, but the fact remains, it really fucks up your childhood, having parents that are too intoxicated to care for you, or feed you etc etc... :(
So what, Kate Moss is a bad mother. I think she should be left alone to be a bad mother and get the help she needs if she chooses to.
Kurt Cobain was a smackhead, was he a bad father?
Now, let us take time out to think about the children (chardonnay-britney, sapphire-ashley and tyson-gary). These three little ragamuffins live with mum Candice and father, Gary, affectionately known in a rather high pitched voice as GAZ to his SO. Here in their small flat, Gaz is hooked on coke. He deals it for a living, whilst Candice works for £4.50 an hour down the ole' chippie. The drug supply in their house is continual and Gaz often does lines infront of the children. Candice begs him not too but she'll join in too once their back in bed. While Sapphires trying to get her 3 times table learnt, hes lining up on her schoolbooks. Oh what a sad tale the lives of these children will become...oh, for shame.....
So really, in comparison, kate moss isnt that bad at all :)
So what, Kate Moss is a bad mother. I think she should be left alone to be a bad mother and get the help she needs if she chooses to.
Sure, its her choice to get the help, but the first priority is her child. A 3 year old can pick up on a hell of a lot more than we give them credit for. Trust me, I know.
It's a very good point about Kate Moss being a role model. I'm sure a lot of young girls look up to her and surely nobody can disagree with the fact that she has not set a good example.
If I knew that for whatever reason, people looked up to me, I'd be damn sure to get my act together. That said, nobody is ever going to be perfect.
Shes not a role model, shes a supermodel. Besides, do you think ANYONE is *acutally* dumb enough to go.....kate moss takes cocaine! And she being slandered for it! Gee, i must go and get some too!
It's only the same as, say Wayne Rooney, who is constantly swearing at the ref, getting in trouble, etc. Most people acknowledge how he is a role model. There's no difference betwen him and kate Moss apart from the profession they happen to be in.
Almost anyone who is in the public eye to the extent Kate Moss is, will be a role model.
Although in the cigarettes defence, it does wonders for the economy
Anyway, you have not right to call drug users socially retarded. You have no right to downgrade someone ......i mean, ANYONE who takes drugs, of any kind is worth NOTHING BUT CRITISM? Give me a break :dry:
And prat has one t.
Hmmm seems like you're all trying to make it seem like taking drugs isn't a bad thing when clearly it is, especially when people have responsibilities and such...
So, could we try and keep the "drug promoting" and such out of this discussion?
*retreats slightly too* Although I NEVER back down from a debate (well only with my sister)
Yes she is cool, but being a cokehead is really not cool!
Good match though :P
Kurt Cobain was a smackhead, was he a bad father?
I think he didn't get a chance.
And to be honest I think he might have been on a high when the baby was conceived.
Wasn't the girl going to be taken from Courtney Love anyway if she didn't mend her ways? ;D
Honest I have no problem with it, as I said so long as we can put them all in a safe environment (including people I have considered friends) and then feed them overdoses.
I recall going to a party and having one of these so called friends put something in my drink. I had to make for the car because I was losing basic motor functions and I feared that if I collapsed somewhere else than in the car I would be left behind when these junkheads were to go back home. I did lose all motor functions for hours even tho I remained somewhat conscious and rather shiverish, and the only thing I could move was my eyes ;D (more or less like that ::))
Now we were in the country, so I imagine if they had left me there, if I had not locked myself in the car to prevent them from leaving me there (possible), especially since they seem to become somewhat ignorant of the basics of common sense.
Obviously I didn't like it, I liked them less after that and if it had not been because their mother was a good friend I would have shown them what their teeth look like after they spat them ::)
So what do I think of them? pah let them do it, but all locked away.
I took out the spam/aggressive posts from this topic and removed them for perusal by the administrators.
Please keep the discussion within the topic range and do not descend into personal insults.
Thank you.
Now, the people who are having a sensible debate may continue.... please forgive my intrusion. ;) :P
I don't think drug promotion is quite what it's about. As a role model Kate Moss should've thought about what she was getting into. It's the same as anyone who gets wasted in public and ends up making an ass of themselves, cos that's what she's done, although I see it as more serious as there is a small child involved.
Thing is, there are loads of people who get wasted, but their faces don't get plastered all over the media...
It's all because she is famous. She has money. She basically has (or had should I say) the world at her feet and that is why her face is plastered all the media. That is why her name is being dragged through the mud...
It's not fair to be honest. She's just a normal person like everyone else. She has feelings, emotions and stuff like that so why should she be treated as if she is a bad person?
I am afraid the media just doesnt see it like that.
the media are the ones who put you up there on a pedestal, and they have the same power to knock you right off again...
Its the risk you take when becoming a famous icon, whether its a model, pop star. or whatever!
I think it is perfectly fair. She has done wrong so she should suffer the consequences just like anyone else. Dont forget Jezz that any of us who did such a thing would probably lose our jobs if they found out about it. It is exactly the same.
LMAO Ibby!
Although it's good that the cops are cracking down on celebs, its bad that they should need to. They should be treated as any other Joe Bloggs on the street and not seen as being above the law.
LMAO Ibby!
Although it's good that the cops are cracking down on celebs, its bad that they should need to. They should be treated as any other Joe Bloggs on the street and not seen as being above the law.
Agreed :)
They are people like everyone else, and so should be treated the same.
I heard on the news last night that Boy George has been arrested because the police found cocaine in his apartment, seems they're having a crack down (no pun intended) on celebs...
That's true. He was arrested in possesion of cocaine. Don't know what happened afterward though.
I think it is perfectly fair. She has done wrong so she should suffer the consequences just like anyone else. Dont forget Jezz that any of us who did such a thing would probably lose our jobs if they found out about it. It is exactly the same.
Yeah fair enough, but why should her name be plastered all over the newspapers for everyone to know?
If someone who worked in your local co-op was found out doing cocaine, their name wouldn't be plastered over the newspapers, would it?
Sure, celebrities shouldn't be treated as if they are above everyone else so why should their names be plastered all over for the world to know about it?
THAT is what I think is unfair...
oh right, I see. You dont think if you are taken to court and done for something it isnt plastered all over the papers?????
Think again, because it does.
I still stand by my assertions. No one should get special treatment. It sickens me that celebrities seem to live under special rules... separate from the rest.
She's not the first model to be involved with drugs, and she wont be the last.
Do you know how easy it is to access drugs and other illegal substances when you're "famous"? It's everywhere, it's becoming increasingly hard for these kinds of people to avoid it - I actually only know of two models who have spoken up about the dark side of modelling and were able to avoid it.
Kate Moss DOES need to realise that she needs help in beating the drugs for her child's sake as well as her own, and I think she should leave Pete Doherty too since I'm sure he's not helping her in getting clean, however I don't think everyone should be using her as an example like this, it's cruel and as I said, she is NOT the only model to take drugs and they should stop treating her like she is, they know very well that she isn't.
(I'm not defending her by the way, I despise drugs, I just think people shouldn't act as though she's the only celebrity/model to sadly resort to them)