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: Kate Moss  ( 41489 )
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« #45 : October 01, 2005, 09:38:34 PM »

You'd still tank her.


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« #46 : October 01, 2005, 10:01:44 PM »

I never said she should be let off- but when you look at the media coverage, it's clear that they are trying to crucify her. It's what British celebrity is all about, you build up someone into a superstar, and act, like you're their friend in your articles, make sure said person is on your side- as soon as you find dirt on them, you stick the knife in and blow the story up into epic proportions.

She should be arrested for it, definately, but we the people should not have been the first to know about it, it should have been the police- but as I say, British celeb obsessing is  more important than the law in their eyes, and it's just wrong.

Funny how they've known about it all this time, and the only time they turned on her is when it becomes a media scandal.

In the immortal words of Captain Jack Sparrow; "Funny old world, innit?"  ::) :P

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p
Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #47 : October 02, 2005, 01:43:31 AM »

Apparently Kate Moss is currently in a rehab clinic in Arizona (like they all do  ::) ) and when she gets back to this country the police are said to want to speak to her then.

However much we may hate it, celebs are basically on a different level to us.......... legally as well as finanically. Yeah it sucks, but doesn't life?

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« #48 : October 02, 2005, 03:20:18 AM »

She's a role model and as she is such she has to expect her private life to be public thanks the British media.

She should be treated the same way as any other person breaking the law. In fact, I reckon she should be treated more severely to show that celebrities don't get off everytime and make an example of her as a deterant.

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« #49 : October 02, 2005, 04:14:34 AM »

What if Kate did drugs when her Kid was out...left some on accident...then her kid comes back, plays with Mummy...then eats a 'Sweet' that was behind the settee.

In order to prevent that happening, she hires a maid.

True say.  Also, cokes a powder.

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
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« #50 : October 02, 2005, 05:07:37 PM »

I know coke's a powder, don't insult my intelligence.  A kid could think its I said previously.

Plus it shows how much of an irresponsible parent she is...she loads the responsibility onto a Nanny...when she should be taking care of her child and not killing herself slowly. 


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« #51 : October 02, 2005, 05:24:52 PM »

she loads the responsibility onto a Nanny...when she should be taking care of her child and not killing herself slowly

Or promoting the the products she models for overseas, or when just basically out of the house.

I'd hire a nanny if I had the money....or indeed if I had a kid.

High Dúnedain King

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« #52 : October 02, 2005, 05:34:13 PM »


Its one thing to have a Nanny is you need one..its another thing to have a Nanny because your too selfish to care about your child, and would rather be with your drug-addict boyfriend and take all sorts of drugs and s***.

If I was that child, and I grew up knowing this about my Mother...I'd feel cheated of a real parent.

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« #53 : October 02, 2005, 11:02:05 PM »


Its one thing to have a Nanny is you need one..its another thing to have a Nanny because your too selfish to care about your child, and would rather be with your drug-addict boyfriend and take all sorts of drugs and s***.

If I was that child, and I grew up knowing this about my Mother...I'd feel cheated of a real parent.
I agree with you, Icy... Having grown up with parents that drink, and have no time for you is something I was familiar with once, myself. I felt absolutely crap as a result, and I rebelled as much as I could. My mum found it hard to control me. Now I have grown up we have built bridges and got over it, but the fact remains, it really fucks up your childhood, having parents that are too intoxicated to care for you, or feed you etc etc... :(


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« #54 : October 03, 2005, 01:05:43 AM »

So what, Kate Moss is a bad mother.  I think she should be left alone to be a bad mother and get the help she needs if she chooses to.

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.

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« #55 : October 03, 2005, 02:18:05 AM »

Kurt Cobain was a smackhead, was he a bad father?


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« #56 : October 03, 2005, 02:41:54 AM »

Now, let us take time out to think about the children (chardonnay-britney, sapphire-ashley and tyson-gary).  These three little ragamuffins live with mum Candice and father, Gary, affectionately known in a rather high pitched voice as GAZ to his SO.  Here in their small flat,  Gaz is hooked on coke.  He deals it for a living, whilst Candice works for £4.50 an hour down the ole' chippie.  The drug supply in their house is continual and  Gaz often does lines infront of the children.  Candice begs him not too but she'll join in too once their back in bed.  While Sapphires trying to get her 3 times table learnt, hes lining up on her schoolbooks. Oh what a sad tale the lives of these children will become...oh, for shame.....

So really, in comparison, kate moss isnt that bad at all :)

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #57 : October 03, 2005, 03:07:00 AM »

So what, Kate Moss is a bad mother.  I think she should be left alone to be a bad mother and get the help she needs if she chooses to.

Sure, its her choice to get the help, but the first priority is her child. A 3 year old can pick up on a hell of a lot more than we give them credit for. Trust me, I know.

It's a very good point about Kate Moss being a role model. I'm sure a lot of young girls look up to her and surely nobody can disagree with the fact that she has not set a good example.

If I knew that for whatever reason, people looked up to me, I'd be damn sure to get my act together. That said, nobody is ever going to be perfect.

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« #58 : October 03, 2005, 03:14:40 AM »

Shes not a role model, shes a supermodel.  Besides, do you think ANYONE is *acutally* dumb enough to go.....kate moss takes cocaine! And she being slandered for it! Gee, i must go and get some too!

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #59 : October 03, 2005, 03:19:37 AM »

It's only the same as, say Wayne Rooney, who is constantly swearing at the ref, getting in trouble, etc. Most people acknowledge how he is a role model. There's no difference betwen him and kate Moss apart from the profession they happen to be in.

Almost anyone who is in the public eye to the extent Kate Moss is, will be a role model.

Please rush me my portable walrus polishing kit. Four super brushes that will clean even the trickiest of seabound mammals. Yes, I am over eighteen, though my IQ isn't.

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