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Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

« : September 23, 2005, 08:41:20 PM »

Kate Moss was allegedly shown taking cocaine.  Following the publication of this picture in the media, some of her contracts were cancelled, the police are investigating her and there are questions about whether she is a fit mother of her two year old daughter.  Kate has recently put out a statement apologising for letting people down.

Did she have it coming or is she a victim of a media feeding frenzy?  Is she a role model purely because she's in the public eye or do you think that what she does in private is nobody's business but her own?


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS

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Death Delerium

« #1 : September 23, 2005, 08:48:13 PM »

Kate Moss is cool.  Its blatant shes been taking coke since at least 99...  I dont see why her contracts should be dropped, with the exception of perhaps rimmel because shes still really pretty.
As for her child, i dont know if she is a fit mother, i mean it cant be easy having a child and being a supermodel.  My friends mother is in with the Jade/Kate crowd so they go on holiday with them and stuff and he says she doesnt look after her kid properly or give it first priority but ..... hmm.

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.

« #2 : September 23, 2005, 09:23:49 PM »

I think Kate is cool also, I like her more than Naomi. I do think she is a role model. I just think she could be shown more doing things with her daughter, you know. Shown being the mother she apparently is. I mean, she shouldn't be dropped for taking Coke, yeah it's bad and all, but there are plenty of other celebrities who take it, maybe on the sly. She should be left alone. And also, I am should it's not a easy life being a mum and a supermodel, but she's done it so far hasn't she?

I think where the "did she have it coming or victim of a media frenzy" is concerned, I think it's a mixture of both.

« #3 : September 23, 2005, 10:51:40 PM »

I've heard all kinds of stories about Kate Moss..this story about her taking cocaine and the other about not looking after her kid properly. I think Kate's alright but I don't think that she's as great as she used to be. As both Shadowfax and Pollz have already said, she's had a tough time recently because she's a supermodel and a mum so it's not easy for her.

I think that she's gone downhill since dating Pete Doherty..he has a bad reputation and I think that she has a bad reputation now because of him..yes I know that I sound harsh by saying this but it's what I think.

About the "did she have it coming or is she a victim of a media feeding frenzy"..I think there is a mixture of both about this. I think that she had it coming because of the stories about her and Pete as well as stories about not giving her daughter first priority.

However, I think that she is a victim of a media feeding frenzy because she is in the public eye, she is famous for being a supermodel and because of's gonna be difficult for her to actually have a private life because she (along with many other celebs) will be followed around by papparazi and you gotta be extra careful with what you do in your private life when you're as famous as her.

« #4 : September 24, 2005, 12:50:16 AM »

I think what she does in her private life is completely up to her, as long it doesn't affect her work.

I think that she's gone downhill since dating Pete Doherty..he has a bad reputation and I think that she has a bad reputation now because of him..yes I know that I sound harsh by saying this but it's what I think.

I agree.  I think that ever since she met him, she has changed one hell of a lot.  I don't know...blah!

But yeah...she can do whatever she likes in her private life.  Thousands upon millions of people do cocaine so why should her face be plastered over the papers and news JUST BECAUSE she's got fame and money under her belt?
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« #5 : September 24, 2005, 01:01:24 AM »

Thats the thing about being a celebrity...

...You dont HAVE a private life. Its just the way it is.
I think she could of done with being a bit more careful about how she went about snorting coke, etc. If there were pics of her blatantly snorting it, then she obviously didnt know(or care) that there were camera's on her.
Possesing coke (A class a drug) is a criminal offence. She must of had it on her person, in order to snort it. Its a know fact she has done it before.
If I was her employer, I would of been extremely unhappy with this situation, I think I would of been with-holding her contract on the basis she is/was involved with criminal activity, as it would not be looking very good for business.
Big businesses like H&M, and Rimmel, etc etc have a point.


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Death Delerium

« #6 : September 24, 2005, 04:09:48 AM »

I dont see whats wrong with her going out with Pete Doherty....or at least I dont see how its damaging her reputation anymore; who hasnt she shagged? Shes like groupie turbo promiscuous individual.....and always coked up, firstly its been quite well known for a few years now, secondly, you dont stay that skinny..nope.

*sigh* - i wish i was her.

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
Ranger of the North

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cillian love

« #7 : September 24, 2005, 04:48:55 PM »

I love Kate Moss, she really is stunning. I don't agree that it's just because of Pete that she is snorting cocaine, like Shadowfax said, it's been going on for ages, it's just easy to blame Pete because of his reputation. I think, as long as she is a good mother to Lila, then it doesn't much matter what drugs she is doing.

As for young girls seeing her snorting coke and thinking that they should because it's 'cool', I think that this is ridiculous. Personally, I really admire Kate, and yet after seeing the pics of her drug taking, I didn't feel the sudden urge to snort some coke myself. Maybe, I am just being naiveé but I don't think young girls are that impressionable, and most can't afford to snort coke anyways, it's an expensive habit!

As for the media, they really need to get over it, wherever I turn, it's all 'cocaine kate', getting kind of boring now guys, especially as it was obviously happening anyways. As far as I am concerned, kate is good at what she does, she's a good mother and that's all that should matter. I feel so sorry for kate after losing most of her big contracts, especially her Burberry contract which has gone to Sienna Miller, who is as dull as dishwater (pur-lease).
« : September 24, 2005, 04:59:38 PM Isiong »

Runt: What's the color of love, Pig?
Pig: What sort of love, love?
Runt: Don't know. But you know the way things, they got a color. I wonder what the color of love is.
Pig: Jesus, Runt. You could read a thousand think books and never know the answer to that quiz.
Runt: It's be a good one to know, ah?
Pig: It'd be brilliant, Runt. It's around here somewhere.

« #8 : September 25, 2005, 11:13:23 PM »

From what I've read in most sources of mass media as well as a number of discussions that I've heard, everyone seems to have an opinion about this issue and possibly the whole country has a split opinion about this.

(Now, before you say or think this..I don't believe everything that I read in the papers but I thought this was rather interesting).

I was reading Billy Muir's column in the Wales on Sunday earlier and what he thought was "Weak of the week" was the fashion houses that ditched Kate Moss. This is what he had to say about that:

"Talk about hypocrisy. These companies have promoted the waste waif look for years and known that drugs are rife within their industry. It'll take a large spray of perfume to cover this stink."

On the other hand, there was another opinion about this where Keith Hallawell (a former drugs tsar) criticised the country's top policeman for ordering an investigation into claims about Kate Moss taking cocaine. He said: "It would be wrong to either let someone off or prosecute them because they are high-profile".

Hmm..rather interesting opinions there.

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« #9 : September 27, 2005, 05:19:46 PM »

Kate Moss deserves more than having her contracts dropped.

She's a drug addict...end of.  Why is she spared the convictions of an unfamous drug addict, just because she's averagely-pretty and can wear clothes on a catwalk?

She's made her bed, she should lie in it too.  Why should she get away with drug-taking?  If I did it, if any of you did it, it would be jail almost definately.  Why shoudln't she be locked up?

It makes me sick how "celebrities" get off with stuff because they're somewhat famous. 

She's a terrible role model, with a junkie boyfriend.  If I had kids, I'd teach them how horrible she is.  I woudln't want them with a drug-addict boyfriend and thinking drugs are "cool."

She deserves a much more severe punishment.  Saying sorry doesn't erase it.

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cillian love

« #10 : September 27, 2005, 10:07:23 PM »

Why should she apologise, it's her life and she can ruin it in whatever dumbass way she wants to. And she worked hard to get those contracts and to lose them when she is only doing what most of the modelling world is, is unfair.

Runt: What's the color of love, Pig?
Pig: What sort of love, love?
Runt: Don't know. But you know the way things, they got a color. I wonder what the color of love is.
Pig: Jesus, Runt. You could read a thousand think books and never know the answer to that quiz.
Runt: It's be a good one to know, ah?
Pig: It'd be brilliant, Runt. It's around here somewhere.

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« #11 : September 27, 2005, 10:17:11 PM »

Why should she apologise, it's her life and she can ruin it in whatever dumbass way she wants to. And she worked hard to get those contracts and to lose them when she is only doing what most of the modelling world is, is unfair.

I agree. I mean the companies knew she was on drugs...i'd say at least 7 years ago. But now that this is all frontpage news, splattered over the media, they feel the need to drop her, incase she damages their precious reputation. It isn't on. I say...fair play to her, shes a millionaire, shes damn-all else to spend her money on...may as well! That's just my opinion.

On the other hand...I do believe that her fame and her position in the upper class of society does not make her exempt from the fact that she has committed a crime for possessing and using a class-A drug, and should be arrested and charged immediately...especially since Sir Ian Blair told us about his huge "crackdown on drugs." I swear, if it were someone on the dole, or someone working for a fiver an hour in Tescos or something, they'd be arrested, charged and imprisoned full term.

I know what i've said is a paradox....but it makes sense to me... :P

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cillian love

« #12 : September 27, 2005, 10:21:59 PM »

Makes sense to me too, and I whole heartedly agree. It's isn't right that she gets away with the crime because of who she is, but that's life at the end of the day.

Runt: What's the color of love, Pig?
Pig: What sort of love, love?
Runt: Don't know. But you know the way things, they got a color. I wonder what the color of love is.
Pig: Jesus, Runt. You could read a thousand think books and never know the answer to that quiz.
Runt: It's be a good one to know, ah?
Pig: It'd be brilliant, Runt. It's around here somewhere.

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« #13 : September 27, 2005, 10:24:32 PM »

In my ideal world, models wouldn't exist....

...soon people, soon...



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« #14 : September 27, 2005, 10:26:42 PM »

In my ideal world, models wouldn't exist....

Agree with you totally. All they do is make women think that they need to be unhealthily thin to be beautiful :dry:.

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