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: World of Warcraft  ( 42314 )
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Héru Endórë 2005

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« : June 11, 2005, 04:50:33 PM »

So, who else has succumbed and spends their days in a darkened room desperately scraping together parts for your latest engineering project ;)

there HAVE to be some of you, and if not, get it! and then come post here ;D

Certifiåble N.U.T.T.E.R.
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« #1 : June 11, 2005, 08:15:04 PM »

If you are a foul member of the horde then I'm afraid I'm going to have to insert a fishing pole where the sun don't shine :P.

Héru Endórë 2005

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« #2 : June 12, 2005, 02:32:01 PM »

ohhh you fishermen, you make me laugh, it amazes me that they managed to capture all the stullifying boredom of fishing inside of a CRPG, that's attention to detail ;)

and incidentally no, i'm not one of those ganking, corpsecamping, dirty playing and bizarrely organised beings ;)

Certifiåble N.U.T.T.E.R.
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« #3 : June 12, 2005, 03:34:12 PM »

Actually I don't fish at all, I get my mage friend to summon me food all the time :P

Amras Dorthonian

« #4 : June 15, 2005, 09:48:39 PM »

Im going to be frank here. I do not like World of Warcraft in the slightest. Ill give a few reasons why.

1) Why the Hell should you pay to play a game you have to buy in the first place. I get told well it stops young kids getting on and ruining it. But come on theres those tht dwell on WoW tht are worse then most kids. (Camping Scum)

2) The Level limit is far to high and the differences in a Lvl 1 and a Lvl 60 are too big. I mean come on half the LvL 60 think they own the place cause they can kill lower levels big wow thier clever. Poor low levels you should be ashamed of yourselfs Lvl 60s.

3) Fishing WTF is the point of tht if you want to fish why do it on a computer Hello worlds exists get out of them dark damp BO infested Rooms and get some fresh air. You can fish in real life you know.

Ok well theres 3 reasons why I dislike WoW and theres prolly more but Im tired and cant think of any at the moment. Hope this has made your afternoon a happier place. :)

Ranger of the North

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« #5 : June 16, 2005, 03:26:05 AM »

1) The money is actually a small factor, I bought the game a month and a half ago and its worth every penny in my opinion and how exactly do you camp on WoW? I've seen people make camp fires and sing songs but no actual camping.

2) The point in levels is to keep you entertained and set limits. I mean if there were no levels than everyone would have epic items and the game would be dull and boring, You've got to invest time to reep the rewards.

3) The point of fishing is to catch fish obviously. You can then eat it to recover health.

And I was like you once, I didn't want to get the game even though I'm an avid warcraft fan because of the subscription fee but when I saw house awesome it was I bought it.


« #6 : June 16, 2005, 03:37:44 PM »

This games better than Online Star Wars Galaxies  ::). My flibblin borther plays it and it looks pants

World of Warcraft =  8)
Héru Endórë 2005

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« #7 : June 16, 2005, 05:48:48 PM »

Im going to be frank here. I do not like World of Warcraft in the slightest. Ill give a few reasons why.

1) Why the Hell should you pay to play a game you have to buy in the first place. I get told well it stops young kids getting on and ruining it. But come on theres those tht dwell on WoW tht are worse then most kids. (Camping Scum)

2) The Level limit is far to high and the differences in a Lvl 1 and a Lvl 60 are too big. I mean come on half the LvL 60 think they own the place cause they can kill lower levels big wow thier clever. Poor low levels you should be ashamed of yourselfs Lvl 60s.

3) Fishing WTF is the point of tht if you want to fish why do it on a computer Hello worlds exists get out of them dark damp BO infested Rooms and get some fresh air. You can fish in real life you know.

Ok well theres 3 reasons why I dislike WoW and theres prolly more but Im tired and cant think of any at the moment. Hope this has made your afternoon a happier place. :)

it's cool that you don't like it, but don't be so rude in future, there's no need for it.

completely agree with you about fishing, incidentally, but it's hardly the most vital skill in the game, i've never had any problems without it. as a put down for the game it's not exactly bowling me over.

i rather suspect that the subscription is for those little, trivial costs, like running bloody big worldwide servers, you know, i mean it's ridiculous what they charge, why those things must about run themselves! :o and camping, well, that's more a complaint about players really, that's not the game, that's the people in it, it's an important disctinction to make :)

and the lvl limit? that's just the play-style, the idea is that, when you put in alot of effort, you kick touche. now admittedly it's about as realistic as a cheap rubber haddock, but then what game isn't?

all in all, i do hope you're right, and can make better points, because i prefer my discussion's a little more stimulating :)

Certifiåble N.U.T.T.E.R.
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« #8 : July 13, 2005, 01:00:32 AM »

Lol, well my character, whose name is Blaen if you wish to add him to your friends list, is a lvl 46 rogue with bottomless funds due to the fact I have discovered a way to make to make huge profits using arcane crystals :laugh:

Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #9 : July 13, 2005, 03:32:48 PM »

Yup .. :) .. I've got the game too.

I was actually just thinking about starting a topic on it sometime soon because I was wondering if anyone wanted to meet up with me on it ..  ::) .. It'll be such a laugh .. :laugh:

Anyway, my character is a Human - Priest called Lucanío and at the moment, he's level 23 and this level is going extremely slow because I've just been travelling around to IronForge and Stormwind.  ;)

So .. anyone else got a Priest?

Héru Endórë 2005

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« #10 : July 16, 2005, 10:33:45 PM »

nope, got a warrior, or i will have when i get a regular net connection again...give it another fortnight ::)

so what realms are you bodies on? am a darksorrow player myself, assuming i havejn't been so inactive it booted my chars :o

(actually don't know whether it does that or not so...)

Certifiåble N.U.T.T.E.R.
Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #11 : July 17, 2005, 12:06:43 AM »

I'm in Dreanor ..  8)

Ranger of the North

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« #12 : July 24, 2005, 10:20:47 PM »

How did you get there? ???

Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #13 : July 25, 2005, 02:47:59 AM »

Erm ..  :-\ .. I chose.  ::)

Ranger of the North

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« #14 : July 25, 2005, 03:08:44 AM »

Interesting...Well I recently unlearnt leatherworking (I had already made myself the best stuff I could with it) and I learnt enchating instead :D

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