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Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #15 : July 26, 2005, 12:06:26 AM »

At the moment I've learnt Tailoring and Herbalism. :)


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« #16 : September 12, 2005, 07:45:57 PM »

Ooh more WoW gamers :PP

I have a level 59 Gnome Rogue on Deathwing PvP.  Member of the mighty Tanith First and Only guild 8)  Also got a 49 Human Warlock and a 47 Night Elf Warrior.

*shameless plug time* - a World of Warcraft Alliance Guild on Deathwing PvP Server

'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #17 : September 28, 2005, 06:52:03 PM »

1) Why the Hell should you pay to play a game you have to buy in the first place. I get told well it stops young kids getting on and ruining it. But come on theres those tht dwell on WoW tht are worse then most kids. (Camping Scum)

<£9 a month is hardly going to leave you pennyless.  And unfortunately it doesn't deter kids - so thats rubbish!

*mutters* bloody kids *mutters*

As for the old 'why should we pay more for a game we paid for in the first place' counter - do you realise how much running costs are involved!?  Blizzard need a steady monthly income to cover costs etc.

2) The Level limit is far to high and the differences in a Lvl 1 and a Lvl 60 are too big. I mean come on half the LvL 60 think they own the place cause they can kill lower levels big wow thier clever. Poor low levels you should be ashamed of yourselfs Lvl 60s.

LMAO!  Everyones gotta start at level 1 and work their way to 60 - that is, the aim of the game!  You don't want to be killed by the opposing faction?  Then don't choose a PvP server.  Simple as.

Blizzard have now implemented an honor system which has helped limit the ammount of pointless ganking.

Although I was having fun yesterday killing level 45 undead mage with my level 60 rogue in one hit :D  Ambush crit for 1401 - instant death ;D 

3) Fishing WTF is the point of tht if you want to fish why do it on a computer Hello worlds exists get out of them dark damp BO infested Rooms and get some fresh air. You can fish in real life you know.

You can only get some cool items via fishing.  Its not as useless as it seems.

I smell a Guild Wars fan here :D

So is anyone else on the Deathwing Euro server?
« : September 28, 2005, 06:54:24 PM Logan »
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'
Ranger of the North

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« #18 : September 28, 2005, 07:12:25 PM »

Nah I play on Azol Nerub myself. Havn't played in months though cos I'm too busy to resubscribe :dry:


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« #19 : October 18, 2005, 06:19:35 PM »

I just started playing this a couple of days ago coz my bf has it and loves it. I currently have a lvl17 Night Elf Rogue and I love her, she's great! I have done some of the quests for fishing and got a lot of XP from doing them so they're good for helping level and getting items. Besides in real life I don't think you're likely to catch yourself armour of other random things as cool.

I took Tailoring and Enchanting, also pretty good at Cooking and Fishing actually ::) on Malygos server...that's my bfs one so don't have a lot of choice.

I even got an honour kill the other day coz Auberdine was under attack and I ran back, didn't know what the hell was going on though :wacko:


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« #20 : October 20, 2005, 07:36:56 AM »

Blizzard need a steady monthly income to cover costs etc.

That didn't stop them releasing Diablo II for free online multiplayer, Warcraft's I - III, Starcraft and the original Diablo on

Sure, WOW needs a lot of servers, but so did DII, and it's still running after all these years almost perfectly.

Anyhow, I'll have to get a trial of it somewhere, because I flat out object to renting video games- which is now what we're doing when we purchase a PC game.....such is the power of the companies that hold the copyrights.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #21 : October 20, 2005, 01:53:27 PM »

That didn't stop them releasing Diablo II for free online multiplayer, Warcraft's I - III, Starcraft and the original Diablo on

Sure, WOW needs a lot of servers, but so did DII, and it's still running after all these years almost perfectly.

Oh come now.  None of those games you mention above, hardly stress servers to the level that WoW does.  Not to mention WoW is currently the most played MMORPG to date, with number of users surpassing all Blizzards expectations.  If I totalled up the amount of time I have put into WoW, I would be astonished!  Its the best value for money product I have EVER bought.  No other product I own has been used so much.  I won't begrudge Blizzard the measly £9 a month.

In fact, it probably sees more usage then my Sky digital, which I pay around £30 a month for!

Anyhow, I'll have to get a trial of it somewhere, because I flat out object to renting video games- which is now what we're doing when we purchase a PC game.....such is the power of the companies that hold the copyrights.

That's your perogative of course, though you deny yourself the experience of a truly great game.  Allow me to be the first to tell you I told you so, when you do finally get round to playing it and are hooked ;)

'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #22 : October 20, 2005, 09:41:47 PM »

Maybe so, but I disagree with the consumer not having ownership of the product they buy, merely license to it- it's just not right, not for the prices we pay for the privelidge.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #23 : October 20, 2005, 10:39:36 PM »

Maybe so, but I disagree with the consumer not having ownership of the product they buy, merely license to it- it's just not right, not for the prices we pay for the privelidge.

How'd you figure that? :8o

I 'bought' the game, at full retail price, £29.99 or whatever it was.  That product is under MY ownership.

What I am 'renting' as you put it, is the privelidge to play on Blizzard's servers and connect with others - something I find justifiable and reasonable - but then that's my opinion as I've played the game, I know how fooking awesome it is, and how I think its worth every penny :P :D
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #24 : October 21, 2005, 01:34:57 AM »

I'm not here from confrontation, why you're saying things in such a tone is unbelievable to me at this point.

However, I'll answer your ever read the license agreements? If you did, you'd read the contract between you and the distribution company responsable for the games, in this contract, it is stated very clearly and very aggressively that this is not "your" copy of the game by way of "ownership" but rather by license. Now, basically what that means for the consumer, is that that company has full ownership of the product, while you're paying or have payed for the license to play their product that they own. You own a CD Key friend, nothing more, nothing less.

In terms of legality, this means that you as a consumer are paying a lease on the game or other software, it is not yours, merely a license to use it, meaning that potentially the companies involved could do whatever they want to the agreement. In the case of a game such as World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Eve Online, and other such MMORPGs, this could have big implacations in the unlikely, but possible event of discontinued support for the games in question. Now, what would happen is that there is the agreement, which would have changed, but you have already electronically and digitally signed that you agreed to their terms, one of which is often a no-responsability clause in the contract that makes them non-implacable for the servers going down, or the game being unplayable due to anything but deliberate negligance.

Same goes for console games, you buy the license to play it, you don't own it. Therefore, this can be in theory potentially be exploited to kill the second hand video game market, or to make multiplayer gaming on the same computer illegal in that that would be breach of copyright and breach of license.

Steam is the biggest example I know of that is licensed gaming, you are authenticated by license, they can ban your whole steam ID if they want to, for whatever "legitimate" reasons they want, and you can't do a damn thing, why? Because the terms of service stated all this before you clicked "I agree"

But I digress.....this is all a mixture of personal opinion, theory and fact melded into a post, the very fact that we buy licenses, and not ownership of a product is worrying and can be exploited thereabouts all manner of loopholes and agreements can be created by a paranoid and panicing games industry frightened by loss of revenue and piracy.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #25 : October 21, 2005, 02:33:38 AM »

I'm not here from confrontation, why you're saying things in such a tone is unbelievable to me at this point.

 :8o in what tone!?  I'm merely saying how much I enjoy the game ffs!

However, I'll answer your ever read the license agreements? If you did, you'd read the contract between you and the distribution company responsable for the games, in this contract, it is stated very clearly and very aggressively that this is not "your" copy of the game by way of "ownership" but rather by license. Now, basically what that means for the consumer, is that that company has full ownership of the product, while you're paying or have payed for the license to play their product that they own. You own a CD Key friend, nothing more, nothing less.

In terms of legality, this means that you as a consumer are paying a lease on the game or other software, it is not yours, merely a license to use it, meaning that potentially the companies involved could do whatever they want to the agreement. In the case of a game such as World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Eve Online, and other such MMORPGs, this could have big implacations in the unlikely, but possible event of discontinued support for the games in question. Now, what would happen is that there is the agreement, which would have changed, but you have already electronically and digitally signed that you agreed to their terms, one of which is often a no-responsability clause in the contract that makes them non-implacable for the servers going down, or the game being unplayable due to anything but deliberate negligance.

Same goes for console games, you buy the license to play it, you don't own it. Therefore, this can be in theory potentially be exploited to kill the second hand video game market, or to make multiplayer gaming on the same computer illegal in that that would be breach of copyright and breach of license.

Steam is the biggest example I know of that is licensed gaming, you are authenticated by license, they can ban your whole steam ID if they want to, for whatever "legitimate" reasons they want, and you can't do a damn thing, why? Because the terms of service stated all this before you clicked "I agree"

That's all nice and everything, but whats your point?  So I don't 'OWN' the game.  And?  You telling me that because of your standpoint on such an issue you now won't buy any games!? :8o LMAO :laugh:

That's entirely your choice, but for pity's sake, does it really make a big difference? ???  You buy the game (or license :P ) you install/run it, play it and enjoy it.  Makes no frigging difference to me if I don't 'OWN' the game.

But I digress.....this is all a mixture of personal opinion, theory and fact melded into a post, the very fact that we buy licenses, and not ownership of a product is worrying and can be exploited thereabouts all manner of loopholes and agreements can be created by a paranoid and panicing games industry frightened by loss of revenue and piracy.

Riiiiiiight.  You think too much about this kind of stuff, obviously!

Anyway, I'm off to play WoW :laugh:
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #26 : October 21, 2005, 03:50:01 AM »

in what tone!?

In the fact that everything you put down in both posts are in a mocking, almost pedantic tone that really shows nothing of interest to me except that you're irritated for some reason.....and that's fine by me, I'm not irritated, so there's no worries.

If you want to insult me, go on ahead, you'll get no rise from me, however my point is simply a response to your original question- "How'd you figure that?"

You'd rather that I ignored your question flat-out than provide a full answer to it?

My point was simply my personal opinion of the PC gaming world, one in which I'll not be a part of much longer. With the onset of a new, restrictive, censoring and expensive Windows infrastructure and many new computing laws that grant less power to the consumer, the PC as it is now will fast become my final upgrade. Consoles I don't mind, but PCs are getting silly.

whats your point?  So I don't 'OWN' the game.  And?

I answered your question "How'd you figure that?", that's my point- if you choose to mock me rather than accept my answer then that's your perusal, however, you do realise you're slandering me because I won't play a game that you like? Think on this.....and what that means towards yourself.

« : October 21, 2005, 03:57:40 AM Megatron »

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #27 : October 21, 2005, 04:42:00 AM »

In the fact that everything you put down in both posts are in a mocking, almost pedantic tone that really shows nothing of interest to me except that you're irritated for some reason.....and that's fine by me, I'm not irritated, so there's no worries.

LMAO :laugh: You found that 'mocking'? :8o  I'm far from irritated dude ;)  :P

If you want to insult me, go on ahead, you'll get no rise from me, however my point is simply a response to your original question- "How'd you figure that?"

Um, I have no desire whatsoever to insult you.  I don't even know you.  I have no idea why you even believe I am trying to insult you.  Please point out to me where I have 'insulted' you.  I'm pretty sure I haven't said anything like "you're an ass" or similar :P  Oh and that wasn't an insult by the way, just in case you think it was ;)

EDIT:  Though on closer inspection, looking at your profile this morning, your e-mail address is very similar to someone who used to frequent the Blades-UK forum and was moderator.  So maybe I do know you of sorts ;)

You'd rather that I ignored your question flat-out than provide a full answer to it?

My point was simply my personal opinion of the PC gaming world, one in which I'll not be a part of much longer. With the onset of a new, restrictive, censoring and expensive Windows infrastructure and many new computing laws that grant less power to the consumer, the PC as it is now will fast become my final upgrade. Consoles I don't mind, but PCs are getting silly.

Sure you provided an answer to the question...and then some!  I don't really have much interest in your personal opinion of the gaming industry.

You proved that I don't technically 'own' the game.  Fair enough.  I then went on to elaborate on how that doesn't bother me in the slightest as long as I'm still getting enjoyment out of the game.


I answered your question "How'd you figure that?", that's my point- if you choose to mock me rather than accept my answer then that's your perusal, however, you do realise you're slandering me because I won't play a game that you like?

ROFL you're hilarious :laugh: ;D  I really would like to know where you got this whole 'mockign me' thing from ::)  And now I am slandering you!?  ROFL :laugh:  Sure, whatever you say mate.

Think on this.....and what that means towards yourself.

*ponders for a moment*

Hmmm..nah, can't be arsed. 8)
« : October 21, 2005, 01:53:01 PM Logan »
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #28 : October 24, 2005, 12:42:21 AM »

Riiiiiiight.  You think too much about this kind of stuff, obviously!
Sarcasm trying to make me look stupid; an obvious insult.

That's all nice and everything, but whats your point?
Sarcasm trying to make me look stupid; an obvious insult.

What I am 'renting' as you put it,
Sarcasm trying to make me look stupid; an obvious insult.

No need for that tone.

You telling me that because of your standpoint on such an issue you now won't buy any games!? blink LMAO laugh
Sarcasm trying to make me look stupid; an obvious insult.

ROFL you're hilarious
Sarcasm trying to make me look stupid; an obvious insult.

I was never a part of the Blades UK forum, I'm not a fan of the place.

There are more to insults than merely saying an insulting phrase such as "you're an ass" because when you mask your insults in sarcasm, you merely cloud it from people who don't notice it. But then, I'd say you've plenty of experience in this field judging from your style on here.

Anyway, we're completely f-u-c-k-e-r-i-s-i-n-g this topic, if you want it to close please continue.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p
Ranger of the North

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« #29 : October 24, 2005, 04:02:56 AM »

I think everyone will appreciate this comic...

Note the mountain of money and human souls...Yup sounds like Blizzard to me ::)

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