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« #30 : October 24, 2005, 05:00:53 AM »

That my friend, is an awesome piece of work.  8)

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #31 : October 24, 2005, 06:37:54 AM »

There are more to insults than merely saying an insulting phrase such as "you're an ass" because when you mask your insults in sarcasm, you merely cloud it from people who don't notice it. But then, I'd say you've plenty of experience in this field judging from your style on here.

No.  Sarcasm and insults are completely different.  If I wanted to insult you, I would have just done it.  I wouldn't hide behind sarcasm, why would I?  I have nothing to lose by hiding behind it, so I would have just outright insulted you.  However I neither know you or wish to insult you.  Obviously you have interpret my intentions incorrectly or have some kind of insecurity complex where you believe my comments were insulting.

But anyway, LOL at the toon :P :laugh:
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #32 : October 24, 2005, 06:45:44 AM »

They are not completely different when they are used in league with each other. You obviously don't seem to get it. Either that, or you're out to save face. Either way, this "conversation" is over.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #33 : October 24, 2005, 06:53:20 AM »

They are not completely different when they are used in league with each other. You obviously don't seem to get it. Either that, or you're out to save face. Either way, this "conversation" is over.

Oh whatever ::)

All this started because I didn't happen to agree with your view on modern PC gaming.  And obviously because I didn't agree, you didn't like it!

For the record, I don't know you, I have no reason to mock you as you put it, or to insult you.  You were far too easily offended by my comments for some bizarre reason.

So as you say, this 'conversation' is over ;)
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #34 : October 24, 2005, 08:22:20 AM »

All this started because I didn't happen to agree with your view on modern PC gaming.  And obviously because I didn't agree, you didn't like it!

Nope, it started because you decided that it'd be a good idea to get very sarky just because my post didn't seem to fit in line with what you think. It was a general comment on video games, and wasd not actually made solely at you. However, you took it that way, and proceeded for the next few replies to reply in a mocking tone, with plenty of sarcastic comments that many would take offense to, and strategically placed smilies just to add to it. I don't care who agrees with the fact that the games industry have the power over us at all, I do care when someone takes something so small as a post and retorts with a sarcastic barrage that'd make a Northern Irish politician look good.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #35 : October 24, 2005, 12:54:04 PM »

Nope, it started because you decided that it'd be a good idea to get very sarky just because my post didn't seem to fit in line with what you think. It was a general comment on video games, and wasd not actually made solely at you. However, you took it that way, and proceeded for the next few replies to reply in a mocking tone, with plenty of sarcastic comments that many would take offense to, and strategically placed smilies just to add to it. I don't care who agrees with the fact that the games industry have the power over us at all, I do care when someone takes something so small as a post and retorts with a sarcastic barrage that'd make a Northern Irish politician look good.

Ah whatever.  You are seriously boring the hell out of me now.

Think what you want.  You're a tit.  There.  Hows that for an insult?  Proper one for you! ;)
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #36 : October 25, 2005, 01:26:23 AM »

And you're an arsehole.

It's over.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #37 : October 25, 2005, 05:23:54 AM »

And you're an arsehole.

It's over.

'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'
Ranger of the North

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« #38 : October 26, 2005, 02:07:36 AM »

Well this is of little relevance to WoW ::)


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« #39 : October 26, 2005, 02:29:34 AM »

When you think about it, it kinda is, because the amount of arseholes you get online is crazy, especially online. Counterstrike Source is the biggest example, it's a game you'd only let a 16-18 year old play nowadays because of the "Porn Spray" craze, besides it's an example of

"Arguing with someone on the internet is like mud wrestling with a pig. In the end you just get dirty, and the pig likes it."

 :P :laugh: ::) much for this topic anyhow.  ???

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p

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« #40 : October 26, 2005, 02:55:56 AM »

If you were referring to me, I certainly hope you included yourself in your comment about the 'amount of arseholes online', because if I'm guilty, so are you! ;) :P

And for the record, I'm 24 8)
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'

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« #41 : October 26, 2005, 07:32:55 AM »

For the record, I give not a s-h-i-t.

I was referring to arguing online in general quite obviously.

It's over #2.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p
Ranger of the North

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« #42 : October 26, 2005, 11:56:56 PM »

Actually this is very similar to an argument my brother had with someone in his group about whether gems should be Need or Greed, strange that.


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« #43 : October 27, 2005, 12:27:09 AM »

Actually this is very similar to an argument my brother had with someone in his group about whether gems should be Need or Greed, strange that.

Gems you always roll greed! :laugh:

Its usually either one or the other.  EVERYONE rolls need, or EVERYONE rolls greed 8)

What's annoying is when people all roll greed except for one ninja looter who rolls need >(
'An Alliance World of Warcraft Guild on Deathwing PvP'
Ranger of the North

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« #44 : October 27, 2005, 12:40:20 AM »

Well to be fair my brother did need the Gem to be able to make goggles he needed for head protection. And also he didn't know everyone puts greed for Gems and infact neither did I because I always pass on them as I don't need them. But what was disgraceful is how one of the other members of the group overeacted like hell and then proceeded to roll need on everything else
« : October 27, 2005, 11:19:30 PM Blaen »

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