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« #30 : April 10, 2004, 10:32:14 PM »

this one is one of mine i love ;D

Destruction of a power

The skies become black,
The clouds blood red,
The hearts of men shake with fear
As the world prepares.

The Heavens rumble with hidden rage,
The Gods speak in muffled tones,
Women and children hide in their homes,
As Man prepares.

One Army stands,
Upon the hill,
Four crimson flags
Held up by four bleach-white skeletons,
Four thousand strong,
And six thousand more

The other stands proud,
In their low ditches,
Two blue flags,
Held by two pale boys,
Two thousand strong,
And four thousand more.

The silence is pounding,
The wind blows softly,
Hauntingly familiar,
The remembrance of a life,
The destruction of a power.

Four thousand strong
And six thousand more,
Charge with swords in hands,
Hands that bare no flesh.

Two thousand strong
And four thousand more,
Stand with dreaded silence,
Watching the approach.

Then, Four thousand strong
And sixth thousand more,
Stop short, in perfect alignment,

Two thousand strong
And four thousand more,
Charge, clash and fight for their lives.

The battle wore on,
For a day and a night,
Four thousand strong
And six thousand more
Became two thousand strong
And three thousand more

Two thousand strong
And four thousand more
Were victors of the battle.

Now two thousand strong
And three thousand more
Were the devils own.
Defeated by man
The battle of worlds
Becomes the destruction of a Power.

and this is one too:

Have you ever seen the everlasting glade?

Have you ever seen the everlasting glade?
The glade basked in silence at night
The glade full of light at day.
A glade of silent sounds
Of small birds and of small animals
Of rustles as the wind goes by
And of silent changes in the seasons.

Have you ever seen the everlasting glade?
The glade of life
The glade of light
The glade that is always peaceful,
The old oak tree still in bloom
Where birds perch and sing
Of joys past and joys to come.

Have you ever seen the everlasting glade?
The glade where people walk in peace
They talk silent conversations
As they walk their silent walks.
The animals chatter to one another
As they go about picking berries,
Striking wood and all the other things animals do.

Have you ever seen the everlasting glade?
Trees of all shapes, sizes and kinds
Grow and absorb the sun.
The nights are cool and blissful
The stars shine high
And make their constellations
As the sun sings out another day.

Have you ever seen the everlasting glade?
When wintertime comes
When all is white and glistening
And the old oak tree covered in ice
When all is still and cold outside
Look inside and find warmth, happiness and movement all around
Find life still runs deep in the earth and deep in the hearts.

Have you ever seen the everlasting glade?
Look inside yourself
And find the glade
The glade that comes to life when you go forth to it
And the glade that dies
When you desert it
Look inside your heart and find your peaceful silence


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Red Ali

« #31 : April 24, 2004, 03:27:16 AM »

i dont no if u wld class this as a poem but it'll do 4 me

The Path of Life

Have you ever had the feeling?
That you don’t know who you are?
The emptiness within
The nothing inside
The numbness of your body
It’s never simple enough
But it’s what you just have to take

Life is just a path
And you are the weary traveller
Walking everyday trying to reach your goals and dreams
Even though you might not know what they are
Or where they are
You just keep going
Yes you may take some wrong turns
But you can always find a way back onto the path you wish to lead
However far it seems it’s always there

When you get to the crossroads
You will then have to make a chose
A chose which only you can make
Which may or may not be life changing
But still you have to make a chose
You may choose to fight or fall
If you chose to fall you might find yourself in a place where you can’t get out
If you fight you will strive to show your strength
Whether you win or lose you can always make your way along the path
No matter what

Your path will cross many different paths
But the most important one is the one that joins to someone else’s
Where you will then be much stronger
With the one you feel most safe with
You will be invincible until you reach the end
Where you will look back and say
“Hey, I did have a good life.”

So go live your dreams
And never look back until you know you have come,
Come to the end of one of the greatest paths you’ll ever walk
« : April 24, 2004, 03:28:40 AM ~^*Noodle*^~ Neo »

You will never have a better friend than The Voice Within Your Heart
folllow it and seek advice from it when you need it
Ranger of the North

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« #32 : April 26, 2004, 05:37:42 AM »

When I sleep

In a world,
I visit when I sleep,
I feel you there,
Lying beside me.

And in this world,
I feel so safe in your arms,
And in this world,
I know that I can never be harmed.

In a world,
I visit when I sleep,
I feel you there,
Always beside me.

And though I wake,
Without you there,
I know one day this world I leave,
When the sun does rise,
You can take away this ache,
Of my heart.

Oh in this world,
I visit when I sleep,
I feel you there,
Always beeside me,
Yet why can't I,
Be with you when I wake?
Why must I,
Live with this ache?

Yet in the world,
I visit when I wake,
The sound of you,
Makes me still shake,
Because for you,
I feel a love so true,
And when I sleep,
I do miss you.

But now I see,
That when I sleep,
I feel you here beside me,
And when I wake,
It's now so clear,
You're still with me,
I need not fear,
I love you so and I can't let go,
In this world I visit,
When I sleep,
I see the future,
With you beside me.

"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now."

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Red Ali

« #33 : April 26, 2004, 09:58:02 PM »

here's another one of mine:


How do you know when you aren’t dreaming?
Can you always tell the difference,
between the dream world and the real world.

In the dream world you control what happens
And nothing ever goes wrong,
Unless you have a nightmare that is.
In your dreams you are always happy and you always get what you want
But it’s only a dream

When you wake up in the morning
You’re always not as happy as you were in your dreams
Because you know you don’t have what you did in your dream
But that doesn’t mean you can’t
Even though you’re in reality

Everyone has their fears
You just have to face them and overcome them,
That’s all
If you try hard enough to get what you want you can get it
But sometimes you will have to see that there is no hope
And get over the situation

Once you have broke free from the prison of your dreams
You can live your life like it was in the dream world but with one slight difference,

Your in the real world.

By the imagination of

Alison Pettigrew

You will never have a better friend than The Voice Within Your Heart
folllow it and seek advice from it when you need it
Sam Gamgee

« #34 : May 02, 2004, 08:05:43 PM »

For some reason it says I started this topic. *dies* I am honoured my poem was kept! *waves flag about*

Here's a new one, it's told from the point of view of Frodo to Sam as he hangs off mount doom in the film:

The fall

I am so weak, but you cant see,
My body, it does tire,
when I go, dont weep for me
I must plunge into the fire.

You always gave me courage,
But I will leave you soon
You don't have to look out for me anymore,
As I soar into this doom.

The ring has been cast away,
our journey has been slow,
let go of my heart and save yourself,
Let me fall to the depths below.

I want this death more than life itself,
Please, wont you understand?
That I can't go on living without my burden,
So unleash my weary hand.

Dont you let go! You now say,
But can't you see I want to?
But i am lifted by your love,
And at the end of all things, there is you.


« #35 : May 05, 2004, 12:29:24 AM »

blimey Sam! where'd you get this stuff?

Here I stand,
On my own,
Where are my friends?
Where's my home?

I thought i could make it alone,
All on my own,
I was wrong.
I was wrong.

Now that your here,
I can wipe away all my tears,
And even if one is lost,
We'll still hold strong.

PS, Sam in particular as you seem to like my work, check the With A Little Help topic for us would you?
Ranger of the North

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« #36 : May 06, 2004, 06:01:46 PM »

Before people read this, no I'm not depressed or sad or in any type of dark mood at all, it's simply a poem about Eowyn's own struggles etc. Which will hopefully be clear to anyone who bothers to read it. :P

A Darkness Inescapable

In a world filled with tears,
A winter,
Has fallen upon this land,
I can't see these tears that I weep,
I'm just too far from home,
Still standing before you,
Avoiding your eyes and gaze,
I know these words that you will speak,
I know what thoughts you feel,
Soon will begin the endless cold,
A darkness inescapable soon will fall.

Can our strength save what we have made,
Can this world be again found before the winter falls?

In a world filled with fears,
A darkness,
Has fallen upon us all,
I can no longer tread where I fear to go,
I can no longer see friend from foe,
Guide me through this shadow of doubt,
A darkness inescapable is falling now.

Be still my hand and do not shake,
Silent prayers to those above,
To give me the strength to fight for those I love,
Wishing and hoping for just one chance,
To fight for freedom and your beloved glance,
Torn between this lust for glory,
And your heart I long to end this story,
Yet now I see that you and I could not be,
You love another and that I now see.

In a world filled with endless struggle,
A winter it seems is falling before us,
The enemy is rising like a dark storm,
And soon this darkness inescapable will fall,
And so I pray to those who see,
Give me the stength to truly be,
Able to fight and give all that I can,
Whispers to those above,
Give me the strength to fight for those I love.
« : May 06, 2004, 09:21:52 PM True Love »

"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now."

« #37 : May 11, 2004, 12:18:02 AM »

tis very good TL, gets the point accross perfectly.

Time's Up on Me.

I won't just try,
Nor sit here and cry,
I won't let my friends just die,
I will not try.

When my world collapsed around me,
I still held strong.
When all my friends surround me
I know my time's almost gone.

Well let that day come,
When all I've said and done,
Won't matter anymore.
'Cause someone's just shut my door.

Time's up on me,
My train's just about to go.
Don't say it ain't so.
Don't say I can't go.

I saved you,
And sacrificed me.
This is your time now,
It aint my place for me to intrude.

Just go out and have fun.
Do what you can,
'Cause time's up on me,
And did what i can.

« #38 : May 23, 2004, 12:17:12 PM »

legolas lifted his bow
he shot the arrow swift and strait
he killed the orc
he made its fate

he meet a fair elf lady
he fell in love
he wanted to meet her
she was like heaven above

he met her again and again
she finally told her name
tatellion nienna she said
the day ended the same

he finally asked to marry her
she said yes and never left his side
she would ride with him to battle
on the same horse they would ride

they lived together forever
they would sit down together
and talk about the day they first meet
and the beauty of eachother they remember

they lived happy forever
whereveer they may be
how do i know this
that elf lady was me


« #39 : May 25, 2004, 12:25:48 AM »

You are my life,
My joy,
My pain,
I ain't gonna forget you.

I make it look as if I've moved on.
That's a lie,
When i'm not with you, it feels as if I'm going to die.
To me you'll never be gone.

The sun goes down,
I start the long road home,
It's like only half of me's here.

Your my only love girl,
You make my head swirl,
Some people say if you've found something don't let it go.

You get all these annoying questions,
Confusing affections,
Just go with your heart girl,
Whatever you say I'll ride it.

« #40 : May 28, 2004, 04:39:18 AM »

well,i'm not that good,but let me make up one off of the top of my head,tell me what you think. ;D


Sam's The Name
And Bravery's The Game
Beside Mr Frodo Is Where I Stay
Forever And Ever Throughout The Days
But We're Not Alone
We Have The Fellowship
Not Just The Fellowship
Our Friends
ForEver Until The End
They'll Be Helping Us Again And Again
So Here We Are
Back At Home
Who Knows
What The Future Betowes

well the reson some of the words may not be spelled correctly,is because i'm 11,so  private message me and tell me what you think!THANKS!
¤ Lor'ie`a¤

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Must you look at me this way?

« #41 : May 28, 2004, 08:19:32 PM »

As you probably all know by now, I am obsessed with Lor'ie`a; the character in my book "Under the falling leaves"....but heres a little poem i wrote about her.
It's about her when she and leggi are separated and well, uh read the end of my story at least so yall know what im talking about.  :P


      In the forest all golden with leaves, dwells a maiden pure and fair. She watches and waits for her lover's return, forsaken is she among friends. A heavy burden lies on her chest, the guilt she feels towards her friend. "Alas!", she cries, blue eyes they are swimming, from the tears no longer held back. "Rumil is dead!" her heart barely beats, knowing the cause of his end. Broken was his heart and very ill he became, unil he passed away from this earth. She knew in her soul what a cruel wretch that she was, and so depart from all others she must. Kill herself, she knew she could not, for the grief of her love would overcome him. Bowing her head, she said with a moan, "I am lost in this world, with no one to lead me home."

     It's very short i know :-\ but hey.... ;)

And i kinda just made it up on de spot lol.
« : May 29, 2004, 09:48:18 PM Lor'ie`a »

Please visit my site:

Elvish Nemesis

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The future is what you determine it to be

« #42 : May 29, 2004, 07:13:39 PM »

Early morning mist hovers,
As the red sun rises,
Above the grass.

Birds welcome the dawn,
From every branch,
In every tree.

A sense of life's slow awakening,
Stretching, an intake of breath,
Before the day ahead.

For how long?

Houses creep closer on all sides,
An industrial estate threatens trees,
Roads devour the hedges,
Concrete eating the grass.

For how long?
Before all the grass is gone,
Every tree uprooted,
Houses where the birds once sang.

How long before we see what we are doing?
How long before we see how to change?
that one's awesome, I reckon :) :-* Here's one I'm just making up on the spot, lol:

A butterfly's soul[/b]
Together we can fly away
Upon those golden wings
Our hearts and bodies forever stay
In the forest of wind that sings
The gentle warmth of a ray of sun
As it whisps through the canopy of trees
The flying birds, the deer that run
The butterflies, and the bees
All of which I give to you
Though down the hill emotions can roll
I give you my heart and all I can do
And fly it on a butterfly's soul.
« : May 29, 2004, 07:14:29 PM Ishizu »

In love with no one

~Broken Hearted~

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Come walk the shadows of stories with me...

« #43 : June 06, 2004, 02:13:59 AM »

Summer sun bakes the cracked concrete,
Of the pavement,
The black stripe of road,
Shimmers in the heat.

The guitar strums,
It's Spanish notes accompanying,
The dawdling mothers and prams,
The children licking ice creams.

The clack of the castanet,
Beats with the bounce of a basket ball,
As boys run and jump on the courts,
Oblivious to the humid heat.

Outside the window,
Girls walk past,
Chattering and laughing,
High heels clicking.

Life moves,
The only sound the careful notes,
Of your fingers on the strings,
Acommpanying the life you see,
That remains so remote.

Deep within us we know the Truth, the only and the all. Yet did we know we had ths knowledge within us, our minds would not be able to cope, and so we recognise the fragments we see, and each call them by a different name. Yet it is all the same, one Truth..
Guard of the Citadel

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« #44 : June 09, 2004, 03:05:48 AM »

I don't think I'm that good with poetry but I didn't mind this one, my mate said it was good so I thought I'd put it on here. It's just a little creepy ::) and I don't know whether it makes any sense :P and there might be a few spelling mistakes :-\ :-[

This is my Life

Rock and heart and hand and bone
Swinging freely through the stone
I see the light, it's already dead
It lies upon the riverbed

A whip of a sword
A slash of a knife
An engravement of fire
This is my Life

This blade is a gift
It feels very light and swift
It burns everything in sight
And never looses a single fight

A whip of a sword
A slash of a knife
An engravement of fire
This is my life

I can't believe our gain
Look those who we have slain
But my conscience is ripping me apart
Telling me I have no heart

A whip of a sword
A slash of a knife
An engravement of fire
This is my life

You see those bodies up ahead?
All limp and dead
We did that with our silver knives
And we left none alive

A whip of a sword
A slash of a knife
An engravement of fire
This is my life

By Smeagol Rox ;D

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