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Kara Thrace=<3

« #90 : January 06, 2005, 05:18:04 AM »

The Lonely Girl

Alone she sits, alone she stands.
Alone in the corner of the room.
By so many people, she goes unnoticed.
Her only friend is her shadow,
Which she casts upon the walls.

Alone she sits, alone she stands,
No one to stand beside her.
No one to smile, or even glance
At the lonely girl
In the ratty, torn clothes.

Then one day, she just wasn't there.
That wisp of a spirit was gone.
And finally everyone noticed her,
Or at least her missing presence.

No more she sits, no more she stands,
Alone in the corner of the room.
Her voice, feelings, hopes and dreams, had gone unnoticed for too long.
Her friendless life, and life at home,
Had taken her physical life away.

All she needed was a friend and family.

Say A Prayer

Say a prayer for those with cancer.
Say a prayer for their family and friends.
Pray that they'll overcome,
And have a happy end.

Say a prayer for those in battle.
Say a prayer for their family and friends.
Pray that they'll come back home,
And never have to go back again.

Say a prayer for the friends and relations
Of a loved one who is deceased.
Pray that they'll always remember,
But their grief never be increased.

Now say a aprayer for yourself
And a prayer for your family and friends.
Pray that you can talk to someone new,
And perhaps make a new friend.

(That one, I entered in a contest, and it's going to be published in the book because it's a semi-finalist. I'll know by the 15th if I won anything or not.)

All this has happened before, all will happen again.

"Spins and turns, angles and curves. The shape of dreams, half remembered. Slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of perfection - a perfect face, perfect lace. Find the perfect world for the end of Kara Thrace. End of line."

G.U.A.R.D.I.A.N.S. forever!

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« #91 : January 12, 2005, 01:34:13 AM »

Good luck with the contest, is cool that you're getting your poetry in a book. You'll have to tell us if you won anything in a couple of days!

And yeah, comments are good so I don't think anyone would mind recieving comments unless they say they hate them or something!  :P

A ruptured heart
Lying on the floor
Next to the body
I'm not broken anymore

Weeping wounds
Hiding your disgust
Thorn in your crown
I turn your head to rust

Need you here
To keep me alive
Know you'll go away
With me you can't survive

You fixed me
Angel in disguise
You had to go
I never liked goodbyes


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Kara Thrace=<3

« #92 : January 28, 2005, 06:25:36 AM »

Hey thanks! Although apparently, they don't notify the winners on the 15th, but something must have happened, so I'll just wait for news of any kind! Also, Random House Co. should be selecting winners for the Eragon poetry contest (That I also entered) and I'll know if I won anything on Feb. 15th.

Dedicated to a girl at my school:

Believe it or Not

Believe it or not,
Not everyone wants to be anything like you
Or your "posse."

Believe it or not,
Most of my friends want absolutely nothing to do with you.
Actually, make that all of my friends, and yes I do have friends!

Believe it or not,
But I'm considering you my friend less and less each day
And I know you are feeling the same way about me.

Because I think it's dumb that anywhere else I'm your friend,
But around any of your other friends, from your "posse,"
You want nothing to do with me.

You don't even say hi, or acknowledge my presense
In any way.
Sure, we have our moments, but moments aren't enough to keep a steady friendship.

All this has happened before, all will happen again.

"Spins and turns, angles and curves. The shape of dreams, half remembered. Slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of perfection - a perfect face, perfect lace. Find the perfect world for the end of Kara Thrace. End of line."

G.U.A.R.D.I.A.N.S. forever!

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« #93 : February 01, 2005, 12:31:44 AM »

How do you enter poetry compititions  ??? Can anyone enter or would they tell me to bugger off!  :P They probably would actually... ::)

We're all alone
Broken light erupting from you
Rushing through my head, love
Like a thread
Injected, holding me together
Ragdoll, but still alive, faint
Not yet broken
Still loving


So many zombies with beautiful eyes
Hiding so quietly behind their disguise
Holes in their arms stop them from bleeding
Dead on the floor, no longer breathing.
This tunnel so narrow, burning inside
A numbness to block out all of their lives
This ecstasy keeping them safe from the nightmares
An eternal bliss just causing more cruel tears.
Innocent stares at the hole neverending
A seemingly fun way to live, halo's bending
A glittering life to kill, always wanting
More to be full, please stop the hurting.
Still it crawls on, a girl in a dream
Hey, little girl, where have you been?
Crawled on too far, no room to turn
Stuck in a pit and left to burn.
Arms scarred and burned from too many drugs
Ahe's left all alone, stripping in pubs
Selling her body for all that its worth
Sleeping outside in the cold and the dirt.
The tunnel is gone and left is a hole
She's curled at the bottom with her crooked soul
Despising and cursing all that exists
She will do anything to get that last hit.
They found her there, coiled and cold
Her pain and her hurt in this hovel, she's sold
They said that this was just a bad district
Now she is just another statistic.

(I just realised how much I hate that second poem! The structure is so irratating...the whole poem is just...blah! :P)



« #94 : March 10, 2005, 04:24:12 PM »

A plummeting fear,
a broken sleep,
laying restless,
memories torn,
was it you who lay here beside me,
warmed these sheet with sleeping breaths,
your hairs tickling the skin of my face,
it couldn’t be you who lay here so tranquil,
held me with strong arms,
the same who broke my heart,
frayed to a thousand pieces, shattered,
how could that have been you?
The same person so captivated by love,
looking intently into my eyes with resolute affection,
you don’t gaze anymore,
eye’s turned to the ground,
how could this be you?

more of my poems at

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Kara Thrace=<3

« #95 : March 13, 2005, 11:34:56 PM »


Everywhere I look, people are wearing masks.
Happiness, joy, humour.
They are all pseudo-feelings.

The people wear masks to hide their truths within.
To hide their true feelings.
The shameless are shameful,
The guiltless are guilty,
The joyful are angered or sad.

I know I wear masks sometimes as well.
Although, now, sometimes has become more often.
And more oftern has become frequently.
Soon frequently shall become permanently,
And the mask will never come off.

My vulnerability and hopelessness,
My fear and sorrow,
Hidden forever and continuously building up.
Threatening to one day overflow,
Or explode in upon themselves.
And that day I shall become a wreck of emotions.

I wrote that one just a few days ago, and it's my currrent fave.

All this has happened before, all will happen again.

"Spins and turns, angles and curves. The shape of dreams, half remembered. Slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of perfection - a perfect face, perfect lace. Find the perfect world for the end of Kara Thrace. End of line."

G.U.A.R.D.I.A.N.S. forever!

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« #96 : April 05, 2005, 04:52:26 AM »

So close to you in flickering consciousness
So close I feel a heart beating brightly, envy
I'll rip open your pretty chest and tear
She'll tear, broken on the floor
It was just a dream, you bit him
Dream of blood so you can drink him
Then feel love, close, in pieces
Like a nightmare tears for kisses
My mouth is dead and bleeding
Cracked, wishing I could feel them
Comforting, cradle me through the nothing
The empty hollow, affection is all you'll get
You'll never ever get more than what you give
Always less I need too much
Yet nothing filling up the blank
Just your scream, bit too hard
Trying to get to your core
To steal your heart


« #97 : April 08, 2005, 04:50:11 AM »

I see you standing there
Turn away like you don’t care
It’s okay cause someday you’ll see
That the two of us were meant to be

Thinking about what you said
Letting your words get to my head
Fill my mind with thoughts of you
Gotta have you someday soon

End the pain of loneliness
Seal my fate with your sweet kiss
Take my heart and keep it near
For your heart I’ll hold dear


« #98 : April 10, 2005, 07:33:05 PM »

when im dead

Will everyone forget me,
When I'm dead?
Will they ever speak of me?
Or think of things I've said?

Will they ever cry,
When they see my face,
In old pictures,
That time will erase?

Will they remember,
The times we spent talking,
Or will they ever look back,
And think they seen me walking? 
Shieldmaiden of Rohan

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« #99 : December 04, 2005, 04:17:15 AM »

buttons i absoluitely love the lonely girl poem, you clearly have an amazing talent. I'll post some poems ive written, but i dont think they are as good as everyone elses so all suggestions on improvements to my technique/comments would be gratefully recieved.


Going insane,
Don't think I can take this pain,
Things will never be the same.
So many lies,
Once more I'm forced to wear my disguise.
Were you blind to the hurt you caused?
Try looking through my eyes
See how it feels
to be this ill
with worry and discontent.
It's the same old song
a friendship gone wrong.

Certain as the sun will set
I will never forget
The things we shared,
But you never cared.
Does it make you happy
to know the pain you caused?
surely i didnt have that many flaws?
You closed every door to me,
left me unable to see
You alone hold the key
that locked my heart away.


Birds singing,
Children laughing,
The leaves rustling,
The darkness fades
The heart grows weary
Longing for innocence
and those days of naivity
Fighting the path beneath my feet
Wanting to step back in time,
Forget every line,
Spoken in malice.
Come fill my chalice with joy, happiness and love,
Shun reality,
Enjoy the fantasies of yesterday

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum,
And they charge the people a dollar and a half just to see
~*To A Breathless Oblivion*~

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« #100 : February 01, 2006, 03:20:04 AM »

Very nice  ;D

If You Want Peace Prepare For War!!!!

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« #101 : June 05, 2006, 01:10:33 PM » about this piece of nonsense?... :laugh: :P

I died with my eyes open
I am far beyond redemption, as
far as I am beyond sin.
I delve in your darkness like a knife.

You can't kill my demons with a silver bullet
psychotic acidic mistakes
death pouring rich from my fingers
               long, cold fingers of pain.

Hello, darkness, my friend...

~*To A Breathless Oblivion*~

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« #102 : February 22, 2007, 09:48:26 PM »

My body may be gone
But my spirit lives on
The sun will always shine
And you will always be mine
As night follows day
My spirit is here to stay
Never Apart
I will live on in your heart
Until we are once more united
Our loving words once more recited
I will love you always
Long after our earthly days
We will walk with The Lord
Hard times we have endured
But our love will see us through
In Heaven we can start anew...

If You Want Peace Prepare For War!!!!
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