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: Age gap relationships  ( 62982 )
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The NOT So Magical Elf

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« #90 : November 03, 2005, 07:49:48 PM »

Age does not matter.. Feelings do.. As long as u have the abilty 2 make the decision its no-one elses business
well that all depends on the law?
if an expmple only

sum1 aged say 30..went out with, and influenced a minor (in the eyes of the law thats <16(which i think is a lil stupid as ppl can make responsible decitions as an when they feel)) in sum way then that sum1 will be arrested even though they are in love.. :wub:
so the police dont care bout the emotional attachment between the 2 ppl.. >(

i kno thats a lil xtreem :o (but its only theoretical so i can say wot i need to get the point across)
if u get me? :dry:

ur a goshdarn chiorboy compaired 2 me

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« #91 : May 24, 2006, 03:01:49 AM »

I have to say that i dont think that age should matter.
If poeple are happy then why worry about the age?

Sorry but the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to the state of the world.

Being in love is so wow!
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« #92 : May 27, 2006, 08:04:46 AM »

the only time I  don't like is when the difference is enough to be parental /grand parental figure. That's pretty eesh

Rowiel the Elven Maiden

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« #93 : May 27, 2006, 03:12:41 PM »

between me and my bf there is a 5 year gap... but it doesnt effect us at all

Eámainë Meneldur

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« #94 : May 27, 2006, 11:45:00 PM »

There was a programme on te tv the other night and there was a guy who was 21 with a 49 year old and a 27 yr old who'd been married for 10 years and his wife was 59!
Fair enough they may have been happy together but crikey thats extreme!

<3 love you forever alex 11/2/04 - 25/3/04 in my heart forever <3

life aint fair, its just the way it goes, u get knocked down u just get back up again and carry on, what other choice do u have?

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« #95 : July 17, 2007, 04:18:03 AM »

Barring some extremes, I have absolutely no problems with age gaps in relationships. I grew up with it- my parents are 14 years apart. I was born when my daddy was 50! Growing up it was no problem, but now that time has been passing its painful to watch my parent's age- specifically my dad. But that is part of life- my little sister and I just have to deal with it before most people our age.

Not only am I comfortable with age gaps, but I'm also involved in one. My sweetie is 13 years older than I am. Everyone we tell that to is a little taken aback (or more than a little- depends on the person) but once you get to know the two of us and see us together, it really really doesn't matter. My parents LOVE him and never questioned the age thing at all (where they really have no place to!) And his parents like me and were very cool with him bringing home someone my age! But I suppose when you're 33 it really isn't "bringing a girl home" anymore.

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« #96 : July 17, 2007, 05:31:53 AM »

I'm eighteen and my boyfriend is sixteen, two years isn't much but my god the stick I got from some people, including some I thought were friends, was horrible.
My true friends that knew both him and me knew we worked amazingly together and we still do, we're nearing a year together so I suppose it's proving everyone who doubted us wrong. :) We've been close mates for almost four years so it's not weird or uncomfortable, infact he's the only boyfriend i've had that I can truely be myself around.
I hate people who are ignorant to love.  ::)

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« #97 : July 17, 2007, 09:49:48 PM »

Agreed agreed. I had a boyfriend two years under me while I was in school. Amazing what people said. Then my next bf was 7 years my senior. Same routine. What to people expect? You don't have to be EXACTLY THE SAME AGE to be compatable.

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« #98 : July 18, 2007, 05:25:23 PM »

Ah, but there's a difference between Age GAP and UNDER age.

An Age gap if you're old enough to consent to the relationship and know what you want is right, then thats fair enough.  But there is NO cause for an adult to be having a sexual relationship with someone under 16.  It's against the law, and in my opinion, people under 16 are still children.  If I have a, say, 15 year old daughter, I'd hate it if I found out she had a boyfriend of, say, 19, I'd be horrified :O

Ranger of the North

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« #99 : July 18, 2007, 09:35:30 PM »

Yeah I agree Laury, when my boyfriend was still fifteen I was still seventeen so we were both technically children, but now he's sixteen people seem more approving of us.
High Dúnedain King

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« #100 : July 19, 2007, 08:25:44 PM »

Exactly, it's just that transition from 'Child' to 'Adult' that needs to be taken into account :) 


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« #101 : July 20, 2007, 08:13:19 AM »

Fair point. I didn't take that into account.

Another big thing to take into account with the age gap relationships the seriousness of them. While my relationships both had age gaps also, both parties knew it really wasn't going to last the test of time. (CERTAINLY not the second of the two. Good Lord, what was I thinking). My sweetie and I now are different- but circumstances being what the have been for me, I am quite a bit more grown up than most people my age. I Would shudder to think of some of my friends in a relationship of my calibur, simply because I don't think they would be prepared for it. (Hypocrite, ain't I?)

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
High Dúnedain King

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« #102 : July 20, 2007, 04:05:24 PM »

No, thats not hypocritical.  Every person matures at different ages.  Y'know, a 17 year old my be ready for a serious relationship, but there may be another 17 year old that really isn't ready for it. So I think it is a personal thing, I just really think that anyone under 16 should steer clear of sexual relationships, have relationships by all means if thats right for you, but breaking the law is another thing :)

Amy Lee

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« #103 : August 08, 2007, 04:34:36 AM »

Ah, but there's a difference between Age GAP and UNDER age.

An Age gap if you're old enough to consent to the relationship and know what you want is right, then thats fair enough.  But there is NO cause for an adult to be having a sexual relationship with someone under 16.  It's against the law, and in my opinion, people under 16 are still children.  If I have a, say, 15 year old daughter, I'd hate it if I found out she had a boyfriend of, say, 19, I'd be horrified :O

*Cough* that was Daniel and my ages when we met...


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« #104 : October 10, 2007, 05:03:48 AM »

I was talking about age gap relationships with my mam earlier today.
The reason for it was because one of my mates (who I met on a night out) has admitted that
he likes me more than a friend. I'm now 19 and he's 25/26. As stupid as I sound, I was unsure
about what to do about it because he doesn't go out a great deal whilst I'm out every weekend.

I personally don't have a problem with age gap relationships. If two people have a rather significant
age gap and are willing to make the relationship work then I say go for it. If it's you personally then,
it's like: Woah..what do I do? The only problem I have with age gap relationships is like, in my situation
above for example, I'm young and want to go out every weekend and have fun whilst the 25/s6 year old
doesn't and is more of a 'stay at home' person. Or maybe I'm too self-centered for my own good LOL.
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