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: Cheesiest Fantasy Book?  ( 3427 )
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« : July 14, 2010, 03:32:08 AM »

So I just finished a very silly fantasy book that I got for free at a book give away and I began to wonder.  What other books are out there that are so bad or so cheesy that they have to be read to be believed.

Thus,  I pose this question.  What is the cheesiest or worst fantasy or sci/fi book you have ever read and why?
The one I just finished was Demons Don't Dream.  It was about a computer game that became real and where puns are a reality in the land of Xanth.

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« #1 : November 10, 2010, 10:37:52 PM »

Hum ... tough one.  Mainly because if it's that bad I get rid of it as fast as possible.  But I know I've read a few.  Most recently I was disappointed with Todd McCaffrey (Anne's son - has taken over writing about Pern).  I read something he wrote with his mother and quite enjoyed it but then bought Dragon ... erm ... heart? (can't quite recall now) which he wrote on his own.  Several uncomfortable moments and quite a lot of bad writing.  :write:


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« #2 : January 01, 2011, 10:17:41 PM »

I agree with you about Todd Anne.  As for my own cheesiest I can't think of any at the moment other than anything written by prachett for some reason I can't get on with his style of writing. The weird thing is I have liked the recent tv adaptations.

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« #3 : January 31, 2011, 11:26:34 PM »

Although I do love terry goodkind and the sword of truth series there is alot of cheese going on in those books! sometimes I actually physically cringe while reading!

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