The Age of the Ring

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: Song/Poem  ( 3712 )
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« : June 03, 2006, 05:09:45 AM »

Right, I've started this song/poem, well, the basic start of a song, and I was wondering what everyone thought of it...
You can leave a comment if you want, it's not very good I know..
But here goes..

Would the sun shine brighter
If I wasn't around?
Could your voice seem louder
more profound?

Perhaps I'm not beautiful
in your eyes?
But why don't you come & save me
when you hear my cries?

With just one look
you could set the world on fire
There's so much in you
that I admire
Eagle of the North

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Yenillor morne tulinte I quettar tercano nurva...

« #1 : June 04, 2006, 03:59:48 AM »

That is very sweet :)I like it :)Very good! :)

*Ang Gijak-Ishi*
The creature of the Nothing and the Something......I am here,I am there,I am everywhere and nowhere......
Ahhh,Bashkuga,You came at last-The King Near by the Queen!

« #2 : June 04, 2006, 05:39:55 AM »


Personally, I think I could do better, I'm working on it anyway, to make it more original.
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