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: The Origin of Elves - for discussion  ( 24029 )
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« #15 : October 18, 2005, 05:28:31 PM »

 You are doing a fine job E.G!

 Conducting it almost as an University Research  :) or pretty much there  :D

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« #16 : October 18, 2005, 06:39:27 PM »

 :pk: :P :D  (and a little "inside" knowledge ;))

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« #17 : October 19, 2005, 02:55:29 AM »

I belive in the elves and all other creatures....Errrr,I am something like a druid....Somethings from the past are still here,but more of them forgoten.... ::)

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« #18 : October 19, 2005, 03:52:15 AM »

My background is scientific; I make no excuses. I do believe in God, which admittedly is ultimately a matter of Faith, not Knowledge, but that's where believing in the unprovable ends.
  At least, show me some evidence in a thing before expecting me to believe. Nobody was around for the Big Bang, but red shifts from distant galaxies and cosmic microwaves provide supportive evidence.
   Folk tales are not science!

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« #19 : October 19, 2005, 03:55:10 AM »

Im not trying to prove or disprove

For me this is more a discussion in whether you think that there is a possibility of their existence, or you have a belief in that.

This discussion could denegrate into the beleif in the spirit world, and for you to believe in God, means you have some measure of that belief.

But yeah, really Im trying to accumulate the evidence surrounding the "creation " of the whole idea of Elves and other beings on Earth.  After all, someone created them, if they didnt orginally exist... and all the topics Ive started here, surround the fable and legend of their original existence, or not.

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« #20 : October 19, 2005, 11:49:37 AM »

  Do you think it's possible that dragons once existed (and I don't mean the monitor lizards from the Komodo Islands)?
I put elves, dwarves, and other fairy-types in the same category.

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« #21 : October 19, 2005, 12:56:28 PM »

i dont know.  I havent read anything yet about them.... perhaps.    I guess the image of them came from somewhere....

Interesting you say fairy-types.  Do you imagine the elves to be little people ???

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« #22 : October 19, 2005, 04:03:44 PM »

i dont know.  I havent read anything yet about them.... perhaps.    I guess the image of them came from somewhere....

Interesting you say fairy-types.  Do you imagine the elves to be little people ???
I belive in thise creatures as well...But its me and I don't want to make the other people to be like me or to belive in the same things like me :)
I can't imagine the elves like a little people at all :wacko:

*Ang Gijak-Ishi*
The creature of the Nothing and the Something......I am here,I am there,I am everywhere and nowhere......
Ahhh,Bashkuga,You came at last-The King Near by the Queen!

« #23 : October 19, 2005, 05:44:04 PM »

  Do you think it's possible that dragons once existed (and I don't mean the monitor lizards from the Komodo Islands)?
I put elves, dwarves, and other fairy-types in the same category.

 If you start studying new essays and research on a particular subject of physics related to multi quadrant systems you can apply it to our complex and then realise the idea of an universe can be a bit dated and replaced with a less known multiversal theory.

 The problem with this is that a lot of people start abusing (not even using) the term quantum for anything (including quantum bollockery) however in a serious  way existance of this multi-quadrantic complexes do exist (see fractal theories).

 Multi-quadrantic complexes including our multiverse have a major problem tho, when experimenting with it scientists have found that unlike other subjects the samples behave quite differently to what they would otherwise, and when you draw a conclusion they seem to behave differently the next time, unlike say guinea pigs  :)

 What am I getting at?

 The scientific community then started to toy about with multiple variables based on multiversal theory, and albeit not widely spread it's somewhat known to some the subjects of hybridization and other related subjects.

 Do these species belong here as hybrids? (not talking of little green men here) hmmm Is the reason why most mythological beings (with some exceptions) don't exist in our multiversal complex due to biological reasons? or is it that they could belong to a different quadrant where different dimensional laws apply? say what if all these quadrants were rotating on the same axis? but only touched themselves or interlocked themselves at certain times? Certainly if such a time frame existed we wouldn't be able to know if at later stage all sorts of being could have existed or could exist.

 In evolutionary theories I think the model is defined by a spiral, say if you lay it horizontally then its motion ressemble a pendulum with its high points and low points. Now let's imagine we are going to transit that evolutionary road so what kind of vehicle do we use to transit it? let's think of it in DNA terms so throw in there a vehicle, say a tricycle, a tricycle as you know is far more stable than a bicycle before it reaches a more balancing speed (which is once you start going down), but what happens when you start to go up again? the other wheel is needed so you form a tricycle again.

 Correct me if I'm wrong but the only creatures with such a configuration of 3 strands are bacteria with their 3 Strands of RNA. But I wonder what it would be like to have individuals with that extra strand? hmm one can only wonder, and what if they had already existed but instead of having RNA they had have DNA!?

 To avoid waffling further what I mean is, that there is far more out there than is available to the public through an easy read or a guide to how to understand evolutionary dynamics and multiversal complexes in 3 easy chapters. However I hope this intervention tickles some brains.  ;)
« : October 19, 2005, 05:48:29 PM H˙llyn »
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« #24 : October 19, 2005, 09:38:10 PM »

certainly tickles mine!  and makes total sense!  (wierdly enough ;) LOL!)

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« #25 : October 20, 2005, 02:33:39 AM »

 Good! if it tickles one braing at least I'm happy  :D

 Don't you love this smilie?  :fr: I feel like using it all the time lol (ok random)  :P
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« #26 : October 20, 2005, 04:51:00 AM »

well quantum physics is such a science that can be neither proved or disproved.  But by calling it physics, it seems more acceptable!  I see no reason why there are not many time dimensions, and therefore other world dimensions.  Even perhaps, ourselves in another time as we are now.  (very Red Dwarf style!)

It makes so much more sense of the "unexplained"  and of even the "UFO and ET" phenomena

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« #27 : October 21, 2005, 01:59:39 AM »

I'm not sure about whether to believe in the whole 11-dimensions, parallel universes etc. I suppose that it all just seems too abstract for my mind to deal with.

But I don't know, if there were parallel universes, I wouldn't imagine there to be little green men (elves, trolls, dragons, fairies etc) walking around). I'm not sure why, but I would imagine there to be something more normal and human around.

God my mind's confused. I wouldn't say that there definately aren't elves walking around in some kind of other universe. I would just say that, to my mind, it's highly unlikely. But maybe more likely than there being elves wandering around on this earth. :-\

(if anyone can make sense of that post they're doing better than me)

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« #28 : October 21, 2005, 02:25:33 AM »

  That's a very honest statement.

  Trying to understand something too abstract without natural ability to do so always leads to a lot of confusion. But certainly a statement of that sort renders it more an opinion than doing what some people try and 'defend some ultimate truth or the other'.

 About dimensional complexes tho. I'm referring mostly to fractal based complexes. I will look for some information I have collected on the dimensional issues and post them here when I find them :)

 Certainly the parallel universes phrase is badly formulated. It's like saying there aren't parallel galaxies when you take in consideration that Universe refers to our galaxy alone and not the unexplored, so really it's more like Coexisting complexes (read well, didn't say Coinhabiting which would refer to the whole parallel dimensions issue).
« : October 21, 2005, 02:29:20 AM H˙llyn »
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« #29 : October 21, 2005, 09:49:03 AM »

  Gee, I guess I lack that "natural ability". I'm certainly ignorant of cosmology and fractals, but what I think you're proposing, Hyllyn, is that multiple, parallel universes coexist, that one of them is inhabited by elves, dwarves, and what I consider mythological beasts, and at one time in the past, somehow, there was some kind of crossover between the two universes, allowing the inhabitants of one to enter the other. Is that it in simplistic terms for this simplistic brain?
  Along the same lines, the elves and dwarves inhabiting the parallel universe now have folk tales about humans, lions, trout and mosquitos, and some skeptic over there is currently arguing that those creatures never existed.
  I think it's more likely that good human storytellers from that past invented these beings, and the stories were preserved and expanded as time went on. Do you think that Greek mythology was a result of parallel universes or the product of active imaginations over the years?

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