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: The Origin of Elves - for discussion  ( 24031 )
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Firstborn of Imladris

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« : October 01, 2005, 12:33:51 AM »

to discuss the articles and writings on Elves.

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Firstborn of Imladris

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« #1 : October 15, 2005, 05:26:01 AM »

So do you beleive in their original existence, and continued one ?

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« #2 : October 15, 2005, 05:08:42 PM »

In the real world?  :e:

I have to say that I'm inclined to say that I don't believe in them.

I mean, I'm a science-girl, and what i can't see I can't believe in.

I don't know whether that's a good perspective to have though....certainly not very imaginative.

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« #3 : October 15, 2005, 07:16:54 PM »

I tend to think it's definitely possible that they did exist at some point in earth's history but as to whether they continue to exist that I'm not so sure about.


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« #4 : October 15, 2005, 07:29:03 PM »

Well I definately think they existed in the past.  As for now, well yes I think they still exist amongst us.  As a true scientist I have the evidence before my eyes. 

You know, it is still easy to spot the Elves, the Orcs, the Hobbits and the Dwarves who still walk this earth.  Take a look around you, open your eyes.  You will see what I mean.   ;)

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« #5 : October 15, 2005, 11:00:35 PM »

You know, it is still easy to spot the Elves, the Orcs, the Hobbits and the Dwarves who still walk this earth.  Take a look around you, open your eyes.  You will see what I mean.   ;)

::) ??? :-\ :wacko:

So these elves that you believe existed/exist now - do you believe that they were able to perform magic?

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« #6 : October 15, 2005, 11:02:54 PM »

Not specifically.  I believe they were very close to nature and were therefore able to manipulate nature to some extent though.

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« #7 : October 16, 2005, 12:47:30 AM »

That description brings druids to my mind, rather than elves.

I think i find druids more believable than elves....i'm not quite sure why. Maybe it's the element of nature.

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Firstborn of Imladris

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« #8 : October 16, 2005, 03:48:22 AM »

elves and nature/druids/other nature beings are very closely linked tho

Each has its own nature power. Not magic as such, but a power... that power tho, is pure magic :)

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« #9 : October 16, 2005, 03:52:52 AM »

That description brings druids to my mind, rather than elves.

I think i find druids more believable than elves....i'm not quite sure why. Maybe it's the element of nature.

And why give Druids more credibility? 

Has it not occured to you where they might have got some of their ideas from? 

*shrug*  I dont think they deserve any more credibility than the elves do. 

If anything, their ideas owe quite a lot to the elves imo. 

Firstborn of Imladris

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« #10 : October 16, 2005, 01:59:03 PM »

Perhaps its because there are practicing Druids ? or their association with tree spirits ...

Yes I too beleive that the elves are the ones who bring the nature spirits together.  They are here, for those who wish to see them :)

I think that without a doubt they existed in the past.  There is just far too much information out there for them not to exist

I think what saddens me the most about the denial of the existence of beings such as elves, trolls etc is the way the world has developed.  Become very materialistic, and so modern and concrete, that unless things are in front of peoples faces they refuse to acknowledge the existence of other beings.  This refusual now has developed again in that, people now cannot see anything else.  Its become a modern day belief :(
« : October 16, 2005, 02:01:59 PM Elril Galia »

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
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« #11 : October 17, 2005, 04:46:21 AM »

Perhaps its because there are practicing Druids ? or their association with tree spirits ...

Yes I too beleive that the elves are the ones who bring the nature spirits together.  They are here, for those who wish to see them :)

I think that without a doubt they existed in the past.  There is just far too much information out there for them not to exist

You see, that's one of the things that makes me doubt the existance of elves....the information we have abuot them. According to some stories, they are tall erethral beings, according to others, they are small mischevious sprites.

I can quite imagine how such wild variations could form from one original story, which was simply about elves. Then, as the story was told around firesides etc., with each retelling different details were added to the story. So in one part of the country, the elves became tall, noble beings. Whereas in others they were described as mischief-makers. (not sure if any of that made did in my mind)

I think what saddens me the most about the denial of the existence of beings such as elves, trolls etc is the way the world has developed.  Become very materialistic, and so modern and concrete, that unless things are in front of peoples faces they refuse to acknowledge the existence of other beings.  This refusual now has developed again in that, people now cannot see anything else.  Its become a modern day belief :(

::) I know it's not an admirable view-point. I'd love to be all romantic and believe in elves and trolls and ents and orcs and wizards. are what you are.

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Firstborn of Imladris

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« #12 : October 17, 2005, 05:45:13 AM »

Having read so much recently.. I might be able to help you on the height thing at least.

The original elves were tall etheral beings, well the light ones were.. the dark elves were simliar and took to living underground, it seems they got a little confused with dwarves.

Throughout history, since the elves hid their lands from men, the stories ahve become wilder, and many say the elves were thieves... (tho actually what they did is took things, but left a payment) ... from that the mischieviousness has come, and through time they have become regarded as impish.. and I guess as a result diminuitive in height.  Who#'s to say they arent a evolution of the original elf... but somehow, i think man's regard of elves is more altered than the elves themselves :-\

(and yes, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs :D)

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« #13 : October 18, 2005, 10:19:29 AM »

  When Richard or Maeve Leakey find the skull of an elf or dwarf and present it to the scientific community, that's when I'll believe in them.
  Do you believe in dragons? Griffons? Centaurs? Unicorns? Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out!

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  Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
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1. Everything called 'natural' is good for you.
2. Everything you read on the Web must be true.
Firstborn of Imladris

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« #14 : October 18, 2005, 12:52:17 PM »

strong words Athelas!

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
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