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Firstborn of Imladris

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« #45 : December 15, 2004, 05:49:40 AM »

WOW!  so would I

then Sim couldnt moan at me for swiping at things ;)

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« #46 : December 15, 2004, 06:26:40 AM »

but i would love a fully functional version of the ranger sword!
I've never seen the big deal with this sword - tis one of my least favourite swords out of the whole collection. Not sure why really, but I just don't like the look of it. pretty boring looking

Arwen, daughter of Elrond, in whom it was said that the likeness of Lúthien had come on earth again; and she was called Undómiel, for she was the Evenstar of her people.
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« #47 : December 15, 2004, 05:52:53 PM »

ah its just different from a lot of swords out at the moment i would love glamdring or even one of the elven swords!

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Firstborn of Imladris

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« #48 : December 15, 2004, 06:37:04 PM »

yeah but it isnt that different

its exactly the same as Anduril in size... and like Belgarion says... just plain... nothing fancy on it at all :-\

Now Glamdring is nice.. and the Witch Kings sword!  tho the Hilt on it is WAY long!

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« #49 : December 15, 2004, 06:43:16 PM »

ok i know i am gonna get slated but i dont really like anduril i dislike the pommel on it plus i dont like the handle. If its a straight bladed sword then out of the lotr my favourite is either the witchkings or the ringwraiths swords (they suit my evil nature) though any of them in Carbon steel would be great! and yes then sim wont have a go at you for attacking things with them!

I hate to ruin the magic
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Firstborn of Imladris

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« #50 : December 15, 2004, 06:47:30 PM »


well trouble is... youre not such a LOTR nut as I am ;)  its got real meaning for me ;)

but yeah, the Witchking;s sword is great!

I was holding both Anduril and it at the FF I went to with Spikie.... so cool!  (makes your arms ache after a while ;))

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
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« #51 : December 15, 2004, 06:52:17 PM »

I aint surprised my katana makes my arms ache after a bit and katanas arent known for their weight!

I hate to ruin the magic
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but once you've been behind the scenes then you'll know just what I mean
you might think that its cool to get up on stage
and play rock and roll from your heart and soul
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Ambar of Kotu
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« #52 : December 16, 2004, 05:13:10 AM »

Im not too keen on the witchkin sword either - but thats because I dont like any of the "evil" stuff - tis all to crude and ugly. The only excpetion to that is the staff of saruman - thats a fantastic piece. my List is as follows - ranked with my top fav as no 1.

1. Boromir's sword - I want it!!!
2. High elven sword
3. Hadhafang
4. Anduril
5. Staff of gandalf
6. Staff of saruman
7. Sting
8. Glamdring
9. Legolas fighting knives
10. gimli battle axe

I keep my fingers crossed everyday for UC to release something more about the top 2!!!

Arwen, daughter of Elrond, in whom it was said that the likeness of Lúthien had come on earth again; and she was called Undómiel, for she was the Evenstar of her people.

« #53 : December 16, 2004, 02:39:05 PM »


The Battle axe is soooo Heavy you wouldn't believe it!!!

You know, when they finished filming LOTR they gave each cast member a present to keep, Viggo was given his Anduril, but he said he';d rather have the ranger sword, so PJ changed it for him.

Nice or what!!!

« #54 : December 16, 2004, 08:47:47 PM »

I aint surprised my katana makes my arms ache after a bit and katanas arent known for their weight!

 Out of curiosity, what katana do you have? possibly a Paul Chen I would imagine.

 As for the comments on Strider's sword, it might look plain, but if you look at how swords should be, when it comes to functionality, not wall-hangability  :P then it should be like Strider's sword, out of the medieval looking range is the only decent sword they designed, followed by Boromir's perhaps.

 If you want to have a look at what a Medieval sword should look like, or call it western hemisphere sword look for Angus trim Here Then you will have an idea of what a decent sword is meant to be like.
 I can appreciate from the wall-hangability point of view all the other swords, but I would never bet my life on one of those in a real situation even if made of carbon steel of any sort, L6 steel or 5160 or pattern welded steel, they just aren't right, or wieldy or even battle worthy. :dry:
 (unlike Strider's sword that is ;))

 As for what I would use if I had to go for a western sword it would be This

 Btw sorry if the links are inappropiate, it's by no means with commercial purpose but illustrative ones instead.
« : December 16, 2004, 08:54:14 PM H˙llyn »
Arch Enemy

« #55 : December 16, 2004, 08:52:20 PM »

I aint surprised my katana makes my arms ache after a bit and katanas arent known for their weight!

 Out of curiosity, what katana do you have? possibly a Paul Chen I would imagine.

 As for the comments on Strider's sword, it might look plain, but if you look at how swords should be, when it comes to functionality, not wall-hangability  :P then it should be like Strider's sword, out of the medieval looking range is the only decent sword they designed, followed by Boromir's perhaps.

 If you want to have a look at what a Medieval sword should look like, or call it western hemisphere sword look for Angus trim Here Then you will have an idea of what a decent sword is meant to be like.
 I can appreciate from the wall-hangability point of view all the other swords, but I would never bet my life on one of those in a real situation even if made of carbon steel of any sort, L6 steel or 5160 or pattern welded steel, they just aren't right, or wieldy or even battle worthy. :dry:
 (unlike Strider's sword that is ;))

Out of curiosity, what is your favourite sword?

« #56 : December 16, 2004, 08:55:37 PM »

 I edited above  :-\

 Of the LOTR line, as I said, Strider's when it comes to Western swords.

 Haldir's when it comes to elven ones

 and the Elven infantry of course.

Arch Enemy

« #57 : December 16, 2004, 09:02:13 PM »

Like i said out of curiosity. - as edited above  :P I dont know much abt swords but i'm starting to have an interest in them.

When i first moved into my house I found a really old fencing sword with some nice engraves on the handle. When i get time i will post it up on here. I found it in the shed of my back garden and dont know how many years it has been there. I think its a fencing sword. The tip is so sharp  :8o
« : December 16, 2004, 09:10:15 PM ~*In Flames*~ »
Firstborn of Imladris

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« #58 : December 17, 2004, 05:39:26 AM »

I can appreciate what you say Hylln.... re Striders Sword vs Anduril....

yes, in some ways I can see that Striders sword is more an every day fighting sword.....but Anduril... despite its "prettiness" was the one sword that struck the Ring from Saurons hand.... in a roundabout way....

if we are talking about functionality today... neither one of them are.... since they are "display" swords.... Sim advises Im misguided in chopping my weeds with Anduril, despite it being a full tang!

If a full tang isnt enough... not sure how carbon steel will make it a whole lot better, apart from being less dentable!

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya

« #59 : December 17, 2004, 04:19:56 PM »

  I see that Simoriax has been advicing you when it comes to swords.

  A full tang reduces the shock and stress put on impact on a particular part of the body of the sword, nevertheless it's plain physics, a straight body has a lot more resistance to the cut than curved sword. Now here comes the important bit, the nature of western swords is that of cut (by means of hacking) and thrust, a sword which normally is made with stainless stell of any sort tends to have loads of cadmiun to make it all shinny and gorgeous (normally carbon steel swords or spring steel of any sort won't get that shinny), cadmiun by default makes the alloy extremely brittle. In a cut and thrust sword, to denominate it that way, as with spears btw, the steel has to have a bending rate superior to that which any stainless steel can offer, otherwise it snaps, not just dent, and dont even consider thrusting into something or someone and applying a levering action, then you will have a free 'shards of anduril' set.  It's not about what's best, but what every steel is meant for, as you said and very accurately, display swords, they are quite something to admire, and as with any ceremonial sword, they fulfill their purposes, but it's a matter of not making the mistake of thinking something could be battle worthy just because you can change the steel or construction of it, after all combat techniques do apply as well, and in that area I know a lot about what there is to be known *knows it won't go down well in the ranks of humillity*  :-\

 So anyway the points were covered, by being more flexible and having qualities the stainless steel doesn't have, the carbon steel can survive what stainless cannot, that is basically the whole point, and that's the answer for Sim  ;)
« : December 17, 2004, 04:25:13 PM H˙llyn »
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