The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum
Tolkien only Section => The languages, weapons, jewellery, & clothing of Middle-Earth => Topic started by: spikealott on July 02, 2004, 12:10:57 AM
Post here about the swords you have brought from lotruk or blades-uk
I bought a re-enactment sword ages ago from Blades-uk and I am well pleased with it! ;D
Also I have had the pleasure of going to the warehouse (while delivering Spikie there after one of our weekends of drunken debauchery and depravity! ;)) and meeting Loz who is a very nice chap! ;D
He let me look at all the LotR weapons and other merchandise and I was really amazed at the quality of it. Previously I had only seen swords on Uniquities stall at Collectormania and then I had thought they felt really flimsy and was quite disappointed to the point of not wanting to buy them any more. But when I saw and felt the quality of the ones at Blades-uk I was very pleasantly surprised and I will definitely be ordering as many swords as I can afford from them! ;D
I recently bought one of the miniature collectible swords (Anduril, as it happens!) and I think it's fantastic! ;D It's really good quality and very well made and finely detailed for a miniature. It has the full Elvish inscription on both sides of the blade and even the tiniest Elvish writing ever on the hilt. It's a perfect replica and was well worth buying. I want more!!!!! :P
My parents just bought me a sword from Blades-uk as a present for my birthday next week. Tis a strange present I know, but I've always wanted a sword and it helps that my mum is into weapons and stuff :P.
I chose to get The Luciendar sword of Light and I'm really happy with it, accept for the fact I have to hide it from my mum ::) ;D. It does say that it's blemished but so far I haven't found a fault on it, though I'm not a expert on swords so I wouldn't know ::)...But I still need to find a place to put it :-\
I am looking to buy Sting (Frodo's sword) at the moment. ;D
I recently bought one of the miniature collectible swords (Anduril, as it happens!) and I think it's fantastic! ;D It's really good quality and very well made and finely detailed for a miniature. It has the full Elvish inscription on both sides of the blade and even the tiniest Elvish writing ever on the hilt. It's a perfect replica and was well worth buying. I want more!!!!! :P
Haha, I bought the EXACT same thing :P ;D Tis tres cool 8)
Ooh and spikester the translation was written on the back of the box, we just never checked :-[ ::)
My favourite LOTR weapon at the moment is the Witch King's sword- after actually using the thing at the meet, I've concluded that I really like it's balance and I can use it fairly easily.....the sword I most want though is Haldir's Elven blade, I saw it at the exhibition meet and it had a longer handle than Hadhafang to the point where I could actually use it with one OR two hands comfortably, rather than just the one with Arwen's sword.
I have to agree there. I love the Witchkings sword, its such an evil looking blade.
I have this blade myself, and its my fav one. I like the fact that its almost as tall as I am, but I also like the fact that I can hold it comfortably as well... Woe betide any intruders in MY flat...Lol.
I have to admit though, on seeing Sting at the Sherwood meet, and Narsil, they look wonderful. I will be getting them for my collection as soon as I have spare cash! ;)
I have just been given the Sword of the Witch King by all my lurvely ikkle pals at the Sherwood Meet and I want to say a [size=8]HUGE[/size] thank you to everyone who chipped in! ;D
The sword is most wonderful and I am really pleased with it. It is very well-made and feels really substantial and solid, unlike some replicas you get from other companies. It is inscribed on the blade near the hilt with "Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring" which I think is cool and it comes with a beautiful mahogany and gold plaque to hang it on.
Having had the pleasure of selling some of Blades-uk's merchandise I would happily reccomend buying any one of the Lord of the Rings swords and weapons as the quality is outstanding.
Is that ok Spikie?? Do I get paid now??!! :P
Thanks for the great reviews guyz!!
It's good to know you all like the witch king sword so much, In my personal opinion it is the most under rated sword out of all of them!!
The design and quality is out standing!!! I just wish I has enough money to buy one!!! << for myself that is >>
Ooh Egde, If they make Haldirs Elven blade, well, **drool, HALDIR!!!!!** Then I'm def gonna get that one!!!
[size=0.5]El, you got a Celtic sword too, hint, hint[/size]
I wore this topic as S- Words!!! hahahhahah wondered what on earth you were selling now Spikie!!!
Been staring at a screen too long LOL!
Omg HUn, what on earth are you on about??
YOur confusing me now!!
**Follows EG around site...... **
hahha what is this topic ???
SWORDS = S WORDS! hahhahahahah
flibble pibble plop!
Now i get ya!!!!
Your talking my language!!
Me and MY Andruil!!! It arrived this morning ;D ;D ;D
I spent all the Festival telling Spikie it was mine, and trying to run away with it.... and now finally he's relented and let me have it (awwww huge *hugs* to Spikie!)
Its absolutely beautiful!! Leather Hilt, very tall, beautiful rhunes of Eregion down the length of it .... and its SO heavy and SO long! Have to be careful holding it up in the house!!!
You know you really dont appreciate how authentic these swords are until you get your hands on one! How on earth Aragorn held it outstretched with one hand, for as long as he did I really dont know!!! :o
AND... its great for swiping weeds with too ;) ;)
(p.s if anyone has any pics of anyone who held "my" sword at the Festival, Id love to have a copy (URL) Im going to build a page in devotion to "my" sword!!! Even Gino from Weta Workshop held it ;D ;D)
Glad you like it babe
I have loads of Pix of people with your Anduril, I even got one with Gino holding it and showing it to Lawrence!!!!
Will send them all to you on MSN
I believe Alex posed with it; I'll see if I can dig out the photie...
aww thanks Morrigan :)
I brought Glamdring and Hadhafang from Spikie at tFF. I had my eye on them for ages, and they certainly exceeded my expectations. They are absolutely stunning and are very well made. It was great to see all swords out on display at tFF, If only I could afford to buy them all :'(
I'm hoping United Cutlery will release Haldirs sword, Craig aka Haldir does seem to have a big fan base so I'm sure they would sell really well.
Has any one got any tips on cleaning the swords, I know carbon steel blades need oiling regularly do the Stainless steel LOTR swords need oiling as well?
Many thanks
yeah I was giong to ask that too! I cleaned Anduril with a little bit of washing up liquid in water... but I have lightly oiled it too, which has brought it up nicely :)
You know who to ask these questions don't ya!!!
hehe, Okies as you know Carbon steel needs regular oiling, <<aka Elendil's Helm>> about once a month, However the best way tyo clean the LOTR swords is with standard normal polish, however if you wish to give em a good old scrub, you may as well, clean em in abit of washing up liquid, then oil then, pref with SWORD OIL, <<oi Eggy>> b ut if not, standard vegetable oil will do!!
Hope they liove to your expectations guyz, I know all of mine have!!
Reviews in here please.
Hi Spikie
Thanks for the info.
How's your Herugrim, I hope you havn't let the peeps on the blades forum get their hands on it ;) ;D
Ooh Thats what I was gonna ask ya Kev, did you just order Legolas knives and a Gimli Battle axe with us??
Wasn't sure if it was you or someone else!!
Anyways, This is just to let you all know, that we have a sword in stock again, it goes by the name ANDURIL so go and get yours now ready for Xmas!!!!!!
Only £190!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Spikie
It wasn't me that ordered the axe and knives I'm afraid.
Thinking of getting the elvish knife at MOTR, so I can get people to sign it.
You'd better let me know which one you want beforehand as I'm not sure what we are taking, but it won't be as much as the FF.
Though saying that, we have got the Anduril and will be taking them, along with the legolas Knives and the Sting as everyone knows those ones!!!
Good Idea to get them signed, seem to go up in value alot more, believe me!!!
yeah! but you got Herugrim signed by the person who held it!!! Theoden aka Bernard Hill
are they still worth as much if someone other than the "one who originally owned it" signs it :-\
Hi Spikie
The one I was thinking of was the Knife Celeborn gave Aragorn in Lothlorien. Would have liked a Haldirs sword for Craig to sign, I do hope they make one soon. :-\ I whish I'd got Herugrim at TFF as well so Bernard could sign it, At leas
t I know where there is one with my name on it lol ;D
"Arwen doing the ironing"...otherwise known as the miniature Shards of Narsil...
This statue is gorgeous, and now has pride of place on our bookshelf. Personally I love the colour, and the detail is fabulous, despite the fact that it's only small.
We did get this through the charity auction at the Fellowship Festival (though it was donated by you chaps, I believe?) so we also managed to get it signed by almost all the cast who attended, plus John, Alan & Gino (thanks again, Spikie...)!
All in all, a superb piece, highly recommended to top off a collection.
Yes I know, Brucey signed it too, But he wasa Rohhirm too eh??
Kev, Your a very lucky person, only a few people could successfully steal it off me with their name on it!!
I have some of the Elven Knives in stock so will Bring a set incase you decide you want them okies!!!
If You wanna have a looksie at anything else, let me know beforehand and I shall bring it in with me!!
I will post some of my reviews soon too i think!!!
i recently ordered the URUK-HAI SCMITAR from spikie at the fellowship festival. i received it yesterday and its FANTASTIC . i am very pleased with it and the service from spikie (blades uk ) it looks ace with all my other lotr swords and the quality is amazing.thanks again spikie xxxxxx ;D
spike sent me the mini shards of narsil a while back and i just wanna say it
is amazing. really good quality and the shards are actually sharp enough to accidentally cut myself ::)
the overall quality of the item is stunning and worth the price.
I received the item with in a few days of spike saying he was processing the order.
thanks spike, great item and easy transaction ;)
I recently bought Aragorns Strider and i LOVE IT!!!
It is quite heavy but i wield it every night to make my muscles bigger ;).
My next big buy will be the scabbard for it, but i've heared that it can scratch the sword, any tips for keeping it shiny?
Spikie will tell you to use sword oil!
Ive used a little WD40 on my Anduril! and try not to touch it with my fingers!
Even though this is totally unrelated to LOTR swords, I have a set of ninja swords (katana etc...) and I need to keep the blade clean, but I don't know what to use...
Does anyone know...? I apparently need to apply some stuff to the blade so they don't rust :-\
Well, It all depends on what kinda sword you have, for example, if you have a 'Real' sword so called as they are functional, then you need to use Sword Oil to keep themn clean, a 'real' or 'functional' sword is usually labelled as it is made out of Carbon steel, or it could be made from Damascus Steal or even High Carbon Toledo Spring steel.
However If it's made from Stainless Steel, J2 440, J2 420 or whatever other numbers, you need only use Polish and make it look loverly that way.
However there is no harm in using Sword oil for it, The best I can recommend is the Paul Chen Sword OIl, available from BUK at only £3.30 for a bottle and £2 postage!!!!
Well, I wouldn't say they are real swords. When I bought the, I was told not to use them because they'd break (like I'd want to use them anyway!). I went back to the shop and they told me I should use something called "pig paste" or something like that, whatever that is and that I can get it from good hardware stores...
I don't have a clue what the blade is made out of. I know that they're not made for proper use ( ::) ) and they are for show only. When I got them, they were quite greasy because they clean them before they sell them on to you, but I bought them about 6 months ago, and they are due a clean...
But if you recommend that sword oil, then I don't see why not.
Well that sword oil you leave on the blades all the time, that way it stops them from Rusting at all!!
Which means you always have lovely nice clean swords. And will always look lovely for you!!
And it's not that expensive either!!
I've just got Anduril ~ *swoon swoon* Tis gorgeous! :P
Soon as I get my own place I'm ditching the plastic baseball bat and getting me some real stuff.
I recently bought Aragorns Strider and i LOVE IT!!!
It is quite heavy but i wield it every night to make my muscles bigger ;).
My next big buy will be the scabbard for it, but i've heared that it can scratch the sword, any tips for keeping it shiny?
~ I was gonna buy that as well, How much did you buy it for? Instead I bought the one ring that rules them all ::) :P Unfortunately it didn't make me invisible :'(.
Any ways i heard it was quite heavy, but those were how swords were made back in thee days. :P And you you wanna keep the sword shiney don't buy the scabbard cause it will scratch :P ;D ~
I recently bought Aragorns Strider and i LOVE IT!!!
It is quite heavy but i wield it every night to make my muscles bigger ;).
My next big buy will be the scabbard for it, but i've heared that it can scratch the sword, any tips for keeping it shiny?
~ I was gonna buy that as well, How much did you buy it for? Instead I bought the one ring that rules them all ::) :P Unfortunately it didn't make me invisible :'(.
Any ways i heard it was quite heavy, but those were how swords were made back in thee days. :P And you you wanna keep the sword shiney don't buy the scabbard cause it will scratch :P ;D ~
Errr it only scratches your sword if you don't sheat and unsheat properly, I would be more worried about not leaving it for too long in the scabbard because the tan of the leather containing tannines can rust the steel whether it be stainless (crap) or not.
As for the weight, you are utterly wrong, no sword in the olden days, especially if it was good was over two pounds in weight, preferably 1lb and two ounces at the most for really state of the art sword.
Of course unless you were some crazy Scot carrying a Claymore or Brian Boru, but then again these are exceptions to the rule, great for hacking whole pieces of bodies but not any fast, and well you don't want to get tired after 10 minutes of fighting in a battle that can last hours ::)
Anyway when it comes to the swords I would buy from the LOTR collection, firstly I would get Haldir's sword if they ever made it, then the Elven infantry, and then Strider's those are the sword that you could have the upper hand with in a fight in my opinion, if made with proper steel that is! tho I'm considering getting Strider's to make a template and make my own stuff out of that model witht he subsequent variations.
if its the CS ones you want, wait for the Museum Collection. They'll be absolutely mint, although you might end up waiting quite a while and paying a bundle, but hey....its LOTR!!!!
whats the museum collection ???
United cutlery the people who have the official license have announced they are doing a range called the museum collection which will be made out of carbon steel so will look more authentic!
am unsure whether they will be sharpened or not but i would love a fully functional version of the ranger sword!
WOW! so would I
then Sim couldnt moan at me for swiping at things ;)
but i would love a fully functional version of the ranger sword!
I've never seen the big deal with this sword - tis one of my least favourite swords out of the whole collection. Not sure why really, but I just don't like the look of it. pretty boring looking
ah its just different from a lot of swords out at the moment i would love glamdring or even one of the elven swords!
yeah but it isnt that different
its exactly the same as Anduril in size... and like Belgarion says... just plain... nothing fancy on it at all :-\
Now Glamdring is nice.. and the Witch Kings sword! tho the Hilt on it is WAY long!
ok i know i am gonna get slated but i dont really like anduril i dislike the pommel on it plus i dont like the handle. If its a straight bladed sword then out of the lotr my favourite is either the witchkings or the ringwraiths swords (they suit my evil nature) though any of them in Carbon steel would be great! and yes then sim wont have a go at you for attacking things with them!
well trouble is... youre not such a LOTR nut as I am ;) its got real meaning for me ;)
but yeah, the Witchking;s sword is great!
I was holding both Anduril and it at the FF I went to with Spikie.... so cool! (makes your arms ache after a while ;))
I aint surprised my katana makes my arms ache after a bit and katanas arent known for their weight!
Im not too keen on the witchkin sword either - but thats because I dont like any of the "evil" stuff - tis all to crude and ugly. The only excpetion to that is the staff of saruman - thats a fantastic piece. my List is as follows - ranked with my top fav as no 1.
1. Boromir's sword - I want it!!!
2. High elven sword
3. Hadhafang
4. Anduril
5. Staff of gandalf
6. Staff of saruman
7. Sting
8. Glamdring
9. Legolas fighting knives
10. gimli battle axe
I keep my fingers crossed everyday for UC to release something more about the top 2!!!
The Battle axe is soooo Heavy you wouldn't believe it!!!
You know, when they finished filming LOTR they gave each cast member a present to keep, Viggo was given his Anduril, but he said he';d rather have the ranger sword, so PJ changed it for him.
Nice or what!!!
I aint surprised my katana makes my arms ache after a bit and katanas arent known for their weight!
Out of curiosity, what katana do you have? possibly a Paul Chen I would imagine.
As for the comments on Strider's sword, it might look plain, but if you look at how swords should be, when it comes to functionality, not wall-hangability :P then it should be like Strider's sword, out of the medieval looking range is the only decent sword they designed, followed by Boromir's perhaps.
If you want to have a look at what a Medieval sword should look like, or call it western hemisphere sword look for Angus trim Here ( Then you will have an idea of what a decent sword is meant to be like.
I can appreciate from the wall-hangability point of view all the other swords, but I would never bet my life on one of those in a real situation even if made of carbon steel of any sort, L6 steel or 5160 or pattern welded steel, they just aren't right, or wieldy or even battle worthy. :dry:
(unlike Strider's sword that is ;))
As for what I would use if I had to go for a western sword it would be This (
Btw sorry if the links are inappropiate, it's by no means with commercial purpose but illustrative ones instead.
I aint surprised my katana makes my arms ache after a bit and katanas arent known for their weight!
Out of curiosity, what katana do you have? possibly a Paul Chen I would imagine.
As for the comments on Strider's sword, it might look plain, but if you look at how swords should be, when it comes to functionality, not wall-hangability :P then it should be like Strider's sword, out of the medieval looking range is the only decent sword they designed, followed by Boromir's perhaps.
If you want to have a look at what a Medieval sword should look like, or call it western hemisphere sword look for Angus trim Here ( Then you will have an idea of what a decent sword is meant to be like.
I can appreciate from the wall-hangability point of view all the other swords, but I would never bet my life on one of those in a real situation even if made of carbon steel of any sort, L6 steel or 5160 or pattern welded steel, they just aren't right, or wieldy or even battle worthy. :dry:
(unlike Strider's sword that is ;))
Out of curiosity, what is your favourite sword?
I edited above :-\
Of the LOTR line, as I said, Strider's when it comes to Western swords.
Haldir's when it comes to elven ones
and the Elven infantry of course.
Like i said out of curiosity. - as edited above :P I dont know much abt swords but i'm starting to have an interest in them.
When i first moved into my house I found a really old fencing sword with some nice engraves on the handle. When i get time i will post it up on here. I found it in the shed of my back garden and dont know how many years it has been there. I think its a fencing sword. The tip is so sharp :8o
I can appreciate what you say Hylln.... re Striders Sword vs Anduril....
yes, in some ways I can see that Striders sword is more an every day fighting sword.....but Anduril... despite its "prettiness" was the one sword that struck the Ring from Saurons hand.... in a roundabout way....
if we are talking about functionality today... neither one of them are.... since they are "display" swords.... Sim advises Im misguided in chopping my weeds with Anduril, despite it being a full tang!
If a full tang isnt enough... not sure how carbon steel will make it a whole lot better, apart from being less dentable!
I see that Simoriax has been advicing you when it comes to swords.
A full tang reduces the shock and stress put on impact on a particular part of the body of the sword, nevertheless it's plain physics, a straight body has a lot more resistance to the cut than curved sword. Now here comes the important bit, the nature of western swords is that of cut (by means of hacking) and thrust, a sword which normally is made with stainless stell of any sort tends to have loads of cadmiun to make it all shinny and gorgeous (normally carbon steel swords or spring steel of any sort won't get that shinny), cadmiun by default makes the alloy extremely brittle. In a cut and thrust sword, to denominate it that way, as with spears btw, the steel has to have a bending rate superior to that which any stainless steel can offer, otherwise it snaps, not just dent, and dont even consider thrusting into something or someone and applying a levering action, then you will have a free 'shards of anduril' set. It's not about what's best, but what every steel is meant for, as you said and very accurately, display swords, they are quite something to admire, and as with any ceremonial sword, they fulfill their purposes, but it's a matter of not making the mistake of thinking something could be battle worthy just because you can change the steel or construction of it, after all combat techniques do apply as well, and in that area I know a lot about what there is to be known *knows it won't go down well in the ranks of humillity* :-\
So anyway the points were covered, by being more flexible and having qualities the stainless steel doesn't have, the carbon steel can survive what stainless cannot, that is basically the whole point, and that's the answer for Sim ;)
yeah thanks for that explanation. :)
I get you now..Carbon steel is more flexible...
but display swords are display swords whatever . Its worth thinking about that, if you (by you I dont mean you personally) want a sword to fight with...
tho I think chopping a few weeds, out of harms way of anyone else, is quite fun ;)
No worries ;)
There's some interesting information on steels on the site which has the license for the Highlander the film swords. A metallurgical analysis, the best around you can get. Will get the link if you like.
Carbon Steel is a term to denominate a whole series of alloys, some stronger, some softer but generally following the same precepts, a steel which resists shock, and which can be heat treated to achieve different areas of tempering, and this is very critical in some swords, but yes altogether they are more reliable and responsive, this is why some marketing terms tend to be given to it, such as 'live steel'.
At the end of the day a lot of the quality will depend on how the sword was made, if it was forged, or they did stock removal after casting (I believe that's what they do with the LOTR ones).
Here (as in the bladesmithign circles) some people argue that it's always best to forge, but with modern metallurgical techniques the level of refinement of the grain in steel can be achieved without forging and folding, because it already comes extremely refined, however hand forging always adds the bit of extras on the refinement and keeps a more controlled and even hardness than removing the stock with tools which always no matter how small, always causes loss of hardness.
Then there's the step of heat treating, and there's where a lot of swords with superb steels fall into the pit of junk, proper heat treating is decisive when it comes to how long your sword can last under the strain of real use, whether it be de-weeding or cutting bamboo.
As for the display swords, definately, I mean I'm so grateful to P.J and co for having developed what they did, after all if it had not been for them, we wouldn't have the films and what came with it, and it's only natural after all to like certain things and dislike others, but that shouldn't hinder one from enjoying it altogether :)
And yes, chopping weeds with the sword is fun, but it can dent your sword badly it it catches the ground, I prefer to go at the back of the house and terrorize the overgrown nettles :P
thats some good advice there hyllyn!!
yeah i have a paul chen practical plus katana as i cannot afford anything better at the moment though i have my eyes on either the paul chen orchid or the cold steel double edged katana 8)
what swords do you own? (just out of curiosity) :)
Thanks Kamui :)
oooOOOO the Moroha style Katanas are great stuff!, check the Yoshihara one here ( (that i btw my screen saver) :D... Only thing I have never been too keen on about two edged swords, is that you have to be really careful with how you deflect when you put yur hands on it, otherwise there's the chance to get cut of course. However in that respect it's good to clear a popular misconception about swords. Sword edges aren't like knife edges, the chisel edge of a knife would never hold on a sword, so a sword edge is a more rounded and continuous line which is born from the centre of the blade, it doesn't have a line demarking where it starts as knives do, so even tho it won't cut like a knife if you apply enough strenght to the cut it will cut more than a knife.
As for what I have, here in Britain I only have a Paul Chen Viking Sword, in Italy I have a 12 inches long knife with a deer antler handle, magnificent stuff, it falls in your hand like made of plastiline, and it's just like having a paint brush in your hand, surely could write my name with that on anyone :laugh:
Next summer I have These ( coming to Italy, the sword you see there is made by my 'almost father, mentor type of person', fashioned pretty much after the Dha (but the vietnamese style) and the medieval sword is exactly the one I have shown in the other link before, his is an Angus trim, but he should be making one for me sometime.
In the katana/shinken field I don't own any yet unfortunately, the reason? as with any other swords, no matter what you may believe britain is quite restrictive when it comes to pursuing interests like there. I don't collect swords, I practice with them, and I do as often as I can. Anyway I have to say, Last legend won me over, and I need a good blade soon! not that I need it just for Iaido, but for Katori Shinto Ryu (which is what I do), so I think I'm getting the Bear MKIV Shobu Zukuri Katana... and maybe maybe a disposable P.C PP :P sorry about that comment, but they are good in their range, but only his very expensive swords are woth having, shame about us the penniless :P
Ahh, as soon as I can have the forge sorted (meaning not only the kiln, and furnace, but the space to do it) I should be making my own stuff again, although I have only taken part in short swords and long knives before, but will get in the big field surely enough. here's hoping I can emulate my fave swordsmith Don Fogg! (
(don't worry that ain't advertisement link, after all how many of youhave spare $9,000 to spend on a knife or a sword? ;) and if you do, let me know and I will get working on one for much less hehe :laugh:)
oooh wow!
quite a collection!
nah i know the PPKs etc are a budget sword just i can justify spending any more at the moment with me needing to buy a car etc!
though when i have the money i would like a folded blade sword!
you on blades-uk forum?
Aye I can understand that point, after all we all have other priorities of course :[
Aye I'm on the Blades UK forum, joined recently, and well also if you check I'm the guy who is making the jewellery under my enterprise called Eldayn Craftworks
ah cool
one of my ex girlfriends likes the elven ring you make!!
hehe great stuff
Shame she's an ex, otherwise you could get her one ;)
Btw if you get the Moroha style Cold Steel sword, let me know what you think of it :)
probably cant afford one at the moment but it is nice!
if i do get one then i will give you a yell straight away!
Sure thing :)
Btw, do you use your P.C PP for tameshigeri? or is it sitting proudly on its rack?
its sitting on its rack at the moment but i use it for a bit of light cutting every now and again like bottles etc
Blimey, have you checked the specs on the Museum Collection Sting?
That is a must have!
i would have it if it wasnt sting!
pretty much any other sword and i would
Heres some of the swords or whatever you wanna call it ;D
Pics were a little large so changed them to links - Spikie ;)
jeez,man,those are the most beautiful things I have EVER seen!!!
Very Nice collection!!!
Thanks mate. and thankyou for changing the picture size via links. I took them with my camera phone ;) :P ::)
Bloody good camera phone
Its that 3 pay phone NEC e 313 the one that looks like a remote control lol :laugh:
I know the one, my ex had one.
Didn't realize it was soo good.!!!
So whats your best choice of sword etc from my selection of pictures? :D
ok here are a few pics of the new sword i bought from blades-uk! when i went up to visit them
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
beautiful isnt it?
Wow man :o I espically like the interial design on the swords handle. I like alot and jealous :dry:. How much did you pay for it then? :)
well that one is £410!! :)
nice swords...i want to buy Herugrim(Theoden's sword) fantastic this sword.
Theoden :h: :h: :h:
i got 3 swords, the limited edition Aduril with the signed certificate by John Howe, i had ta sell my Narsil to brother in law to get that...too similare but the plaque is awesome on it. i got the witchking sword which is cool tho i dont think matches anduril in terms of look or quality, still cool tho. I lastly got leggy's white knives which are best for playing around with(tho that is neither big nor clever) there are so many cool things on battle orders with helmets n shields as well as swords that u could spend thousands on there
So, this hasn't been used in a while, anyone have any of their collections on display? Would be great to see what we all have!! I'm away with work so will have to take some pictures when I get home '!
I have my two up in my lounge! Anduril sort of acquired Christmas Ivy! but actually it looks ok i think :D
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Omg, I actually remember when you converted the hadhafang mount to the wall one!! Lol
Looks much better displayed on a wall :D :sw:
And it the way of the kids!!! I really must get mine out and take some pictures, I've got them at my parents house (I moved or only 13 years ago, and haven't got space cleared yet)