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: The Book Club - BOOK REVIEWS  ( 43632 )
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« : March 23, 2004, 10:14:14 PM »

Calling All Bookworms!

I'm pretty sure I am not the only person here who is addicted to Reading so I came up with a brilliant Idea!!!

This topic is for people to post Book Reviews.  Each time you finish a book, you make a post on here, reviewing the book, giving it a rating and generally describing the book!


Genre: E.G Horror, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy
Short Description.
Rating: /10

Hopefully I will ask a mod to make this topic Sticky so it doesn't get lost, but only if there is some up-take on this. I don't want to be the only one doing it!

So If you want to become a member of the Book Club, IM me and I will put your name on the list, and READ AWAY  ;D  Just don't forget to post your reviews!

Members List and book reviews
Lissie - Maid of Honour
            The Belgariad
            REMEMBER ME
            An Offer from a Gentleman
            The Star of the Sea

Ellie - A child called it
         The Silence of the Lambs

Goldberry - Dead Famous
                   Gerald's Game

Pippy - Taggarung
            Martin the Worrior
            The Golden Wreck
            The Legend Of Deathwalker

Chantal - Max Havelaar of de Koffieveilingen der Nederlandse Handelsmaatschappij

Legolasfan - Junk
                     Martyn Pig
                     Coming back

Mirage- Mary, Bloody Mary

Kimmie - Noughts and Crosses

Bev123 - Involved

ZZ - Across the Nightingale Floor
        Of Mice and Men

Samwise Gamgee - Ender's Game
                               Journey To The River Sea
                               Portrait Of A Killer; Jack The Ripper Case Closed
                               Maggot Pie
                               The Sterkarm Handshake
                               Bored of the Rings
                               Beyond the Hanging Wall
                               Be yourself
                               Voyage on the Great Titanic
                               A child called "it"

EmnHan - Stravaganza City of Masks

Niko - Interview with the Vampire

Cuthien - Eragon:  Inheritance
               A Midsummer Night's Faerie Tale

Islime - The Age of Misrule trilogy - World's End, Darkest Hour, Always forever

Note - Guards,Guards

tig - A Tale of Two Cities

Thawyn - Elizabeth, The Struggle For The Throne
               Castle in the Air.
               The Queen's Gambit
               Court Duel
               Crown Duel
               The Chronicles of Chrestomanci
               So You Want To Be A Wizard
               Lord Of The Flies
               Mother Teresa

LOTR Freak - Lola Rose
                     The secret of platform 13

Bobble_Hat - Sabriel

Andonewhitetree -  Northern Lights
                               Crime and Punishment
                               The Subtle Knife

Eostre Took -  Tithe

Eleanor - Troy

Nienor - Scorpia
              Knife Edge

FlareyGirl - Sabriel
                  The Darkweaver Legacy (The Forging of the Sword, Trail of the Huntress, First Sword, Chosen One)

Rosie_Brandybuck - The girl with a pearl earring
                                The girl in the red coat

ViggoAngel - Body of Evidence

Alaithlos - Witch Child

Josher the Hobbit - Drowned Ammet

Gwinoic alaithus - The Mallorean Series.

Doodle - Harry Potter & Prisnor Of Azkaban

Alora - Lord of the Flies
           To Kill a Mocking bird  

Sakura - Poison

Astaraél Gamgee - Eragon
                              Series of Unfortunate Events
                              Ella Enchanted
                              The Two Princesses of Bamarre
                              The City of Ember

Varda_vala - Macbeth

« : June 29, 2005, 11:28:08 AM Sorontar »

« #1 : March 23, 2004, 10:43:38 PM »

Ok I shall start things Off with my first review!

Title: Maid of Honour, Part of the Elizabethan Season
Author: Paula Marshall
Genre: Romance/History
Description: Romantic Story set in the Court of Elizabeth I. Mistress Jermaine is given a place as a maid of Honour to the Queen, from her sister's fiance. However she runs into problems, when a murder happens. SOME MILDLY ADULT SCENES.
Rating: 8/10
Opinion: I loved it! I got really into it, and found it was really interesting learning about how the girls had to live when they were in court! However I thought the ending was a bit poor. It just kind of stopped.  ???

« #2 : March 24, 2004, 12:14:49 AM »

I finished this about 3 weeks ago but the book I only just finished was The Hobbit and I'm sure most people know the story and all that so I'll do the one I read before, is that ok?

Title: A Child Called It
Author: Dave Pelzer
Genre: E.G Horror, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy: A True story, very emotional (Don't think it really has a genre)
Short Description: It's the first part in a trilogy, this is from the age of 4 - 12 in his life. It's a true story about a young boy's life and all the things his mother did to him before he got "Rescued"
Rating: 10/10
Opinion: I really wanted to read this book for years but I only just managed to get hold of it, it is a really upsetting book and I cried more than once, it just surprised me how many bad things a mother did her own child, luckily it gets a little better towards the end after he's been rescued, and is a lot better in  the second part which is called "The Lost Boy" I won't go into too much detail coz the book is very graphic and may upset some younger members of the forum.

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Hobbits really are amazing creatures

« #3 : March 24, 2004, 03:37:19 AM »

I read this book a while ago, butits the last one i read and at the moment i am trying to plough my way through the sil

Title: Dead Famous
Author: Ben Elton
Genre: Crime/mystery/humour
Short Description: It's about a reality TV show, kinda like big brother, but there is a murder on it, and it is basically a "who done it" with lots of other events.
Rating: 8/10
Opinion: It was good, and quite amusing, but it did drag in some places, however there is a good twist at the end!

Ellie, Dave Pelzer's collection of storys are so good. A Child called it is really quite traumatizing, the way he is treated! Fantastic book!

*~Hey! Ho! To the bottle I go, to heal my heart and drown my woe!~*

G.U.A.R.D.I.A.N.S love Karl day


« #4 : March 24, 2004, 04:31:27 PM »

(You gunna call me crazy now but weeeell :P I has read this book three times)

Title: Taggarung
Author: Brian Jaques
Genre: Fantasy
Short Description: Ok well Brian Jaques has written over like 11 of the redwall series. It like the animals of farthing wood and watership down relly. Anyways this story is about a baby stolen from Redwall abbey and is raised as an evil assasin thing. He killes his adopted father and runs away. He is the legendary Taggarung as he has the  mark on his pa a skilled fighter so on..Anyways he leaves the clan after killing his father and  goes off inserch of his real home
Rating: 8/10
Opinion: Ive read ALL of the Redwall books lol ahem I loves theeem they is so cool  Oki It may be because I have an obsesion with animals but not the point it is a relly relly good book..

« #5 : March 24, 2004, 05:56:17 PM »

(Thankyou all for posting and Joining!)

Ok I'm going to do a review of a series of books whoch I have read about 20 times Lol

Title: The Belgariad
Author: David Eddings
Genre: Fantasy
Short Description: This series follows the Life of a young boy, Garion, who grew up on a farm with his Aunt Pol. When Mister Wolf, the Old Story teller, turns up at the farm, with some rather disturbing news, it changes Garioins life completely as he battles to come to terms with Sorcery, Decit, and Love.
Opinion: I absolutely love this series! David Eddings is such a fantastic Author. It is very easy to lose yourself in this fantasy  world! And the storyline is fantastic!  It lost one mark though, because there are 5 books in the series and you have to read all of them. However there is not one part of the series I would want to miss out so the 5 books are necessary!  ;D

« #6 : March 25, 2004, 06:42:46 PM »

I’ve finished this book a while ago, and it’s a Dutch book, but I now it has been translated in English, so maybe it can be usefull…

Title: Max Havelaar of de Koffieveilingen der Nederlandse Handelsmaatschappij
Autor: Multatuli, which is a pseudoniem (do you know that word?) for Eduard Douwes Dekkers
Genre: it’s a story that has actually happened (dunno how you call it)
Short description: the story is about a men called Droogstoppel who finds a package of scripts. He reads them, and decides to write a book about the trading of coffee in Indonesia, which in those days was colony of the Netherlands. This man went there, and he became a sort of leader in a certain area. In the end he was fired because he had done something, and I’m not exactly clear what is was. He has written this book to tell the world he had been a victim of injustice, and that he hadn’t done anything.
Rating: 1/10
Opinion: Men, this is a boring book. It’s all about politics, and so not interesting. It’s taken me about 4 months to finish it, though it counted only 300 pages…

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Hobbits really are amazing creatures

« #7 : March 25, 2004, 08:48:24 PM »

Here's a review of a really good book that i recommend and have read about 4 times!!

Title: Gerald's Game
Author: Stephen King
Genre: Thriller
Desc: It's about a woman and he husband who go away for the weekend, her husband handcuffs her to the bed, for fun, but starts getting carried away, so she ends up killing him, and she is stuck handcuffed to the bed, and it's all about how she starts imagining things and stuff.
Rating: 10/10
Opinion: It's really good. It's quite freaky in some places aswell. Definately reccomend this one!

*~Hey! Ho! To the bottle I go, to heal my heart and drown my woe!~*

G.U.A.R.D.I.A.N.S love Karl day


« #8 : March 26, 2004, 02:37:13 PM »

(Sorry I am relly relly slow in reading my books)

Title: Martin the Worrior
Author: Brian Jaques
Genre: Fantasy
Desc: This is the first book in the Redwall series. Thought it is set in times after the last book was made (makes no sense I know but anyways) It goes back in time to the age of Martin who became the worrior of Redwall. Anyways it shows how he espaced slavery and escaped. This is long before the second book "Mossflwer" So Martin does not reach Redwall..
Rating: 8/10
Opinion: It is a good book but may not make sense to those who have not read Mossflower
Ranger of the North

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« #9 : March 26, 2004, 03:31:35 PM »

Title: Junk
Author: Melvin Burgess
Genre: Fiction
Short Description: Its about Tar who runs away from home and his girlfriend, Gemma, goes to live with him. They get into drugs and the book is about what happens to them and what they do to survive.
Rating: 10/10
Opinion: I personally loved this book - I couldn't put it down!! I would recommend it to anyone!

Title: Lucas
Author: Kevin Brooks
Genre: Romance/ Slightly Mystery
Short Description: It's about Catlin and her whole life changes when she sees Lucas on the causeway. There is not alot known about Lucas and he quickly becomes an object of jealousy, prejudice and hatred. He does nothing wrong and Catlin stands by him.
Rating: 9/10
Opinion: I liked it - it was a very moving book about love and friendship.

Title: Martyn Pig
Author: Kevin Brooks
Genre: Mystery
Short Description: About Martyn Pig,who lives with his dad, and it's about his best friend Alex, she's his only friend. To save himself Martyn makes a decision with big consequences - and there is a twist at the end that you wouldn't have expected!
Rating: 10/10
Opinion: I loved it! It keeps you guessing all the way through!

Athene, Goddess of Wisdom

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« #10 : March 26, 2004, 06:22:54 PM »

Title: Mary, Bloody Mary
Author: Carolyn Meyer
Genre: Historical fiction
Storyline: I think everyone knows Mary Tudor, "Bloody Mary", one of England's most famous and terrible queens, who gave her name to the drink "Bloody Mary". Most people only know about her from the terror she stirred up during her short reign, but few know what made her what she was. This is the story of Mary Tudor's early life, when her life turned upside down as her father abandoned her mother and changed her from "Princess Mary" to "Lady Mary", and defied the religion she was brought up to practice. Then she has to go through a series of painful experiences that changes her forever, and leaves in its wake a scarred, heartless, and ruthless princess.
Rate: 10/10
Comments: Very touching, and it totally changed my opinion of the world by suddenly understanding that there are always more than one side to every story.

I am the Patroness of Intellectual Activities, the Mistress of Strategy, protector of Athens. Everything turns into nothing where there is no wisdom. Be wise, give me the golden apple, and you shall have all--for I am Athene, Goddess of Wisdom.

« #11 : March 26, 2004, 08:22:11 PM »

Title: Noughts and Crosses
Author: Malorie Blackman
Genre: Fiction, Family
Storyline:There is a World full of noughts and crosses. Noughts are white and Crosses are black. Crosses are in charge of everything and hate noughts. The noughts also hate the crosses and there are lots of nought terrorists. Sephy and Callum grew up together until the age of eight, when Callum's mother (Maggie) had a fight with Sephy's mother (Mrs Hadley). Sephy is a Cross and Callum is a nought, they aren't really allowed to be together but they sneak to see each other. They fall in love and soon...the bomb explodes... ;D
Rate: 10/10 this is my favourite book ever! :P
CommentsL This book is amazingly powerful and the outcome is sad, but happy at the same time. I loved the romance shared between Sephy and Callum, it touches your heart and almost brings you to tears! ;)

Thanks, kimmie xxx :)
Estrella de Gondor

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« #12 : March 26, 2004, 11:34:22 PM »

Title;  Involved
Author:  Kate O'Riordan
Genre:  Romance  - ish
Nice protestant girl falls in love with rough catholic guy in Ireland.  Trouble starts when they go to stay with his family in Belfast.  She sees that there's something mysterious with his brother and the rest of the family. When she finds out what it is .............
Rating:  8/10
This is a good read,  maybe a bit superficial in that it touches on the troubles in Ireland without really going into them..  The minus point is that you can't see how the heroine can be so dumb that she doesn't twig until nearly the end, when it's staring her in the face, what the brother is up to.

I will cleave to you Dúnadan, and turn from the twilight

« #13 : March 27, 2004, 01:21:03 AM »

Title: Across the Nightingale Floor
Author: Lian Hearn
Genre: Fantasy
This story is set in Japan. It's about a young boy called Takeo and he is brought up in a remote mountain village and is among the Hidden. He doesn't know he possesses the supernatural skills of the Tribe. The boy's life is saved by a mysterious man called Lord Otori Shigeru and he takes Takeo on a journey.
Rating: 10 /10
Opinion: I thought this story was very interesting and I've enjoyed it very much- it was good that I couldn't stop reading it. It's based on a Japanese story which I thought was very interesting as I am interested in that sort of thing. It's for Young Adults so it isn't suitable for young children and I would recommend it to young adults though and especially if you are interested in this sort of thing.  :)
« : March 27, 2004, 01:22:07 AM Zhang Ziyi »
Samwise Gamgee

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« #14 : March 27, 2004, 09:20:16 PM »

Title: Ender's Game
Author: Orson Scott Card
Genre: Fantasy
(Blurb ;D: ) When humanity is under threat from an alien race, Ender Wiggin, at the age of six, leaves his family on Earth to journey to the Belt. There he enters the Battle School, where his life is strictly disciplined by mind games and computer mockbattles fought in deadly earnest.
Instinct, compassion and genius make Ender unequalled. But while he trains, the invasion approaches fast. And Ender will be pushed to the limits of endurance, for his is a unique destiny...
Rating 10/10
Opinion:It's a very good book, with lots of twists and turns. Orson has a amazing imagination and if you like fantasy books, with battles, sadness and aliens, this is the perfect book for you!

Title: Journey To The River Sea
Author: Eva Ibbotson
Genre: History (kinda!)
(Blurb: ) The girls in Maia's class told her what to expect when she reached the Brazilian jungle. 'There are huge mosquitoes which bite you. You turn as yellow as a lemon and then you die.'
But Maia, an orphan, can't wait to start the long sea voyage. She is to begin a new life with relatives she has never met, a thousand miles up the Amazon river. And Maia's classmates could never, even in their wildest dreams, imagine the adventures that await her on the shores of the River Sea
Rating 8/10
Opinion: It start's off well, but then rattles on for abit.....Then abit of action, then rattling on abit more. But all in all, quite a good book. Very touching and heartwarming
« : March 27, 2004, 09:35:10 PM Samwise Gamgee »

When Sam gives up hope, there is no hope

Sam left the tunnel-side and shrank towards Frodo, and their hands met and clasped, and so together they still went on
:D Voted 'Best Female Roleplayer', 'Most Dedicated to Roleplay' and 'Best Roleplay Character'! :D
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