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: The Book Club - BOOK REVIEWS  ( 43622 )
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« #75 : April 05, 2006, 02:57:08 PM »

Members List and book reviews

Lissie - Maid of Honour
            The Belgariad
            REMEMBER ME
            An Offer from a Gentleman
            The Star of the Sea

Ellie - A child called it
         The Silence of the Lambs

Goldberry - Dead Famous
                   Gerald's Game

Pippy - Taggarung
            Martin the Worrior
            The Golden Wreck
            The Legend Of Deathwalker
            Winter Warriors

Chantal - Max Havelaar of de Koffieveilingen der Nederlandse Handelsmaatschappij

Legolasfan - Junk
                     Martyn Pig
                     Coming back

Mirage- Mary, Bloody Mary

Kimmie - Noughts and Crosses

Bev123 - Involved

ZZ - Across the Nightingale Floor
        Of Mice and Men

Samwise Gamgee - Ender's Game
                               Journey To The River Sea
                               Portrait Of A Killer; Jack The Ripper Case Closed
                               Maggot Pie
                               The Sterkarm Handshake
                               Bored of the Rings
                               Beyond the Hanging Wall
                               Be yourself
                               Voyage on the Great Titanic
                               A child called "it"

EmnHan - Stravaganza City of Masks

Niko - Interview with the Vampire

Cuthien - Eragon:  Inheritance
               A Midsummer Night's Faerie Tale

Islime - The Age of Misrule trilogy - World's End, Darkest Hour, Always forever

Note - Guards,Guards

tig - A Tale of Two Cities

Thawyn - Elizabeth, The Struggle For The Throne
               Castle in the Air.
               The Queen's Gambit
               Court Duel
               Crown Duel
               The Chronicles of Chrestomanci
               So You Want To Be A Wizard
               Lord Of The Flies
               Mother Teresa

LOTR Freak - Lola Rose
                     The secret of platform 13

Bobble_Hat - Sabriel

Andonewhitetree -  Northern Lights
                               Crime and Punishment
                               The Subtle Knife

Eostre Took -  Tithe

Eleanor - Troy

Nienor - Scorpia
              Knife Edge

FlareyGirl - Sabriel
                  The Darkweaver Legacy (The Forging of the Sword, Trail of the Huntress, First Sword, Chosen One)

Rosie_Brandybuck - The girl with a pearl earring
                                The girl in the red coat

ViggoAngel - Body of Evidence

Alaithlos - Witch Child

Josher the Hobbit - Drowned Ammet

Gwinoic alaithus - The Mallorean Series.

Doodle - Harry Potter & Prisnor Of Azkaban

Alora - Lord of the Flies
           To Kill a Mocking bird

Sakura - Poison

Astaraél Gamgee - Eragon
                              Series of Unfortunate Events
                              Ella Enchanted
                              The Two Princesses of Bamarre
                              The City of Ember

Varda_vala - Macbeth

Cheese + Beef - The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time

Arenea - Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix

Follower of Sadness - The Oracle Betrayed.
                                     The Snow Walker

Gollum - A Shadow On The Glass
             The Tower On The Rift   
              Shadows Fall
              The Beach

White Riot - The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon
Vevien - Can we be good without God?

I am going to start a fresh topic for 2006, as the List be getting too Long Lol! I have a copy of all the reviews from this topic if you wish to have a look, just Im me!
« : April 05, 2006, 03:07:11 PM Roses »
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