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: the Twilight Saga  ( 3696 )
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Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« : July 02, 2010, 03:20:24 AM »

  the Twilight Saga includes:

  New Moon
  Breaking Dawn

  I was just curious to know what everyone else thought of these books?  I've read the first two and am planning on starting the third soon..  Don't worry about spoiling anything for me, I already know some of what happens..

  So discuss!  ;D


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i would rather die than live in a cage

« #1 : January 31, 2011, 11:28:50 PM »

Did you like the books? I thouhgt they were all ok except for new moon which I thought was exceedingly boring! Breaking dawn was definately my favourite but i think thats because im a sucker for a happy ending!

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Tuuli Thea

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« #2 : November 10, 2011, 01:35:30 AM »

I liked the books more than I liked the movies.  The movies are okay, but the books have so much more content.  I read the books before I even saw the movies, but I'm somewhat fickle when it comes to detail.

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Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« #3 : November 10, 2011, 01:48:31 AM »

  I got to Eclipse and was totally unmotivated to read any more of the series..  I started reading Eclipse and got bored, so I quit..  :angel:

Tuuli Thea

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« #4 : November 11, 2011, 07:20:20 AM »

Breaking Dawn is good, but I've read other series about vampires that are more thrilling than this.  Just saying..  It's not a bad series. :)

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Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« #5 : November 11, 2011, 08:33:51 PM »

  Vampire series are quite popular right now..  Finding one better than Twilight wouldn't be hard..  :P

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