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: Nicholasa - Successor of Zorro  ( 2642 )
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« : June 25, 2006, 02:13:21 AM »

NB: There SHOULD be a prologue but as yet there isn't. This is a fanfiction continuing on from the point of Zorro's death, possibly some years after. It is to do with my character who continues Zorro's work.

Nicholasa/Roxana Calisto de Sancha is copyright to me.
Ezmeralda is also copyright to me...
Ezmeralda means Emerald
Nicholasa means people of victory
Roxana means Dawn
Calisto means Great Beauty.

Nicholasa and Roxana are the same person.

Chapter 1: Desert Trek

Ezmeralda snorted softly. Night was falling. She could sense her mistress' tiredness. It was from the way she was half slumped forward, only just staying awake. Of course they would have to rest soon, no one could make it through the desert. Not even the great Zorro. It was just a question of where to stop.

"Come on Ez, just a short distant more," Nicholasa said softly.

Although night was falling she'd made out the sillouette of a tree. Where trees were there was generally some form of water.... and where water was, there was normally an animal. The conditions were arid but still, she'd have it no other way. She was used to it by now, used to the heat of the day. Didn't mean she liked it though.

As they arrived under the tree she slid off Ezmeraldas back and eased her simple backpack to the ground. She had enough food to last her for a while. It was water she was more concerned about. Water and rest. She paused to listen to the sounds of the night smiling slightly though that smile was slightly hidden by the full mask she wore.

She glanced up at the moon seeing the stars starting to appear and she smiled slightly. Although the heat of the day was dieing down there was always the risk from the cold of the night. The night was often as fatal as the day if one did not have a means of staying warm. Slowly she reached up and pulled off Ezmeralda's saddle cloth before giving her a quick stroke and removing the bitless rope bridle. She laid these carefully on the ground. She knew Ezmeralda wouldn't wander off on her, Ezmeralda never did.

Once Ezmeralda had been tended too Nicholasa moved a short way away finding the source of water and nodding to herself.

So can I have your opinions so far?
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