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: My artwork & photography.  ( 21374 )
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Guard of the Citadel

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« #30 : May 16, 2006, 12:58:02 AM »

Wow! Thats great!!
I'm struggling to get a B :(
Mainly 'cos 3D work lacks. Folder work is all fine, 2D work...Everything except 3D but I have til 21st June to sort all that out :)
But sounds great and yep! Get pictures up! I want to see what you did, it sounds interesting from the way you described it ^__^


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« #31 : May 16, 2006, 01:06:20 AM »

Dont worry you'll get there ;)

Yeah i'll do that.

BTW, what did you do for your art course work?

For southampton water i done
3D peice: fish which shows links to rust
2D peice: style of chosen artist (Dian Church) with links to rust

Aboriginal Art i done
3D peice: i made a table and decorated it in aboriginal style
2D peice: i done a painting on A2 peice of card of my jurny to school in aborigibal style with this realy good pattern down the the bottom left corner spredding out onto the majority of the page.

Bhaal >:(

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« #32 : May 16, 2006, 01:24:32 AM »

ooo, sounds good! :)

erm, we did:
Natural Forms:
3D piece - er, still working on that! :P We were meant to do pots but I tried...and failed...But I'm currently working on a chest which I'm decorating with patterns and peacock feathers.
2D - I did a big piece on Peppers and one on a Kiwi (very interesting ::)) and I also designed and made my own fridge magnet (apparently too flat to be 3D! :dry:) I also did a tile :). Then there's all the drawings and paintings in my sketch pad. Also studied some artists which I can't remember the name of :8o

Stamp Designing:
3D - there wasn't anything we could do for 3D.
2D - the actual stamp we designed. loads of different pieces of computer aided design using Photoshop. Lots of drawings and we studied the artist Hundert Wasser.

Artists (we got to choose an artist to study...I choose Amy Brown :)):
3D - I did a box, painted it, then carved in when the paint was still quite damp a faerie design (looks quite good :P) and currently working on a clay model of a faerie (it's almost finished).
2D - Most 2D was done in my book, just observational drawings then I moved onto my own designs inspired by Amy Brown's.

3D - Still working on my first attempt of a Horse carving...According to one of my friends it looks like some instrument (can't remember what she said) and according to my mum it looks like a Crocodile...Great ::). Doing another one of those though, hopefully this time it'll look better!
2D - Painted a picture of a Horse on a HUGE canvas which took me a total of 3 full days! Then I've done a lot of work in my sketch pad and also edited a lot of my own photographs using photoshop and showing how I used different effects etc.

Then there was our exam brief..
Nobody did any 3D work for that unless they did the choice in the exam for 3D, it was mainly just research then our final piece.


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« #33 : May 16, 2006, 01:44:30 AM »

3D - Still working on my first attempt of a Horse carving...According to one of my friends it looks like some instrument (can't remember what she said) and according to my mum it looks like a Crocodile...Great ::). Doing another one of those though, hopefully this time it'll look better!


well at least your giveing it a go and that it looks like an animal thats what you say, where as some people when they trey to draw animals they dont look like anything that they were intended to be
e.g. me ;)

Bhaal >:(

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« #34 : May 16, 2006, 01:48:57 AM »

I think all your drawings are very good :o
and the Dragon you drew looks like a Dragon :P

But I have no problem drawing Horses..
I'm actually not too bad at that if I do say so myself.
But this is the first time I've ever carved anything out of wood.
I've built plenty of things out of wood...Never carved it though.
But shall see how it turns out...I think my problem is that it's so small...It's really hard getting the shape and details.
I think I may have to do it bigger next time..


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« #35 : May 16, 2006, 02:51:09 PM »

I agree, carveing into wood is alote more difficult than drawing with a pencil.

What i mant is that i'm not good at drawing animals, where as a dragon isnt a animal and that it dosent nesseserallary have to look "properly" as it is fantacy :D

And animals i cant get the legs and almost everything right but o well ;)

I'm sure it'll turn out good once it has been finished. ;)

Bhaal >:(

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« #36 : May 16, 2006, 10:57:11 PM »

Well, you couldn't draw a Dragon with 3 eyes, 5 legs and 1 arm really could you? :P
Unless it was surrealism.

Most animals I can't really draw. I can get the shape and structure spot on...But when it comes to the faces and facial features...I make a right mess lol.
But ah well :P

Thankyou...Well, I think I've given up on the carving..
I'm gonna start another.

Managed to get some photo's of my work in art today, so here they are..

3D work
Fridge Magnets:
Natural Forms
Those damn fridge magnets caused me loads of hassle...That wood didn't want to be cut or sanded down! ::)
and again

2D work
Canvas Painting
Really rubbish Pepper...thing ::)
one faerie
another faerie


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« #37 : May 17, 2006, 06:10:08 PM »

 :o  :o ! ! WOW ! !  :o  :o

Those are really good, hard to decide what one i like the most.

Yeah sometime cutting and sanding wood can be a right
. . .
. . .
. . .
pain yes thats the word i was looking for :D

Bhaal >:(

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« #38 : May 20, 2006, 03:29:56 AM »

Thanks :)
One of my favourites definitely is the Mare and the Foal. But that stupid Foal didn't want to look right when I was drawing it! Took me ages to make it look kinda right ::)

Ayyeee! Tis indeed! But most of the time I like working with wood.
Reason why I took Resistant Materials :P


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« #39 : May 23, 2006, 01:01:11 AM »

yup takeing RM does kinda help when your working with wood just a lil bit ;)
although i dont think that carveing things into wood coms into RM but still, doing the sub helps :)

Still they all look good to me :)

Bhaal >:(


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« #40 : July 10, 2006, 08:48:52 PM »

3D - Still working on my first attempt of a Horse carving...According to one of my friends it looks like some instrument (can't remember what she said) and according to my mum it looks like a Crocodile...Great ::). Doing another one of those though, hopefully this time it'll look better!

it was like a little flute thingy or a tobacco pipe ^_^
amy said something better though  :P

G.U.A.R.D.I.A.N.S rule!!!

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« #41 : December 29, 2014, 03:52:11 AM »

Megzie you should definitely post some of your recent artwork!


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« #42 : December 29, 2014, 04:18:28 AM »

Megzie you should definitely post some of your recent artwork!
would be awesome to see some more!!

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Guard of the Citadel

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« #43 : December 29, 2014, 09:51:33 PM »

Oh gosh! I don't have anything recent haha. My artwork ceased to exist some years ago although I will try and find something more recent  than what's here  :)


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« #44 : December 30, 2014, 12:19:37 AM »

That was be great!! See what you have, or do some new stuff??

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