Mushrooms 0
: 811
Nobodys perfect, look at me!
« #15 : May 08, 2006, 08:05:00 PM » |
Kwl sounds good. you do art. ... when ur art exam i've got mine thursday and friday comming. Bhaal 
Guard of the Citadel
Mushrooms 0
: 4515
« #16 : May 08, 2006, 09:19:10 PM » |
Already had mine  had it last month but we can still add to our prep work if we need to. Which is good 'cos I only actually drew & researched the pictures I planned to use in the exam  oops. What do you have to do for yours?
Mushrooms 0
: 811
Nobodys perfect, look at me!
« #17 : May 08, 2006, 10:44:24 PM » |
BIG oops there  Well as the theme was structures, i chose natural disaersters. . . . . . . So what i'm doing is that i'm makeing a tornado comming out of an egg shell. The egg shell witll be made out of paper mashai (bugger i think i spelt that wrong  ) The frame of the tornado will be made out of chicken wire shaped correclt (by me) then i will have normal wire wrapped around it so it (hopefully) looks remotly like a tornado. The egg will be obviously be the same colour of an normal egg, but it will also be decorated in the style of "musical vorticies" by shawn shelders. Allote to do in 10 hours.  Bhaal 
Guard of the Citadel
Mushrooms 0
: 4515
« #18 : May 08, 2006, 11:04:58 PM » |
Wow. That sounds really good  & although the 10 hours does past by really quick you get LOADS done. During our exam there was a fire though (all the way up in the Science labs, so no where near our exam pieces...Phew) so we got extra time which was pretty great  Ah, I wanna do that exam again. Two days of nothing but art is the best! For mine I painted a mural and we had a set brief. We had a choice of what we could do but we had to use different cultural pictures and the theme of mazes & knots had to be shown throughout the piece. So for mine I did a huge maze background, in the centre I had a celtic Dragon (which was more for the knots than the culture) then in the 4 corners I had Indian, Chinese, Native American & Celtic Art  . Came out better than I expected  Good luck with your exam anyway! I'm sure you'll do great ^___^
Mushrooms 0
: 811
Nobodys perfect, look at me!
« #19 : May 08, 2006, 11:12:53 PM » |
 wow  that sounds good hope you get a good grade for it.  I like the dragon in the middle of the maze ( proberly because i like dragons but there you go  ) Proberly will get done quickly but then again as you said if i finish too quickly i have got 2 days of nothing. ! ! YAY ! ! Thank you, i hope i do well also.  Bhaal 
Guard of the Citadel
Mushrooms 0
: 4515
« #20 : May 09, 2006, 12:13:13 AM » |
Well, if we finished we got told to add to our prep work or other work we have done throughout the course. I didn't finish though & had to go into extra time in lessons. But I got it done, which is the main thing  I wonder what I got for it actually...I sorta haven't asked lol. I just finished & left it in the hands of my teacher 
Mushrooms 0
: 811
Nobodys perfect, look at me!
« #21 : May 09, 2006, 12:20:55 AM » |
Proberly wont be able to find out what you got for it once every thing has been completed and done. You know when they say that the examiners call up peoples work . . . Apperently mine and several others in my art class has been called up. But my art teacher has assured us that it isnt to check up on us it's more to check up on her and that she is marking correctly. I was panicking when i first found out because i thought they were thinking i had cheated on my coursework. Bhaal 
Guard of the Citadel
Mushrooms 0
: 4515
« #22 : May 09, 2006, 12:29:12 AM » |
Oh yeah, same at my school. No idea who's been chosen for our art though. But far as I know my work hasn't been chosen to be looked at yet by anyone. YAY  We got all the lectures that it was to test the teachers not us loads of times. Annoying really  But don't worry about it 
Mushrooms 0
: 811
Nobodys perfect, look at me!
« #23 : May 09, 2006, 12:35:08 AM » |
I'm fine, apperently in my course work i done really well. And that she has never made a mistake in markeing befor. So there you go. But then again there is always a first time for everything isnt there Mua ha ha ha ha ha Sorry got a bit carried away there ! ! LOL ! ! Bhaal 
Guard of the Citadel
Mushrooms 0
: 4515
« #24 : May 09, 2006, 12:39:05 AM » |
Lol!  Well aye, but am sure it'll all be fine. If there's anything wrong it'll be her marking. Hey! You might even go up a grade, hehe 
Mushrooms 0
: 811
Nobodys perfect, look at me!
« #25 : May 09, 2006, 12:42:44 AM » |
OoOoOoOo YAY wouldnt mind that. another B grade nder my belt. but the chance of that is VERY VERY VERY slim. But there you go thats life. And for the rest of that look under my avatar. it says it all  Bhaal 
Keeper of mice - Dual Commander of LINK!
Mushrooms 1
: 8692
« #26 : May 11, 2006, 06:48:31 PM » |
wow you have real talent girl! all your pieces look great!  You will both have to show us pictures of your final pieces when you get them back! I remember my 10 hour art exam, absolutely loved it, best way to spend ur birthday lol! I will show you a picture of my final piece when i upload it  Really regret not continuing art now  Good luck to you both! 
Mushrooms 0
: 811
Nobodys perfect, look at me!
« #27 : May 11, 2006, 11:49:58 PM » |
What a way to spend your birthday  Thanks and will do, just finished first part of my exam today, 5 more hours to go ! YAY ! But the thing is i'me not sure that i'm going to be able to finish it all in time  Bhaal 
Guard of the Citadel
Mushrooms 0
: 4515
« #28 : May 16, 2006, 12:48:57 AM » |
Aww, how did it go? Thankyou Del!  I'm taking my camera into school all this week (last week  ) so I'll get a picture of my exam piece for anybody who wants to see it 
Mushrooms 0
: 811
Nobodys perfect, look at me!
« #29 : May 16, 2006, 12:52:55 AM » |
Yeah it went ok. I could have spent more time on the patternt on the egg shell, but t mainly followed the basic design and showed links to my researched artists. I had a letter through over the weekend saying that i'm a B grade in art so far (i was predicted a C) and i need to go back on some of my folder work to push it up to an A grade so that if some marks gets docked i'm still a B  Ty for asking, and yeah i'll try to get a pic of it sometime soon  Bhaal 