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: Writing your own Novel  ( 15842 )
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Firstborn of Imladris

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« : November 08, 2005, 03:31:17 AM »

Has anyone tried to do this ?

I decided in the Summer I was going to write my own novel.  But now I have about 4 different themes I might write one about... hmmmm where to start :-\

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya

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Death Delerium

« #1 : November 08, 2005, 01:24:36 PM »

I would love to, but everytime i come up with an idea, neil gaiman releases a book about it......that psychic b******d!

What kinds of themes would you be thinking of?  Would you be looking a few short novels or a saga type piece?

I think it would be best to start off with something smaller, but generally write as much as you can.  Write down every idea you can as you go along and be constantly getting someone to read over what you've written.   I also think its important to not plunge readers straight into all the main characters because you have to remember that your book spans a lot more than the first few pages.

But sure, go for it.

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.

« #2 : November 08, 2005, 04:44:59 PM »

I've tried to write a novel before, but the whole idea changes while I'm writing it and it never turns out the way I want it.

Plus, I do so much and get bored and never go back to it.  And by the time I've decided to go back to it, I've totally forgotten what it was about and how to continue it :-\
Firstborn of Imladris

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« #3 : November 08, 2005, 08:46:04 PM »

hahhahaha!  yeah I was worried about that

one thing I have read is that you should make a plan of the plot.  Start simple and build it outwards.

I think thats the first stage Im going to try and achieve.  Once the plot is outlined in full.. it shouldnt be as hard to fill in the gaps ... she says ::)

Ive thought either about writing about you know the usual "women's" novel.. Some are inspiring and exciting.... some are just every day stuff... anyone should be able to do that to some degree.. as long as you have a basic plot line

But really what Id like to do is get into fantasy novels...... but really I dont read enough of them to get the idea.  SOooooo next first thing is to start reading more fantasy.... got a new book today!

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya

« #4 : November 08, 2005, 10:26:29 PM »

 What did you get then?

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Death Delerium

« #5 : November 09, 2005, 12:43:18 AM »

With fantasy and science fiction novels more than any other genre, the key is to read as many of them as possible.  If you're interested in writing fantasy, sci fi novels are so closely linked that they're worth the read too.  If you've only read a few you can get bogged down in other peoples ideas

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
Firstborn of Imladris

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« #6 : November 09, 2005, 11:41:00 PM »

yes i thought that... but i also thought that if i read any, i might become disillusioned by my own ideas :(  might be better just to write what i know :-\

Nil, Im sure you can guess the sort of book Im reading!

Im thinking about reading the Shannara series tho...Has anyone read it?

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya

« #7 : November 10, 2005, 12:14:11 AM »

yes i thought that... but i also thought that if i read any, i might become disillusioned by my own ideas :(  might be better just to write what i know :-\

Nil, Im sure you can guess the sort of book Im reading!

Im thinking about reading the Shannara series tho...Has anyone read it?

 I can guess but I don't know exactly what you are reading.

 I have the Shannara series but had to avoid reading the Elf Queen of Shannara as it was getting round and round without end. The first part of the series (not Heritage of Shannara) is excellent in my opinion. Especially First king of Shannara.
Birdseye Speedwell

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« #8 : November 10, 2005, 01:49:19 AM »

I started writing a novel ... but I'm a perfectionist, so its going VERY slowly lol and I can totally agree bout the different theme thing ... I started like a dozen different ones, and finally decided that I should focus on writign one at a time lol.

And as far as the Shannanara sceries, I read the first three in highschool and loved um, but I havent read any since lol  :)

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« #9 : November 10, 2005, 09:04:42 PM »

I've had loads of ideas for Novel's, but I've only ever had the determination with one of them, which is actually loosely based on a Roleplay I was in once  :)

I love writing, but I find it VERY hard to start, and finish, a story.  I can write the middle, no problem!  But the start and finish, I never have any idea.  I never know how to start a story so well that the reader will want to keep reading, or tie up all the loose ends to make a good finish!

I'm still trying though  :D


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Death Delerium

« #10 : November 13, 2005, 05:27:41 AM »

Seeing as were on the topic of fiction, i just wrote this for coursework now and i was wondering if you'd give me opinions.  I know its a dumb story but ive had way too much caffiene and i havent slept for about three days. Opinons much appreciated, yeeeeeees.
I have a 1500 word limit which i've gone over which is why it ends so abrubtly, it also has no title, the footnotes are *s was meant to be an autobiographical peace, but i guess my tutors will just have to lump it with the ficiton.

Something was amiss.

Firstly, you didn’t see the Milkybar kid running up and down Main Street.  When you’re living in this debauched quagmire, it doesn’t matter how obvious you are. No –ones gonna stop you.   Secondly, and this was something big, if it wasn’t Ripple, brown mink coat just skimming her slim chocolatey epidermis getting into a Porsche of someone it would cost her her life to be seen with, although he stayed hidden in a hat and long coat. Now, here’s for you to understand, Ripple wasn’t permitted to be sloping off with unseen men in the night.  And when you’re someone like Ripple, this means that you’re up to something, and you better damn well hope you aren’t caught.  Perhaps if Drifter wasn’t lurking there, unseen as always, then things would have worked out okay. Perhaps.
Since the Nestle take-over, the streets had been running amok.  Additives, extra caramel and those damned biscuits, tough as nails.  Mostly they’d accepted the new regime, hell, if you could stay on your feet you could probably make a profit from the way things were done now.  Corrupt and twisted, the two powers fought for control of the streets, because if you had the streets, you had it all.  And for Snickers, the sh*t was about to hit the fan. 

   Like most over-testosterone-pumped showdowns, it was going to be about a girl.  Or was it? Somehow he knew that would only scratch the surface.  Trying to clear his head with a gin and tonic and a b&h gold, he didn’t know.  He was the Big One, the King Size, and he damn sure knew how to use it.  He was damned if he was going to be played over by that fatman Cadbury this time.  The fool should have learned by now not to push him, they all remembered how he dealt with Wispas disappearance.   But, he thought as he sighed to himself, that was back in his Marathon days.  The mirror threw into light his rugged face, telling no lies and plaintively keeping her opinions to herself, as mirrors do.*  Perhaps he was in too deep now.  Then the thoughts of Ripple flooded back to him.  She was the only one he’d really hand any feelings for in a long time now, and he meant really felt, not just because she was pretty, and smooth, and so fragile she looked like she’d melt in his hands if he held her for two long.  She filled something inside of him that peanuts and nougat never could.  That swung it for him, and he was going to fight for her

“God knows, I’ll probably have half a mind to kill her when she’s back” he grunted, pulling on a large black overcoat associated with the most shady types.  (However to say that this was not an accurate description would be a discredit to the coat, who prided itself on its many gangster outings and had now come to form quite a high opinion of itself)
Snickers wondered where the hell the Milkybar Kid had got to, he should have arrived with some information on her at least a half-hour ago.  And Pizza.  He could use some pizza before tonight.
Leaning out his window he dialled his number on his cell, before something caught his eye.  There, walking up the road, was Drifter.

   Snickers rubbed his eyes.  Drifter, back after all this time? A quick exchange of glances hailed Difter up to his apartment and within half a minute, three firm knocks resounded on his door.
“Hey buddy”
“Greetings, my old friend.  I must get straight to the point.  We need to leave, and now. Take anything you have to arm yourself.  I know somewhere we can talk.”
“I need to wait for the Milkybar kid.  Its this sh*t with Ripple again, shes…”
“We cant wait for him. It’s pointless either way.  He has betrayed you.”
“….You what? Listen, what the hells going on? Where have you been for the last year anyway?”
“Like I said, somewhere that we can talk”
Snickers sighed.  He grabbed an large nondescript bag from the table next to him and stepped into the hallway, locking his door behind him.  The thing in it was the only way to deal with someone pissin’ you off these days.  He reeked of gasoline.
“So.  Pizza?”
Drifter stared at him momentarily, then chuckled.  His friend hadn’t changed too much.

  The  Milkybar kid felt nervous as he walked into the room where Fruit’nNut, WholeNut and Dairymilk sat, looking businesslike and calm in their cushy overpriced leather chairs.  They’d always been the executives, controlling most of the city since anyone could remember.  He wasn’t sure why he was in such a panic, he was sure they couldn’t hurt him directly, or at least didn’t intend to.   Boost and Crunchie weren’t there, and they were the ones for doing the real dirty work.  But these guys, they gave him the creeps.  They were too streamlined, been around for too long without growing frail and old like all things do.  People never tired of them.  It was like the holy trinity or something, unnatural.

But so far, everything had gone to plan.  There was nothing to be mad at him for.  He’d done everything they’d asked, and rallied all the ones he could to his cause.  He wasn’t sure why he felt guilty about trying to end corruption…..but before Snickers had taken control things were, well, pretty boring.  A sick fear in his gut told him that the Cadbury Brothers had learnt a thing or two about playing dirty now, and that their old ways of reigning would not be quickly restored.   But they’d made such a great offer to him, to Ripple, to everyone in fact.

“Remember,” said that voice at the back of his head,   “the Nazis promised something for everyone too”. 

He frowned. It was the additives, the artificial sweeteners, the biscuit interiors.  Constantly competing to see who could come out with something better, the Milkybar Kid had the sinking feeling of being stuck in a marsh; both sides playing tug of war trying to drag him out but ripping him apart. But now he had Bueno back home, and their little happy hippo.  He had to think about the future. 

“Yes”, he thought, “you can do this.  It’s for the best.”

 For all the snide crap he’d taken from Snickers, he damn well nearly deserved it.  If he pulled this coup off, then he’d be set up with a cushy government job and happily have enough income for the both of them.  Snickers’ street cred wasn’t getting him anywhere.  The hardest part was convincing Ripple to go along with it.  If she hadn’t, he’d probably be dead by now.  He knew deep though that she was only after power, and she’d go to whoever would help her.  “Those damned dames,” he thought.    But he needed to focus.

“So,” said WholeNut, puffing on a huge Cuban cigar, “How many have allied themselves with us?”
The Milkybar Kid played with his shirt ends.  “KitKat, the Aeros, Dime,”
“Give me the big guys.  M+Ms. The Yorkies”
“Ahh, ahh yes; the Yorkies are all in.  They’re very enthused, very enthused”
“And the M+MS?”
“Nah.  They’re probably on their way to see Snickers now”
“What? I thought we had a deal here, Whitey.  I need those M+Ms.  It is imperative that this runs according to plan.”
“Well……I’m not on good terms with them.  Old things they wouldn’t let slide, y’know?”
“Like what?”.  WholeNuts face was unamused.
 Milkybar shifted his weight and avoided eye contact
“I made a few too many…..err…….pacman jokes as a kid, I think.  They’re a bit sensitive.”
Fruit’n’Nut stifled a laugh while Dairy Milk, who had remained silent up until then, cleared his throat and shot his brother an icy look.
 “This will do for now.  I am confident we will succeed.  We outnumber him in allies ten to one.  You are certain that he will be there?”
“Because I warn you now, Whitey, the repercussions will be severe.”
“I understand that.”  The Milkybar kid nodded his head towards him.
“Then we should leave now” 

Drifter had been on Milkybars case for months now.  Tailing him at every opportunity, making sure he wasn’t seen.  Snickers didn’t know about it, of course.   He had waited till now to inform Snickers because he saw what Snickers wouldn’t…. a perfect way to get rid of the Cadbury Brothers forever.  Their time was over now. 

  After a detailed explanation of events, Snickers reeled in shock.
“No way,”  he said, stopping to cough on the pizza stuck in his throat.  He thumped his chest.  Drifter raised an eyebrow.
“So when I’m meeting The Kid tonight……he was gonna……and the Yorkies?  I can’t believe this.  So what the hell are we going to do?”
“Ah,” said Drifter.  “Were taking the city for good.”
“WE are?  What the hell, Drifter.  I know you aren’t in this for power.  Additives?”
“No, man. I’m off that sh*t.”  He sighed, and suddenly seemed weary and careworn.  “Its Mars.  She says she’ll come back to me if I help you out.”
Snickers leaned back and smiled. 
“Best sister a guy could have.   So, what are we waiting for?  I presume you’ve got this sorted already?”
“Let me get in contact with a few people”
Snickers felt confident as they strode out.

Outside a dilapidated and abandoned looking warehouse, the bleak and shady kind**,  The Cadbury brothers and a horde of their minions waited.  Fruit’n’Nut checked his watch.  The Milkybar Kid gulped.   Where the hell could he be?
A massive noise startled him.  It sounded like hundreds of people, ramming on all the walls.  Outside, the M+Ms worked covertly under the leader ship of Red and Yellow to seal off all exits.  Drifter stood by and thought of all the losses.  He’d worked with some of them before, and they were good guys really, but it was a tough world out there, and if you didn’t pick your allies wisely, there ain’t no telling what could happen to you.  Besides, they’re all there cause they’re against Snickers, he thought.  That settled it.

Snickers, however, mournfully wished he could fish out Ripple without getting himself killed in the process.
The legendary Pink M+M patrolled the roof.  No one had busted her on an op before, and Drifter had to pull quite a few strings to get her involved in this. She was damned if she was going to let anyone catch a glimpse of her now.  Through the holes in the roof, the gasoline from her canister began to drizzle down onto the multitude of products below, who tripped over each other in the dark and shouted in confusion as to
“WHAT IN THE DAMNED HELL WAS GOING ON”, from Biscuit York, at least.
She nearly felt a glimmer of remorse as she dropped the match down.
Drifter and Snickers exchanged glances as the M+Ms ran back towards them, diving for cover.
They turned to walk away, not even sticking around to watch them Melt.

*Good Mirrors, anyway
** Not unalike in terms of stereotype to the aforementioned coat of Snickers
« : November 15, 2005, 03:34:39 AM Shadowfax »

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
Firstborn of Imladris

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« #11 : November 15, 2005, 03:37:09 AM »

LOL!  great story!  Surreal!  but very clever and nicely written :D

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya

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Death Delerium

« #12 : November 16, 2005, 04:00:33 AM »

i just reread it and wonder what compelled me to hand that in for A level. Meh.

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
Firstborn of Imladris

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« #13 : November 16, 2005, 04:01:52 AM »

did you get a grade on it ?

hey!  its good to be surreal, and the names make it really comical!

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya

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Death Delerium

« #14 : November 18, 2005, 04:15:48 AM »

i shall make sure to inform y'all when i get graded.  It probably wont be too high though, im not really doing whats asked of me

Sooooooooo, back to your ideas in the pipeline EG

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
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