Hi all,
sorry for intruding but just wanted you all to know all of this.
Btw I hope your realm is going well.
Anyways, FF05, is the Fellowship festival 2005 held in london this year,
The website for it is
http://www.aaaevents.co.ukAll of this years guests can be viewed there.
Now, the competition is now split into 2.
Firstly for the artisits amoung you, a drawing or any form of art, of anyone to is attending the Fellowship festival, <eg, Craig Parker, or Mark Fergusson> now, just send the artwork over to me, and then we will judge it and announce the winners later in the year, the judging goes onto each seperate actor/actress, so if you draw a pic of Craig parker, and your named the Craig Parker winner, your prize will be the following:
Your picture will be printed out onto high quality paper, then I shall take it with me to the fellowship festival and ask Craig to sign it for you, with your name on it, and then Pop it in the post to you.
Thats it, thats all of it.
Now, if your not an artist, (i know I'm not) we have another competition for you.
All you have to do is:
Write the lord of the rings, onto 1 side of A4 paper, put it whatever parts you like, change it, make it an exciting but short story.
Must be done using Times new Roman as the font, and size 12.
the winners will be contacted and I shall then get them a signed pic of any guest at the fellowship festival they like, and send it to them in the post.