In order to keep this board running smoothly, please read through the following guidelines and keep them in mind when posting:No spamming - This includes posting replies of just a couple of words, irrelevant or off-topic posts, and double posting.. If you need to add something to a post go back to it and modify it instead of making a new post..
No swearing - This is absolutely forbidden on this forum... all swearing will be edited out by the moderators.
No offensive posts - All offensive and insulting posts will be removed. If you do not like something which is being discussed in a topic on this board, do not ruin it for the people who do. You are entitled to express your dislike, but do so in a polite, appropriate manner with valid reasons.
Before starting a new topic please take a minute to look through the board and make sure a similar topic does not already exist.
All posts of the above nature will be edited or removed by moderators or administrators.
If you see a post which you think falls into the above categories, please don't voice this except in an IM to either Beleriel or Aulë including a link to the topic and we will look at it as soon as possible.
Topics which have not been posted in for 30 days may be deleted.
If you have any questions then contact the board mods
Elecyla and