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: "Lost"; Dominic Monaghan - Beware, spoilers!  ( 139778 )
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« #330 : September 20, 2006, 10:50:34 PM »

wow am definitly enjoying this series... though i ruined it for myself by watching my brother's dvd of season 2 :P hehe i know what happenssssss!!!  :P lol only annoying thing is i can't discuss it with anyone as they haven;t seen it yet  ::) lol

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« #331 : September 20, 2006, 11:20:45 PM »

wow am definitly enjoying this series... though i ruined it for myself by watching my brother's dvd of season 2 :P hehe i know what happenssssss!!!  :P lol only annoying thing is i can't discuss it with anyone as they haven;t seen it yet  ::) lol

Haha i have that problem :laugh: I saw series 2 a while ago and haven't been able to talk about it with anyone, it's so hard to not say anything LOL! :P

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« #332 : September 21, 2006, 03:18:16 AM »

wow am definitly enjoying this series... though i ruined it for myself by watching my brother's dvd of season 2 :P hehe i know what happenssssss!!!  :P lol only annoying thing is i can't discuss it with anyone as they haven;t seen it yet  ::) lol

Haha i have that problem :laugh: I saw series 2 a while ago and haven't been able to talk about it with anyone, it's so hard to not say anything LOL! :P

wow someone I can talk about it too!! hehe i'll IM you if I get super desperate to discuss something ;) though my friends have just announced that they're coming round tommrorow to steal my dvd cos they just cant wait til tuesday hehe :P
but isnt it so cute that clare and charlie are getting back together??! (holding hands end of last episode) I was so annoyed at clare when she shouted at poor ickle charlie.. :P hehe

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« #333 : September 21, 2006, 11:57:36 PM »

but isnt it so cute that clare and charlie are getting back together??! (holding hands end of last episode) I was so annoyed at clare when she shouted at poor ickle charlie.. :P hehe

Have to say, Charlie became rather annoying to me for a bit. Although not as annoying as Bernard, he's just soooo dull. Especially his and Rose's episode.


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« #334 : September 22, 2006, 03:15:03 AM »

but isnt it so cute that clare and charlie are getting back together??! (holding hands end of last episode) I was so annoyed at clare when she shouted at poor ickle charlie.. :P hehe

Have to say, Charlie became rather annoying to me for a bit. Although not as annoying as Bernard, he's just soooo dull. Especially his and Rose's episode.

:O u take that back about charlie!!!!! lol :P aw bless him he's one of favourite characters part from Sawyer of cource- he's just great hehe

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« #335 : September 24, 2006, 03:48:31 AM »

lol only annoying thing is i can't discuss it with anyone as they haven;t seen it yet  ::) lol

Uh, tell me about it. I've being dying to talk about it with my friends for ages but none of them have seen it yet. How frustrating! Ah well, I'll be able to soon enough.

Hehe, I love what they find on the boat.

hehe ah yes i agree :D

aww bless.. my friend kept trailing me around for ages pathetically asking if sawyer dies.. :P hehe she declared that she'd never watch lost again if he did and she'd stage a protest to have it brought back to life :P

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« #336 : September 24, 2006, 03:36:04 PM »

I saw the ending ages ago and the only people I could talk about it with were my sister TO & Idril boy it was hard not to give things away.

And series 3 starts in the States on the 4th October will have to keep up with it then when im in Miami in Nov watch it

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« #337 : October 01, 2006, 01:14:34 AM »


hmmmm, well now that I've seen the finale, I'm actually kind of disappointed. :-\
Sure it answered a few questions like what most likely caused the plane crash which was rather nice to know, but at the end, the thought that their island may have been discovered by outsiders kind of ruins the thought that they're actually completely lost on a unique island.

Just a thought, but as for the hatch door flying off after the bright light and strange noise, I don't think it was an explosion of a normal type, but some sort of huge electromagnetic discharge after it was left building up with the button not being pressed, which would be enough to shift that rather heavy iron hatch door. People in the hatch surely can't be dead, all the characters down there are all too cool. :D


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Do not grieve for those whose time has come...

« #338 : October 13, 2006, 12:11:19 AM »

ahh does anyone know when series 3 comes out?? I know the lucky people in america have it already, and my friend's managed to download the first two but I refuse to spoil it for myself :P lol!!
and i agree- the characters in the hatch can't have died!!! espesially locke... no way will he have gone...

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« #339 : October 13, 2006, 01:07:55 AM »

My guess is that it'll start in something like late February to March.
It should be earlier but the US stop showing it after a bit, something to do with their TV ratings I think. We should really get it earlier than March but twould mean we catch up the US viewings, which can't possibly happen as they must see it first. Otherwise no one can see it. :dry:

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« #340 : February 17, 2007, 02:45:29 AM »

I have missed out on the second and third seasons... :[

Is it good?  Do people still here still watch it?

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!

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« #341 : November 07, 2011, 06:27:41 AM »

  How did the show end after all?  I had quit watching it long before it ended... so I have no clue what all happened (and I'm too lazy to go look online atm! :P)..  Someone enlighten me..

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