Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor
Mushrooms 0
: 5174
« : August 30, 2004, 01:44:48 AM » |
Art and fiction in this board can be Tolkien-related, and non-Tolkien related, as long as it is made by YOU!
This board is for you, the members to post up your talent, be it art, poetry, fan-fics, etc.
No pornography, whether imagery, or fictional will be tolerated. This board is read by people of all ages.
No swearing either!
All topics that have been in-active for two weeks or more will be removed. This is to keep the board fresh, and make room for new topics.
If you want a topic to be kept alive, it might be an idea to post in it once in a while. If there is any special reason you cannot post, (for instance you are on holiday/away, or simply busy for a while), then IM myself or Del, and we will lightbulb it for you. That way, we know not to delete that topic.
It would be a good idea to back up your work onto your computer or a disc, so you can go back to it, should it be deleted from the forum. If your work is that important to you, then its worth saving it for the future.
Also can I suggest that if you wish to see your poems remain in the forum, you should post them up in the sticky thread: "Poems".
When you are replying to make comments on peoples work, they might appreciate it more if you give them constructive/encouraging comments or views.
One word replies, such as "cool" "wow" etc are considered spam, and will go un-appreciated by the authors/members on this site.
Moderators are: Del, Waelith and Unebriwen