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: Avatars And Signatures  ( 3225 )
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« : December 29, 2004, 07:49:09 PM »

Here is a list of members that can make you avatars and signature pictures  :) But please only IM one person on the list and wait for an answer from them, otherwise you may find that a lot of people go to the trouble of making a picture for you that you don't use.

(to view examples of their work, click on the blue links.
to view their profile, click on the purple links.)

Ant - [profile]

Astrael - examples - [Profile]

Durin - [profile]

Eledhwen - [profile]

Elril Galia - homepage - [profile]

Éowyn - [profile]

HIM  (prince.legolas) - [profile]

Icy - [profile]

Jezz - examples @ photobucket - [profile]

Legendel - [profile]

Lilla - [profile]

MojoToner (Luigi) - [profile]

Paine - examples @ photobucket - [profile]

Pippin - [profile]

Tig - [profile]

Unebriwen - one, two -   [profile]

Unicorny - homepage - [profile]

Viggoangel - [profile]

- [profile]

Witch-King - [profile]

Xienta Darkness - [profile]

Note: Please IM only one of the above, try not to ask for more than one thing. Do not ask all of them at once! And if they decide to make you an av or sig, please use them.

If anyone of this list wants their name added or removed then please IM me or and one of us shall remove it for you  :)
« : November 03, 2011, 12:32:35 AM Théodwyn »

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