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: The Drool Board Guidelines & other useful Info (Updated 11 Oct.)  ( 11387 )
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« : October 16, 2004, 03:48:08 AM »

Hello and welcome to the drool board!  In this board, you can drool over whoever you like, but please, please, PLEASE take a read of these guidelines before making any new topics:

- Please check to see if there isn't already a topic about the person.  If there is, please post in there and do not create new topics

- Please do not post too many pictures of the person.  If possible, please resize them if they are big.  This can cause agrovation for those on slower connections (like myself)

- Please do not post any pictures which may seem pornographic

- When you search for a picture, please make sure that they image has not been Copyrighted.  If it has, then this can cause a lot of problems that we don't want!

- Please do not post in a drool topic if you do not like the person being discussed.  Its disruptive and ignorant!

- Please try and post pictures!  If you don't, then it doesn't give us much to drool about!!  :pk:

All in all, I can't really think of anything else, but things shall be discussed.


Fanclubs are a big NO-NO on this board or anywhere else on the forum.  Please do not post fanclub threads because they will be deleted straight away.  However, you and the people who use the topic about a certain person are allowed to come up with a common name for the thread, but please do not abuse this.  When you have pictures to post, post them!  If you don't have anything decent or relevant to say, don't say it!  This is not a spam board or fan club board!

Locked Topics

If a topic is locked, then it has been locked for a reason.  Common reasons for locked topics are:

- The topic has got too big therefore a new topic can be started

- There is already a topic about that person

- Something was posted in that topic, which seemed offensive or unsuitable (but this is usually resolved by deleting posts, not locking the topic).

Keeping the Drool Board Clean!

Topics that have not had a reply for more than 6 months will be deleted.  If you wish to keep your topic, post in it!

If you stick by these guidelines at all times, there shall be no problems.  All in all, happy drooling!

If you have any questions contact Starzi or Théodwyn.
« : October 12, 2006, 02:28:17 AM Théodwyn »

« #1 : October 19, 2004, 08:17:34 PM »

Every week or so, I will be going through this board and deleting any threads which have not had any replies in 6 months.

If you wish to keep a thread alive, then post in it!  But this doesn't mean you can spam.

  If you would like for you topic to avoid being deleted then please send me (Théo) a personal message letting me know which topic you would like spared from my regular deletion..

Please remember that if you don't post, your thread can still get caught up in the regular forum clean out!  So here is a warning, try and keep your topics active if you don't want to see them go, but no spamming!
« : October 12, 2006, 02:32:48 AM Théodwyn »

« #2 : December 27, 2004, 05:50:26 AM »

Personal Picture Topics

These topics are no longer allowed on this board.  Please remember that this is a board to drool over celebrities...not yourselves or people who know.

If a topic is found with personal photos that bear the subject title of "Who do I look like", "pictures of me" or anything like that, they will be locked.

This board is for drooling over celebrities only, so nothing personal.
« : October 12, 2006, 02:25:54 AM Théodwyn »

« #3 : May 17, 2005, 10:33:54 PM »

Some people may still be confused on posting images and stuff, so I thought I'd do a quick tag tutorial just so you know how to do it :)

When posting an image, it must be on the Internet.  You cannot direct link images from your computers hard drive.

To do this, you can create an account with Photobucket and upload your images to there.  If you do not want to create an account and upload straight away, you can upload your images to Tinypic.

Once you've uploaded the image, your image will have a URL (this an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator).  Every single image you find on the Internet had a URL, as with every web site.  An example of a URL is or

With Photobucket, once the image has been uploaded, it gives you the URL of the image as demonstrated below:

There are three boxes.  We only really need to focus on the first one and the last one.

Once uploaded, click your mouse into the first box and press Ctrl + C (or right click then Copy) and this will copy the URL location to your computers clipboard.  Come back to the forum and click on this button:

This will insert the tags which will appear like this:

Code: [Select]
Now, you will to place your mouse inbetween these tags and press Ctrl + V (or right click then Paste).  It should give you the following:

Code: [Select]
Alternativly, you can choose the last box in Photobucket, copy it (Ctrl + C) and paste it into the reply box and it'll do all the codes and tags automatically.

However, if you are linking from a different site, you will need to find out the URL the manual way, and you can do this by right clicking on the image and choosing Properties.  Next to Address (or Location if you're using Firefox), there will be the URL.  Use your mouse to highlight the text and right click and press Copy.  Go back to the message board and click on the Image button () to insert the tags and paste the URL inbetween the tags

Please remember to make sure that the images are not Copyrighted!  Using the Google image facility is a pretty safe way to avoid this.  Also upload the images to your own Photobucket account (or your own web space) so you don't use other peoples bandwidth.  Bandwidth costs money!
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« #4 : November 06, 2011, 02:30:10 AM »

  Check out the FAQ for more information..

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