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: 50 shades of grey trilogy  ( 2966 )
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Sometimes Love DOES last Forever

« : July 12, 2012, 07:53:45 PM »

Thoughts anyone?

I loved them and NOT because of the rude bits, the love story bit...

Plus film in the making can't wait!!

Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #1 : July 17, 2012, 10:04:19 PM »

Hmmmm, well I like the books but mainly because they were written from a woman's point of view and because they contain a fantasy male that most women would love to have in their lives but...

they were poorly written with so much repetition in them and quite a few mistakes within the characterisation too.  Nevertheless, I have read them numerous times, simply from a pure fantasy point of view!!!   :laugh:


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Sometimes Love DOES last Forever

« #2 : July 19, 2012, 05:33:30 PM »

Yes I totally agree and to be honest it's almost like reading a twilight fan fiction however a love story that contains the perfect man who will change his world for a woman is something I'll never get bored of :) there are also quite alot of funny bits that had me giggling from the weird to her just being downright stubborn

Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #3 : July 19, 2012, 08:56:40 PM »

True enough, it was based on one of the Twilight stories, as has been reported anyway.

Hmmmm... didnt make me laugh once!  Got cross with her from time to time for being so thick!  when she was supposed to be intelligent!  :P 


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Sometimes Love DOES last Forever

« #4 : July 20, 2012, 04:52:56 AM »

Oh there were so many funny parts, where she shaves and it's not to his standards and her hitting the big blonde guy in aspen, mia generally annoying them, jet skis ect..

Quite alot of action also amongst the.. You know... Business lol so it would still be a good film if it were to be toned down a little..

A friend of mine who read it said it almost glamourised certain things she otherwise never considered.. Can't say the same for myself, I've not been tempted into bondage by it lol

Also the papers (that often bend truthes) have said the book is stopping housewives from tidying the house which I'd officially like to quash I'm at home with a 4 year old and 11 week old and my house is spotless

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