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« : November 04, 2011, 01:01:28 PM »

Ok so I know it's not the same as picking up a good book, however if your like me and generally don't get much time to sit still for prolonged periods then it has become useful to use I books on my phone so I can read at night in the dark without keeping anyone awake... So thoughts? Recommendations?

I have successfully read the millennium series on this and was hooked, I loved the books so much I was actually gutted when I finished them  :o  some find them to be a little difficult to read due to some graphic descriptions ect but in my opinion if it makes you feel any emotion strongly the books doing it's jon :)

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« #1 : November 04, 2011, 07:46:16 PM »

  My Mom has a Nook that she LOVES!  And she reads quite a good bit on them when she can..

  I don't read too much anymore (books in any form), though..  :-\

Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #2 : May 21, 2012, 04:00:18 AM »

I recently bought a Kindle and that coupled with the fact that I have gone part time at work has really renewed my reading habits now I have the time.  So easy to read in bed and so many books for free!  Now that is no bad thing I think.

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« #3 : May 21, 2012, 07:06:01 PM »

See I'm really feeling torn about getting a kindle. On one side I think they make things so much more convenient, the ability to carry around so many books without the weight, the easiness of finding the books and as you said the free books available, but I do enjoy the feel of a physical book itself as odd as that may sound and the smell of a book too!

I do want one, I'm just not sure if I would really use it or go back to getting books, boo, so confused!

"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now."

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Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

« #4 : May 22, 2012, 01:47:37 AM »

I was stood on the train the other day trying to juggle two big bags and a double volume paperback and not falling over whilst turning the page, when I became aware that everyone around me was reading from either a Kindle or some other electronic device.  I did get quite jealous at that point.  But on the other hand I can trace some of my life through physical books - the slight rip in the page when one of the children got a bit too demanding for my attention, the tomato stain that leaked from some supplies from the LOTR fun day (when I foolishly thought that teenagers and ratouille (with yellow courgette) was a good idea), the slight waterstain from a tear that dropped during a moving passage.  You don't get none of them in electronic format, that's for sure.


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS
Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #5 : May 22, 2012, 02:51:50 AM »

Maybe not Anne, and I must admit before I had one I thought no, I really like a traditional book, but I must say the fact that I can store so many on such a small device and carry it in my handbag no problem, I have become a total convert.  :)  I have always had problems with the amount of books I own so I love it.  :)  Worth a go I reckon, but traditional books still have their place. 

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