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: The God Delusion  ( 7328 )
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Ranger of the North

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« : April 18, 2007, 09:53:36 PM »

A fascinating read! I just couldn't put it down. I'm probably going to give it a second read after I've finished reading my current book. Richard Dawkins recently won the best Author award at the Galaxy Book Awards and it's nice to see such a great writer and speaker recognised. I havn't read his earlier stuff (The Ancestor's Tale and the Selfish Gene and what not) but I will definately read them when I have the time (I currently have a pile of about 50 books I want to read that never seems to decrase in size as I keep adding to it). Anybody else read it? Or any of his other works?

High Dúnedain King

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« #1 : April 24, 2007, 06:37:12 PM »

Aye I'm reading at the moment, about halfway through.  I adore his writing, he says what you're thinking lol!   : :D

But yeah, I think this book is excellent, and I really want to get his other books.  I love the way he writes, he's funny and serious at once!  Excellent writer  :D

Ranger of the North

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« #2 : April 27, 2007, 02:26:30 AM »

On a related note "God is not Great: Why Religion Poison Everything" by Christopher Hitchens is in stores now. I'm getting it to read on holiday :)

High Dúnedain King

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« #3 : April 30, 2007, 05:15:28 PM »

Ohh excellent, I like the title so I will give it a read haha ;)  Happy reading on holiday hun! 


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« #4 : May 21, 2007, 03:00:30 AM »

hmmm anyone considered things from the other perspective and read "the dawkins delusion" ? :P they're selling them side by side in wh smith.. ;)

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Ranger of the North

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« #5 : May 27, 2007, 11:36:34 PM »

I know and having read "The Dawkins Delusion", but not payed for it (Thank you library ;)), I can tell you it's a really poor response. Infact "The Dawkins Delusion" is only one response to it. In fact there is also "The God Solution", "Darwin's Angel", "The Dawkins Letters", and last and very much least "Deluded by Dawkins". Hehe, it amuses me that they put more effort into thinking up crap parody titles then they did to the responses themselves. I havn't read them all I admit, I don't have the time right now, but I intend to. Also you'll note that they are wafer thin compared to TGD, I'm not suggesting that the length of a book is connected to the validity of it's arguements, but I can tell you that from reading "The Dawkins Delusion" that the arguements used in it are poor, usually not backed up with any evidence at all, and ignore most of the best arguements written in TGD (I guess they couldn't think of a good reponse to them..). Actually, come to think of it I'm not sure Alister McGrath has even read TGD... Plus he seems to think we Atheist's worship Dawkins or something as he has replaced the word god with it... ::)

High Dúnedain King

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« #6 : June 06, 2007, 08:42:29 PM »

There are things in Dawkin's book I don't agree with, as I'm not an Athiest, and I do have a Religion in a way, although I hate calling Paganism a Religion  >(  But I still think he makes a hell of alot more sense than the contary argument, like in 'The Dawkin's Delusion'.  Basically the religious nuts out there will say everyone is wrong and they are right to brainwash people into their religion.

So aye, Dawkin's is better  :D

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« #7 : September 07, 2007, 03:24:01 AM »

You just have to watch the God channel...enough said.

After deciding to specialize in Christian History I have come to the conclusion that nothing has changed. The Church does not portray the values Jesus emphasized and instead focuses on people's insecurities to maximize profit. I greatly respect Dawkin’s work and although I really ought to read the book (my dad has been pestering me all summer) I agree with the thesis put forward.


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« #8 : April 13, 2008, 05:17:00 AM »

My boyfriend read The God Delusion a while ago, and is perhaps slightly obsessed with Richard Dawkins and religion! He tries to get me as enthused about the whole thing as he is, but it's maybe not my thing. Although I am an atheist.

I still haven't read any of his books, although I like the look of Unweaving the Rainbow.

Haha and Christopher Hitchens is cool. He makes me laugh.

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