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« : September 14, 2005, 02:56:51 AM »

War has broken out again. The spirits of the Sith on Yavin 4 have been awoken, and they have trained corrupt Jedi into Dark Jedi, a mild form of the Sith. But these Dark Jedi are appearing all over the galaxy, and a rise of the Sith is suspected yet again, but can the spirits of long dead Jedi change the destiny of the galaxy...
((^Unless someone else has any ideas. If so Please IM me.))

Name: Padme Amidala Organa Solo
Age: 18
Alignment: Jedi
Status: Apprentice
Lightsaber Colour:Green
Desc: Tall, Silky black hair that comes down to her waist, Piercing blue eyes that seem to see straight through you, her clothes are similar to what her brother wears.
Other: She is the daughter of Leia and Han Solo. She has a twin brother (Anakin), And an older brother (Malen). Her best friends are her handmaids. She lives in Naboo and Anakin lives in Coruscant with their uncle Luke.

Name: Anakin Solo
Age: 18
Alignment: Jedi
Status: Apprentice
Lightsaber Colour: Blue
Desc: Tall, Black hair,Ice blue eyes. White Clothes, Boots, Brown Cloak.
Other: Son of Han and Leia Solo. His best friends are his sister and a fellow Jedi by the name of Merric.

Name: Merric
Age: 19
Alignment: Jedi
Status: Apprentice
Lightsaber Colour:
Desc: Tall, Brown hair,Green eyes. White Clothes, Boots, Brown Cloak
Other:Merric was found near the Jedi Temple no one knew who his parents were. He was taken into the temple and tested. He started trainging the next day. He is now the Apprentice of Luke Skywalker.

"Hypnosis. You know, I'm not a big fan of that bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog stuff."  Colonel Jack O'Neill

We live in a world where lemonade is made with artificial flavors and furniture polish is made with real lemons.
Ranger of the North

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« #1 : September 14, 2005, 03:30:32 AM »

Name: Arien Antilles
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Alignment: Jedi
Lightsaber: Blue
Description: Tall and dark haired like her Father, Wedge Antilles, she gained her ability to use the force through her Mother, a young mysterious woman who Wedge had met on a mission for the New Republic and Luke's Jedi acadamy, a group of young people who had been in hiding since the purging of the Jedi had managed to send a distress signal far across the galaxy to Coruscant which was intercepted by Han Solo, he had instantly told Luke of the message who had asked his friends to track the signal and rescue them. Wedge met the youngest of these young runaways, and instantly fell in love with her, a striking young woman who returned his feelings also, after a short whirlwind romance, she became pregnant and went into hiding on Yavin 4 to protect their child, however after she had given birth, she was killed whilst returning to her love's arms on Coruscant, shot by a spy for the Empire, she had neglected her training and so had no way to defend herself, but died to protect her child.
Wedge vowed that their child would be taught by Luke and would never be so helpless, she would never be harmed, she would be able to defend herself, she would never die for anyone.
And he named her after his lost love, her mother, Arien.
She is very cheerful and positive, sarcastic and light hearted, with an air of invincibility due to her half Corellian blood, she always appears to have a fight first and ask questions later attitude, she never speaks of her Mother however, something which seems to suit Wedge as the memory of her death appears to still cause him severe suffering.
She is a good student, yet sometimes finds it hard to control her emotions, especially anger, despite her efforts, her emotions are still her greatest weakness, something which brings great concern to Luke Skywalker and her Father.

Name: Katana
Age: Unknown although she appears to be in her twenties.
Gender: Female
Alignment: Sith
Lightsaber: Red
Description: Tall, with long red hair, piercing green eyes and deathly pale skin. Katana is attempting to find and recruit Jedi students who have shown their weakness to the darkside, after murdering her own Master in the dark ways of the force, Katana vowed to find those who also wish to purge the galaxy of the weaker life forms, those who she believes do not deserve the ability to access the force. She is very strong in the dark side, and despite her age (she appears to be young, although an exact age is not known) she has surpassed the abilities of every Jedi she has met.
Yet she knows of the Jedi Acadamy on Yavin 4, and hopes that along with those who also follow her beliefs, an army of the sith can be created to destroy the remaining Jedi, yet she still does not know that the dark side is already interfering with the acadamy. She does not yet know of the Spirits of Yavin 4 which have been awoken, but will she be pleased at this new development? Or will it disturb her own plans?

(Hope that all fits and makes sense to everyone :-\ Sorry about the length :[)
« : September 14, 2005, 03:32:23 AM Lily Evans »

"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now."

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« #2 : September 14, 2005, 03:54:51 AM »

**Padme gets out of bed and goes out onto the balcony. There is a knock at the door  "Come in Uncle Luke."  He enters the room and smiles."It's good to see you Uncle. What brings you here?"
"It's good to see you to Ami but I'm afraid you will not be happy after I tell you why I have come."

"Is mother alright?"

"Oh yes she's fine and your father as well. It's nothing so serious. I've come for Anakin."

"So soon? I thought he would stay a little longer."

"I'm afraid he has to come with me to Coruscant immediately. He must continue his training."

"But Master Than is training him. Why must he go?"

"I am going to train him my self.

Padme sits on her bed Luke sits beside her. Padme looks down at her hands a tear falls. "He'll come back and visit and as Queen you have duties in Coruscant. It's not like you'll never see him again.**

Luke fighting Anakin dead in Leia's arms Han beside him

Padme sits up in bed and starts crying. Her handmaids come in.

"Padme? Are you alright? Did you have the dream again?"

"Nadia I fear for him. I've not heard from him or Uncle Luke in so long."

"I'm sure they are fine. I'll send a message to them in the morning."

"Thank you Nadia."

((** is a dream))

"Hypnosis. You know, I'm not a big fan of that bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog stuff."  Colonel Jack O'Neill

We live in a world where lemonade is made with artificial flavors and furniture polish is made with real lemons.
Ranger of the North

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« #3 : September 14, 2005, 04:11:43 AM »

Arien lay in her quarters in Coruscant, she was visiting her Father but would soon be returning to the acadamy on Yavin 4, she sighed in frustration as she expierenced another sleepless night, this insomnia was driving her crazy. She picked up one of her pillows and threw it across the room in anger, an action which caused her to grimace, "No! Anger is the path to the darkside, I have to control this!", she thought forcefully, her hands clenched so tightly into fists that her nails caused red marks on her pale skin, "Come on Ari, you're better than this, a few nights without sleep can't drive you to the edge of your sanity, pull yourself together!", with a nod to herself she swung her legs off the bed and quickly dressed and ran her fingers through her long dark hair, if she couldn't sleep then she could at least do something useful. She hooked her lightsaber on to her belt and holstered her blaster under her jacket whilst glancing at the clock on the table beside her bed, it was late, or early, depending on which way you looked at it, but the time didn't matter. There was no need for her to arm herself so heavily she knew, but she wanted to train, and her Father had taken every oppurtunity possible to teach her the importance of being extra careful, never underestimate the unknown, never underestimate the amount of enemies in the galaxy, but never undestimate yourself, and yet somehow she had also tried to teach herself another lesson which her father seemed to forget, never underestimate paranoia, and even more importantly, try to never actually be paranoid.

Arien stepped outside of her quarters quietly and walked down the hallways, passing the many closed doors around her, behind them would of course have many sleeping people, but she tried not to think of them, she closed her mind to their presences in the force and focused on herself as she approached one of the many training rooms.
« : September 14, 2005, 04:18:13 AM Lily Evans »

"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now."

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« #4 : September 14, 2005, 04:51:41 AM »

Anakin sits down on the floor in the middle of the room and begins his meditation. It is interupted by images of Padme. I've got to get her out of my head! He shakes it off and begins again. The images of Padme get clearer as he sits there.

**Luke takes him form the training room to the ship waiting to take them back to Coruscant. Luke and R2 get on board the ship Anakin looks back at the palace he has called home for so many years. He sees someone standing at the door to the hangar bay. Padme. She runs to him and he holds her close. A tear falls on his shoulder and he kisses her on the top of her head. He holds her at arms lenght and smiles. She smiles at him and backs away as the ship starts to take off. Anakin jumps up and backs into the ship.**

Anakin sighs. "Why did she have to cry." He buries his face in his hands.
« : September 14, 2005, 08:18:50 PM ~Padmé Organa~ »

"Hypnosis. You know, I'm not a big fan of that bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog stuff."  Colonel Jack O'Neill

We live in a world where lemonade is made with artificial flavors and furniture polish is made with real lemons.
High Dúnedain King

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« #5 : September 14, 2005, 08:38:44 PM »

Name : Ralek
Age : 28
Gender : Male
Allignment : Jedi Master
Lightsaber : Silver
Description : Ralek has been a Jedi for many years now, training new recruits the ways of the Force and the Lightsaber techniques.  He believes in truth and justice, and fights for the good of the people.  He is a very kind man, and is passionate about what he believes in. 

Ralek has long, dark hair and dark eyes, and always wears his brown Jedi cloak.  He is a very handsome man, and even though most women are attracted to him, he has never done anything back.  He believes in his duty to the people of the galaxy before his own comfort and happiness.


Ralek was kneeling down in one of the empty training rooms, meditating.  He was channeling the Force through very small strands, learning to control them, and to free his mind.  He was in a deep meditation, when suddenly his eyes opened.  He grasped his lightsaber, and it switched immediatly.  He looked all around him, his heart pounding.  He could have sworn...?  He had seen the Sith...all around him!

He made his lightsaber retreat, and shook his head in disbelief.

Ranger of the North

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« #6 : September 14, 2005, 08:49:08 PM »

Name: Arcturus
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Allignment: Jedi Apprentice
Lightsaber: Yellow
Des: Tall and slender with long black hair and brown eyes. He is not particularly muscly but he is very agile and rather than using slow powerful strokes of a lightsaber he tends to use fast but much weaker attacks. He is very tallented but his potential was discovered rather late but he just fell within the maximum age requirement to start training. He can often make rash decision but he is true of heart.
Other: The apprentice of Ralek (If that's ok Icy?)

"Is there a problem Master?" Arcturus asked Ralek who had suddenly awoke from his meditation and drawn his saber. Luckily for Arcturus he had been standing about 6 feet away at the time, if he had been any closer he could have sworn Ralek would have cut him in half. The awakening of his Master had taken him completely by surprise. "Do you sense the same disturbance I do?....I thought I was immaging things" he continued.

High Dúnedain King

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« #7 : September 14, 2005, 08:56:08 PM »

(Course thats fine!  :D)

Ralek turned and looked at his Apprentice.  It had felt so real...not just a disturbance...more like a vision.

"I didn't feel anything in the Force...I just suddenly saw a group of Sith...surrounding me, like a vision of them.  But it felt as if I was actually there.  I awoke as I drew my lightsaber...they were coming towards me."  He said.  He was very confused now, this had never happened before.

"Be wary, my young Apprentice. I do believe tough times are ahead for the Jedi.  We must seek counsel with the others, I think."


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« #8 : September 15, 2005, 12:27:36 AM »

Luke enters the council chambers and begins pacing back and forth. Cale and Dace enter the room and bow. "Master Luke."

"Hello Cale. What is it that is so important?"

"It's not me Master it's Dace."


She nods and looks up at Luke. Fear in her eyes. "They will come for us."


She shakes her head. "She will not tell me."

"Take her to rest. You as well. I need you both fresh for the journey tomorrow."

"Yes Master."

He takes Dace out. Luke begins pacing again.

"Hypnosis. You know, I'm not a big fan of that bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog stuff."  Colonel Jack O'Neill

We live in a world where lemonade is made with artificial flavors and furniture polish is made with real lemons.
Ranger of the North

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« #9 : September 28, 2005, 05:50:45 PM »

"Yes my master" Arcturus agreed. "Isn't Master Skywalker off planet at the moment though master?" he asked as they began to walk out of the training rooms.

High Dúnedain King

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« #10 : September 28, 2005, 05:56:53 PM »

Ralek nodded as he walked, his cloak billowing behind him.  "Yes he is, but we need him.  And Arien.  We need all the counsel we can get.  Maybe one of them has felt something we have not."  he said.

They walked in the direction of the Communication rooms.  Ralek knew he had to let the others know of this.  Danger could be close by, this had never happened before.  "You may have your skills tested in the near future, my young Apprentice."


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Light Elven Queen of the Moon Elves

« #11 : October 01, 2005, 12:14:30 AM »

Luke stops pacing and sits down to begin his meditation. Images of sith flash. His eyes fly open and he looks around. Alone. What was that? Dace was right. Perhaps we should leave now.


Nadia goes back to Padme's room. "I sent the message Milady."

"Thank you Nadia."


Anakin shakes it off and returns to his meditation. Something is troubling him.

"Hypnosis. You know, I'm not a big fan of that bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog stuff."  Colonel Jack O'Neill

We live in a world where lemonade is made with artificial flavors and furniture polish is made with real lemons.
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