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: Haunted House  ( 67725 )
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« #150 : March 12, 2007, 04:51:17 AM »

Maxxie looked around and narrowed his eyes. He pulled away from Tony and hopped forewards as his leg was still not right. " going to kiss Tony you better come out and beat me up.." He shouted looking around. If that did not get his attentioon he did not know what would

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« #151 : March 12, 2007, 05:56:28 AM »

Tony looked at them raising an eyebrow, "If you don't come out I'm going to tell them how long you carried around your blankey, and what u did at grandmas birthday party last year!" he called knowing that Tony would rather die than have that information out in the open. He frowned when he didn't come out and sighed shaking his head, " we have to find Bret and a way out of here..."

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« #152 : March 13, 2007, 12:25:56 AM »

Avril nodded, still worried about Bret. She looked around and sighed. She looked back at Tony, curiously. "So...what happened at grandmas birthday party?" Avril said, just wondering.


You say you love me too, Then why won't you go through, With the nightly kisses, With the hits and the misses, If you can make it on your own then, Go if you want to go, But stay if you want to know, The way through the mess we've made, And lie in a bed you know, Or go

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« #153 : March 13, 2007, 12:31:18 AM »

Maxxie looked at Tony and smirked before looking around. Bret was probably just hiding trying to make them worry about him "Yeah what did happen?" He asked

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« #154 : March 13, 2007, 01:34:09 AM »

Tony shook his head sighing, "I might not like him right now, but I won't just start spouting off his secrets." he said with a shrug. He didn't like his brother for his attitude and such right now, but he didn't hate him compleatly cause he was hoping Bret would come to his senses and get over his issues. "Let's get looking..." he said softly and looked down the hall. "There's upstairs, downstairs and the basement...and he could be anywhere."

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« #155 : March 13, 2007, 01:54:05 AM »

Avril looked at Tony and then Maxxie. "Well, if he's wandered off, he's probably in the basement...knowing him. But if he's or what ever, he could be anywhere." Avril sighed and looked down at her shoes. She was starting to feel a little guilty about how she had treated Bret earlier.


You say you love me too, Then why won't you go through, With the nightly kisses, With the hits and the misses, If you can make it on your own then, Go if you want to go, But stay if you want to know, The way through the mess we've made, And lie in a bed you know, Or go

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« #156 : March 13, 2007, 02:14:27 AM »

Maxxie looked at them "As much as I hate us being seperated..I suggest one of us check the the ground floor and the other we can find him quicker and get out of here.." He said

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« #157 : March 13, 2007, 02:48:39 AM »

Tony shook his head, "No...splitting up will just be more dangerous...We need to stick together.." he said seriously. He knew that if they split up someone else would go missing or something horrible would happen. It was a gut feeling and one he was inclined to listen to.

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« #158 : March 13, 2007, 10:43:21 PM »

Avril looked up at Tony and nodded. "Yeah, I agree, we wouldn't want another one of us to go missing. I think maybe we should start in the basement and work our way up." Avril thought for a moment. "Or we could start up here and work our way down...yeah, that would probably make more sense." Avril nodded, in agreement with herself. She tended to do that while slightly tipsy, it was a sign that the alcohol was slowly wearing off.


You say you love me too, Then why won't you go through, With the nightly kisses, With the hits and the misses, If you can make it on your own then, Go if you want to go, But stay if you want to know, The way through the mess we've made, And lie in a bed you know, Or go

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« #159 : March 14, 2007, 11:16:49 PM »

Maxxie looked at them and raised an eyebrow "It will take double the time..I'll go on my own..dont worry i'll be fine..what can a ghost do to me exept scare me"

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« #160 : March 15, 2007, 02:14:40 AM »

Tony shook his head at Maxxie walking to stand right infront of him, "You are still limping and in pain." he said softly and shook his head again reaching out and taking Maxxie's hand. "You asked me to protect you from the poo poo in this house when we first came in, I'm not letting you wander off alone."

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« #161 : March 15, 2007, 11:17:21 PM »

Avril nodded. "Maxxie, we should really stick together, it might take longer, but it will be safer, I mean, what if I go missing, you won't notice if we split up." Avril looked at him seriously, hoping he would agree with her.


You say you love me too, Then why won't you go through, With the nightly kisses, With the hits and the misses, If you can make it on your own then, Go if you want to go, But stay if you want to know, The way through the mess we've made, And lie in a bed you know, Or go

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« #162 : March 16, 2007, 12:03:52 AM »

Maxxie looked at them and bit his lip. He nodded reluctantly "Alright" He said "But I want out of here as soon as we find Bret"

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« #163 : March 18, 2007, 03:18:37 AM »

Tony nodded in agreement, "As soon as we find him we are getting the he** out of here" he said seriously and turned looking at Avril then Maxxie then the stairs. "Okay...start up here, and work our way down since it wouldn't make sense to go all the way down there just to come back up..."

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« #164 : March 18, 2007, 04:59:09 PM »

Avril nodded and then started her way up the stairs, jogging up and hoping that Bret would be up there so they could just go home, but something else deep down was telling her to stick around, but she didn't quite understand. She stopped at the top, looking around the landing, wondering what room to go into next.


You say you love me too, Then why won't you go through, With the nightly kisses, With the hits and the misses, If you can make it on your own then, Go if you want to go, But stay if you want to know, The way through the mess we've made, And lie in a bed you know, Or go
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