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Eagle of the North

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« : July 24, 2006, 11:18:27 PM »

Right now heres a series that gets posted regularly but conversation on it always dies so quickly. *Stamps foot* Its annoying :P

Anyway, so who knows the Wheel of Time and whos been brave enough to start reading it? The series is huge, 11 books so far and still not finished I believe (havent read the 11th book but from the 10th book I doubt the whole thing will end in just one book lol :P ). Each book is on average 600-800 pages with a couple passing 1000 pages. It is most certainly a long haul read, but in my opinion totally and utterly worth it. Robert Jordan doesn't just paint his world so you can imagine it, he sculpts it and places you smack bang in the middle of it all. By the time you've read a book or two part of you wants to start cursing and speaking like the characters and you almost believe saidin and saidar exist.

Books 1-4 are his best, sadly after that Jordan runs out of steam a little. Now I am in no way saying that I feel his later books are bad, I still love them all, they just dont have quite the same clout that the first four do. There are perhaps a few too many characters, and you cant hop in and out every now and again. Though the reading itself isnt hard work, theres a lot of it, and theres a lot of detail to remember as you go along.

Book 11 comes out in paperback beginning of August (yay) and Iv just started reading the series again because Im not sure if Ill be able to remember everyone if I just throw myself in at the deep end. Thats the one sad thing about the series, it takes an age to get through and you cant just read one of the books as a stand alone as you can with many other series.

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« #1 : July 26, 2006, 08:56:42 PM »

Didn't you have that WoT forum once? Or did you just show it to me?

Anyway, Book 10 (Crossroads of Twilight wasn't it?) has got to be one of the most mind-numbing things I have ever read. However, Book 9 has got to be one of the best. ^_^

11, Knife of dreams or whatever its name was, quite a big move up after the flapping around in book 10. A lot of major issues were resolved, so that a Rand focused final book can be made. And if what I've heard is correct, the 12th is to be the last in the series.

Saidar does exist. I am Asha'man. I have the coat and little sword pin to prove it. I think that's Dedicated level, no? :p
And I've got an Asha'man character in Guild Wars too XD

p.s. Read A Song of Fire and Ice by George R. Martin if you haven't. pwns WoT, though a very different style. :-D
Eagle of the North

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« #2 : July 27, 2006, 05:18:37 AM »

I have a forum I never opened because I never finished all the graphics for it :P So I expect I just showed it to you :P

Only read book 10 once and I cant remember anything about it lol. Looking forwards to book 11, especially if you say it resolves a lot of things, and only one more book after that. Wooo at last lol!! Was wondering when he would finally get there.

Hehe yah thats Dedicated indeed. :P

Sounds interesting Ill keep an eye out for it next time I go book searching.

High Dúnedain King

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« #3 : July 28, 2006, 04:36:46 PM »

I adore the Wheel of Time!  The best fantasy series I've read anyway.  I've started the series again as last time I got to book Six and stopped reading.  I've now got to book 7, which I'm loving!

I adore everything about the Wheel of Time,  Jordan is an amazing writer.

Eagle of the North

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« #4 : July 28, 2006, 05:52:37 PM »

Heh yeah I know you do Icy :P

Im the same really, theres all these people that say his books after book 4 just arent gripping enough but well... they are for me. I still absolutely adore it all and quite simply cant get enough of it.

Finally bought the whole series (except 11, waiting for that in paperback) and Iv started again lol. Iv read all of it twice already except for books 1, 2, 5 and 10. And book 7 Iv read three times I think lol. So yeah... Im fairly addicted hehe.

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« #5 : July 29, 2006, 06:53:55 AM »

I've read the first book a couple of weeks ago. second book is still waiting to be read  :laugh:

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

No one but me can save myself, but it to late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death Greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye

Metallica - Fade to Black

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Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

« #6 : September 19, 2007, 10:28:18 PM »

Sadly Robert Jordan died on Monday.  :'(  The bad news is he didn't finish book 12.  The good news is he did tell his family how he intended to write it.  No idea what that will mean in terms of likely publication dates though.


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS
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« #7 : September 19, 2007, 10:37:36 PM »

Aye, I read about it on George Martin's LJ. Twas quite a tragic read and most sad. The two of them between them have/had the best fantasy brains around.

Jordan had been ill for quite a while though, heard about it shortly after his last book came out. I expect this one will be finished in much the way Tolkien's son wrapped up some of his father's work, but it's a massive loss.

High Dúnedain King

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« #8 : September 20, 2007, 04:41:19 PM »

I had an IM from Lessa telling me, it is such a sad thing to hear.  Such a great mind.  He will be sadly missed in the world of literature, and I'm sure he will forever one of the greats, like Tolkien.



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« #9 : March 17, 2010, 11:02:05 PM »

So book 12 turns out to be books 12-14.  Eldest grabbed the copy we ordered from the library as soon as it arrived so I haven't read it yet.  Has anyone else?

Still maintain that this series should come with interactive pop-ups, so that when some random character who previously appeared five books ago suddenly appears you can click on the name and remind youself of who/what he/she/it is.


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS
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« #10 : March 17, 2010, 11:04:05 PM »

  They should do that for all books series..  That'd be cool!

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« #11 : March 19, 2010, 10:21:50 PM »

that's a great idea

A proud member of H.A.S.S. and the H.L.A. oh and if MP can do it - anyone can.
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Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« #12 : March 19, 2010, 11:35:52 PM »

  Maybe we should patent it or something..

Eagle of the North

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« #13 : March 22, 2010, 01:40:24 AM »

Haven't read it yet, still waiting to borrow it off a friend as I want to buy the small paperback and thats now out until November this year. I have heard that it is apparently extremely good. Up to pace with the early books like 3 and 4. Certainly very excited to read it. I re-read the rest of the series to get caught up once more so that I could remember who everyone was.

As you say, book 12 was originally meant to be the final book but when Brandon Sanderson started writing from Jordan's notes he found there was just way too much info. It was looking like it was going to be about 800,000+ words (1000 pages of book is about 250,000-300,000) so basically there was no way it could ever be a single book unless he chopped a load of the notes. Since there is no telling what Jordan felt was most important, and because they didn't want to do a disservice to the loyal fans by not tying up all the loose ends they have decided to keep everything in and so it has been turned into three books. Personally, I have no issue with this. I'd much rather wait a bit longer and know everything Jordan had intended to say than never find it all out.

Hehe Anne, I so know what you mean. I have that problem sometimes. I can never remember everything they have done and whether they support or hate Rand etc etc.


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i would rather die than live in a cage

« #14 : January 31, 2011, 11:33:18 PM »

I was so happy when I heard they were making it into three as i really dont want the series to end. I have just finished towers of midnight and it was amazing :) sandersons style does get abit of getting used to but i have no complaints!

choose your own life for you live your own death

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