Here is the first poem of the collection. I didn't post it before as i felt it wasn't up to scratch. It still needs work in my opinion but see what you guys think.

Upon the verge of the Shire,
There spoke a loud clear voice,
One containing many meanings,
But about the same hard choice.
"Take the ring that is bestowed to you,"
"But be warned it holds great danger,"
"Travel to the land of Bree,"
"And there you shall meet a ranger".
Do i take the ring? I thought aloud,
In the darkness of the night,
One that unites both it and me,
For i do not wish to fight!
Hours and hours i sat and thought,
In the darkness of my hole,
To destroy the "One Ring" that rules this earth,
Is that to become my goal?
What i f i should die?
Then what shall i do?
Do i just lay in sudden decay,
And pass it onto you?
After hours of thought it had to be done,
The task lay in my hands,
But what's this i wonder, grasping a spade,
That's clearly labbled "Sam's".
"Hello Mr.Frodo, sorry i'm late,"
"What do you want with me?"
"Look here Sam Gamgee i have a task"
"Tell me what do you see?"
"I see a ring Mr.Frodo, a big gold ring,"
"One that looks precious to me,"
"I have never seen one like it before,"
"Tell me what can it be?"
"It is the "One Ring" that rules our earth,"
"It's Lord Saurons i believe,"
"It's our job to destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom,"
"And this we shall achieve".
"Lord Saurons one ring it cannot be true,"
"For it lays within our grasp,"
"I thought he died on the Pellonor Fields,"
"So this cannot be our task!"
"His spirit remains in the ring,"
"It's calling for it's master,"
"Evil comes upon black horses,"
"And they are a whole lot faster".
So out of the door and down the road,
We travelled as quick as we could,
We were not sure if we were making the right choice,
But tried as hard as we should.
Darkness was drawing and the hour grew late,
We stopped and found somewhere to hide,
We each kept watch an hour a turn,
Remaining side by side.
When daybreak hit, we set out to the west,
Travelling in silence all the way,
Danger was growing; it was all around,
Increasing day by day.
By: Amy Cave aka legy