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: Member input for site development  ( 3490 )
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Khazad Dum

« : September 23, 2004, 07:13:18 PM »

We are in the process of compiling any information we can gather
from our members and staff so we can arrage to have our own general
reference section on the main site.

This is a call out to all members who would like to help out.

if there is any particular area of Tolkien himself or his works that you would
like to help out with then please IM one of site development team.


We will be working working on a number of reference tools such as geneology trees from different races of middle earth, our own tolkien refernce guide (which will grow with time) and a section dedicated to tolkien himself.

these are just some ideas we have discussed and we would appreciate any help you the members are willing to submit to us.

many thanks

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