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: Terry Pratchett  ( 14819 )
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Héru Endórë 2005

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« #15 : May 29, 2006, 10:00:41 PM »

never saw ridcully as a cleese type character myself, although i guess it could well be taken that way ^^ always rather liked the dean and the bursar myself, and i s'pose the librarian a'course.

anyways, flatmate works in publishing and got hold of a proof copy of the wintersmith for me, looks set to be really pretty good xD still not 100% on board with tiffany aching and the feegle's, but they're definately improving book by book.

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« #16 : May 30, 2006, 06:55:48 AM »

I went back and reread them and found it a much more enjoyable read. It probably helps the fact I'm Scottish and can understand most of the feegles stuff since a lot o fit's scarily authentic

Héru Endórë 2005

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« #17 : May 30, 2006, 07:41:42 PM »

nah likewise, scottish too, s'not the feegle's really ::) but yes, those books do grow on a body on a second reading.

the feegles always remind me of a joke: what's the definition of a scottish homosexual?
a man who's more interested in women then drinking and fighting. ^^

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« #18 : May 31, 2006, 01:43:12 AM »

Love the guy. My favourite is, without a doubt, "Pyramids" Its just got everything to it. Then closely followed by "Small Gods". "Last Continent" I read again recently and its just weird. I love the whole boat thing though :laugh: :rofl: Not a fan of "Interesting Times" though, or "Colour of Magic" its prequel or sequel, cant remember which way round the two of them go.

I love the three witches, there so funny, specially the "I ain'tent dead" sign. Hehehe :P

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« #19 : May 31, 2006, 05:47:43 AM »

haha liekd it varn.

Interesting times is a LONG way after the color of magic though really, even though they do tie in.

I preferred the ongoing "no worries" type thing that went on

Eagle of the North

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« #20 : May 31, 2006, 05:54:18 AM »

Well Im not sure Iv only read them once, thought they were rubbish if Im perfectly honest and haven't bothered since so I wouldnt remember.

Oooo Death. Now there is a character to be proud of. What an awesome guy, and the Death of Rats as well!!

Eagle of the North

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« #21 : June 01, 2006, 03:17:14 AM »

Errr,ecuse me for interupting you but.....
Me,me,me,meeeeeeeee,I love Terry Pratchet :D

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« #22 : February 24, 2007, 07:00:34 AM »

I love Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels! My favourites so far have to be The Color of Magic, The Hogfather and Witches Abroad. They are so hilarious, especially Death. And his granddaughter. And Nanny Ogg. Okay, I'll stop now. ::) :D

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« #23 : October 07, 2008, 08:30:27 AM »

I adore Terry Pratchet too!  When I'm kinda down his books will always make me feel better and i can laugh out loud about Headology!  And I pray that he will keep on being well and keep on writing.  He has been diagnosed with alzheimers.  :'(


What a long strange trip it's been!!!!

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« #24 : July 14, 2010, 03:26:08 AM »

I love the books!  I am especially partial to anything Sam Vimes related.  I think Vimes and Death are my favorite character's but T.P.  has created so many wonderful characters it is hard to pick.  I wasn't to crazy about the Lost Continent though.  It seemed to disjointed.

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« #25 : August 22, 2012, 10:44:25 PM »

Recently finished Snuff (and then had to go out and buy The World of Poo too  :laugh: ). 


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