Tolkien 2006 Sarehole Mill Birmingham.
There will be guided walks over the weekend too, led by Peter Bennett, offering you the chance to 'walk in the footsteps of Tolkien', through the Shire Country Park. You can book tickets for the first walk of the day which leaves from Sarehole Mill Recreation Ground at 11.15.The activities begin at 11am and end at 5pm on both days.
Philip Coker (Hall Green Library) will be in the Tolkien tent reading from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings at 2pm on both days. He will be reading "The Scouring of the Shire"
Musical entertainment will be provided in the 'Unexpected Party Cafe' by Stuart Estell and Allan Recardo who will be playing a selection of Tolkien related music - 12 noon on Saturday and Sunday.
Birmingham's Ex Poet-laureates Simon Pitt and Julie Boden will be in the 'Unexpected Party Café' on Sunday. Simon will read at 12.30 and Julie at 1pm.
Shire Productions will be making their usual appearance at the Tolkien Weekend and for 2006 will be performing excerpts from The Hobbit.
Last years event can be viewed