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: Cloning  ( 12440 )
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High Dúnedain King

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« #15 : November 15, 2006, 01:20:17 AM »

No no no, beneficial for humans?  Animal testing is OK if its beneficial for humans?

How is that even justified?  'Ohh lets shove these drugs in this mouse, see if it makes him better...whoops it killed him, best not use that!'

THAT'S JUST as sickening as testing cosmetics on animals.  Saying one is ok, and the other is wrong, is just stupid.  Both is just for human benefit, whether to look good, or feel better.

Anyway, off the topic again, back on...

Cloning would be just adding to the already MASSIVE problem we have on this planet...too many people.  If we start cloning people, it's just gonna be even more of an issue.  And its already a huge issue.

Fart Knocker

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« #16 : November 16, 2006, 03:26:26 PM »

As for designer babies I'm not particularly for or against choosing the sex of a child, after all IVF is already meddling with nature and choosing the sex isn't that big a step forward (or perhaps back, maybe sideways...) but anything beyond that I would totally disagree with.

There's a world of difference between IVF, which simply aids natural fertilisation because one or both of the involved parties can't manage it, and choosing the sex of a child. The results of such a policy, especially in some civilisations, would be absolutely catastrophic.

Cloning is not about having children or increasing population. It's about the ability to "create" a human being outside of the natural method for doing so, and to imbue that being with characteristics of your own choosing. The overpopulation problem will remain regardless of cloning coming to be accepted as a normal practise or not.
Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #17 : November 17, 2006, 12:41:20 AM »

With the question of being able to "create" a human outside normal human reproductive methods...who would the child belong to?  I mean...if it's done for experimental purposes, and the child lives...what happens? 

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!

High Dúnedain King

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« #18 : November 17, 2006, 01:08:20 AM »

Regardless of whether the human population level would ever get sorted, cloning would still add needless amounts of people. 

And besides, whats the big deal with cloning?  Why would anyone even want to make a replica of something?

Oh aye, I forgot...we LOVE messing with nature   :8o

Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #19 : November 17, 2006, 08:08:55 AM »

I'm just thinking of the ethics in cloning a human being...kind of a scary idea.

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!

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