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: Area 51  ( 23039 )
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« #30 : June 14, 2006, 12:40:02 AM »

Thank you.

« #31 : June 14, 2006, 01:14:42 AM »

Unless of course somehow Aliens know that the USA are the superpower country on this planet, and intend on having a holiday here then that's the place they'd go, wouldn't they? If they wanted to gathrer alot of information about a culture that's immensely over-weight, has a huge population, and a huge economy, then they'd probably head straight there, wouldn't they? But however, some places do rank higher in such things like food manufacturing - Growing food like bananas, coconuts and such, foods basically that can't be grown there.

But that's a different matter, who knows that they've actually already been here? And actually not liked what they've seen and gone home again? Have you ever thought about that? Perhaps they've seen how much we care about material posessions and things that can be so easily replaced and what we're doing to this planet, that maybe, just maybe, they just left?

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« #32 : June 24, 2006, 07:58:37 AM »

I do believe that is possible.

Even though it would be very easy to enslave us.

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« #33 : June 25, 2006, 04:16:43 AM »

Unless of course somehow Aliens know that the USA are the superpower country on this planet, and intend on having a holiday here then that's the place they'd go, wouldn't they? If they wanted to gathrer alot of information about a culture that's immensely over-weight, has a huge population, and a huge economy, then they'd probably head straight there, wouldn't they? But however, some places do rank higher in such things like food manufacturing - Growing food like bananas, coconuts and such, foods basically that can't be grown there.

But that's a different matter, who knows that they've actually already been here? And actually not liked what they've seen and gone home again? Have you ever thought about that? Perhaps they've seen how much we care about material posessions and things that can be so easily replaced and what we're doing to this planet, that maybe, just maybe, they just left?

That reminds me of the old Erich von Daniken books of the 70s.

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« #34 : July 22, 2006, 09:00:26 AM »

Area 51 exists-but whether it is for the sole purpose of Alien Aircraft testing or simply other more regular military purposes is definitely up for grabs.  I have no doubt that other governments have Top Secret bases they would rather not be out in the open-not just us in the US. 

As for Aliens coming solely to the US-I think not-other UFO activity has been reported in many countries-Russia, Mexico,and Great Britain, just to name a few.  There are some that truly believe the Tunguska Blast at the turn of the century was not a meteor but a spacecraft that crashed here. 

What a long strange trip it's been!!!!

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« #35 : August 15, 2006, 02:27:57 AM »

i remember hearing somewhere, that as everyone knows about a51, and that some people go out to try and find it waiting at a distance ready to take pictures.

they have made a different area that its where abouts are unknown.

because if your flying special crafts, or testing new wepons you wouldnt really want it to be somewhere some one can see you.

btw, a51 is also a good game but thats besides the point

Bhaal >:(

p.s. go on k8 pick the grammer apart you know you want to :P


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« #36 : July 17, 2007, 04:47:06 AM »

My thoughts on Area 51 are all fairly mundane. Development and testing of future weapons, aircraft, etc. Like the Stealth bomber and Stealth fighter. Certainly we can all at least agree that ANY sort of publicity on craft like that in production would have completely defeated the purpose. Examples: potential enemies Knowing what we were brewing. Giving them a target to try and reach, letting them know what information was out there for them to try and find ways to take.
The whole alien thing- silly IMHO. Mostly because aliens SCARE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME. Seriously- but its totally irrational and beside the point. So until there is something conclusive out there, I'm just going to disregard it.
Besides Area 51, which for a top secret research center is about as high profile as it gets, there are undoubtedly many different areas that the government uses. Like Area 4. Top Secret, No Fly Zone, the works. No one goes in, no one comes out. No one knows what goes on in there.

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« #37 : July 18, 2007, 05:30:37 PM »

It's very, very likely that 'Aliens' exist.  Although it cannot be proven at present, we are one plannent in a solar sytem of 9 planets right?  (well 8 now they've declassified Pluto...gits)

Well, every single star, in the universe is a Sun...almost every Sun has planets orbiting it...lets say, for arguments sake, that every Star has 9 planets orbiting it....So thats the number of stars we can see, and those we can't, and the 9 planets around each....

Thats alot of planets!  It is VERY unlikely that we are the ONLY Planet in this uniervse to sustain life, as at least SOME of these other planets must be close to our temperature, size, rotation, etc etc.

So chances are, there are other lifeforms out there.  Although the chances of them being so technologocally advanced as to visit other planets and abduct the life is very unlikely...its still a chance.

Not about Area 51, but linked with Aliens hehe ;) 

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