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: Northern Ireland?  ( 46558 )
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Eledh o Eryn Lasgalen

« #90 : January 26, 2006, 07:19:25 PM »

Yeah, I didn’t know such details. It seems that most of the British and Irish population of Northern Ireland are not hostile to each other. So the politicians and extremists are to be blamed.   ;)

I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith.

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« #91 : June 04, 2006, 08:21:16 AM »

Yeah, I didn’t know such details. It seems that most of the British and Irish population of Northern Ireland are not hostile to each other. So the politicians and extremists are to be blamed.   ;)
They're anything but not hositle to each other, by looking at recent events in Ballymena. But since this was posted 5 odd months ago I'll let it slip ;)


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« #92 : July 14, 2006, 01:34:08 AM »

And another twelfth of July passes off with yet more rioting, bad tempers, provocation and of course, what I want to write about; the Eleventh night bonfires.

It's think of a bonfire and you think of people gathered telling stories, having a few beers and maybe a barbeque, you know, your basic family day out?

Oh not in Northern Ireland it's not.  :dry:

Here, it's a bunch of yobbos and assorted Loyalists gathering together for a common cause- to burn Tricolours, destroy memorials and to daub sectarian taunts on items, photograph them and then burn them.....

Anyone over in England hear of a 15 year old kid named Michael McIlveen that was beaten to death in Ballymena a few months back? Of course not, because he was a Catholic boy who was in Ballymena.....well anyway, the crux of this point is that on the Eleventh night, in an act I can only call sheer scumbaggery of the lowest order; the Loyalists of a town in Antrim decided that they'd write on a few tricolours the words "F**k Mickey Bo" and "Mickey Bo RIP" as well as the number of the Celtic shirt the kid was wearing when he was killed.....and then promptly burn them, while laughing at it, and enjoying themselves.

Here; for your reference:

This is of course just one side of this country you people will never properly hear about.....why? Because they're Protestant men and women who are actually more British than most of you their own minds. Because the BBC would rather show British interest stories, even over here in order to hide it. This is the ugly, horrible scar of this false country that no-one but us acknowledges as a bad thing.....

I'd urge anyone interested in this on-going problem to please check it all up.....the site address I've just given you is but one source.....there are many waiting to be uncovered.

This is the reason why I won't be living here in the next 5 years.....the only question left for me to answer to myself, is where to go.....

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p
In AmericEar

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« #93 : July 14, 2006, 09:43:19 PM »

OK reading this has... well, slightly annoyed me ::) :P

I'm speaking from the point of view that I'm from the Republic of Ireland, so I apologise for my biased views.

Yes, I'm a 13 year old girl so people might take me seriously and might not. I'd rather you did though.

First of all, many people seem to be trying to define terrorism, and then having someone else point out that if that is terrorism, then something else falls under that category aswell.


  • noun a person who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Therfore, the IRA does fall under that category, and I personally think that they are terrorists myself, they may not be maliciously killing people, but they were blowing monuments and other precious things up, and people are present when it happens. They are fighting for political aims which puts them right under that category.

One thing which I found quite stupid 'Define a Northern Ireland terrorist.' or something like that, well THAT isn't hard to work out. A terrorist for Northern Ireland. Terrorists only differ in the way that they terrorise and the reason that they terrorise.

Another point I wish to make is WHY it is under English rule (I'm not talking about the time that the Pope ordered for it to be invaded). Ireland wanted to break free from English rule so a civil war began. Eventually an agreement was made that Protestants would be in Northern Ireland, Catholics in the republic. There was still much fighting going on in Northern Ireland, partly religion, partly the fact that they wanted to break free from England. The problem is, whenever they are aloud to make decisions by themselves, they argue even more, and England has to step in to stop it. The IRA, in a way, are fighting for more arguing. It's a very difficult situation and whichever way you go, somebody isn't going to be pleased.

I also must point out that whether people like it or not, religion plays a major part in the conflicts in Northern Ireland, it's mainly Christianity though, Protestant and Catholics beliefs. So I'm sorry, but one way or another, you're gonna have to discuss it a little at least.

I hope I haven't offended anyone.
I hope that the stuff I have put helps.

Thanks for reading...

... Had to get it off my chest 'cos it was annoying me...


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« #94 : July 20, 2006, 02:21:46 AM »

You didnt annoy me atleast Ear. infact i whole heartedly agree with you.


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« #95 : July 23, 2006, 07:33:42 PM »

Actually, it was more a deal to keep the upper territories that were founded by the London guilds way back when, the British wanted to keep the settlements they claimed they created, so when Collins was sent over to negotiate, basically it was a question of negotiation as to how many counties, rather than the state itself to become free.....that's by the way why Collins was murdered, because DeValera knew for a fact it'd come down to that, and he allowed him to go in as the political pawn.....

Where this idea that the North was sectioned because it was all Protestant is frankly nonsense, believe me when I say, there were plenty of good Irish people left stranded and screwed by this "separation" when it happened to experience nearly 70 years of opression, civil injustice, inequality, and many years of having little or no voice in the "Democratic" system.....

"A terrorist for Northern Ireland" would be groups like the UVF, UDA, UFF, LVF, Red Hand Commandos and Paisley's wee group that I forget the name of, the Red <somethingorother>.....will have to look that one up. These groups are FOR British rule, or Unionist rule in Northern Ireland- nothing else will do for the majority of them.....

What people are arguing is that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I'm sorry to have to say this and rile you guys, but I as a human being owe much of my freedom right now to NICRA, and the IRA.....if there hadn't been fighting, if there hadn't been Civil Rights marches, if there hadn't been a campeign to highlight the gross injustices that our side of the community faced (This all happened in '69 BTW.....) then I guess I wouldn't be here right now, I'd be living in a terrace with little money and very little prospects. As it stands, I'm living just on the fringe of the inner city, I have a computer, I have a vote, and I have a voice- something you guys in Britain have had since Democracy proper was introduced.....

Also, I must apologise if it seems like I'm picking on you, but I keep seeing and hearing "IRA" but I have to ask- do you guys down South (Where I'm going today, in a minute's time! :)) even know that there's any other groups? I'm sorry, but all I ever see or hear from people from the South is the IRA this and IRA me when I say, there are more Loyalist paramilitaries walking the streets than there are IRA volunteers in the North.

If I've time when I get back, I'll try and explain myself more fully if I can, but for now, good luck and seeya.  :)

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p
In AmericEar

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« #96 : August 04, 2006, 12:34:10 AM »

You didnt annoy me atleast Ear. infact i whole heartedly agree with you.

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

... Anyway ...

OK, I'm not too sure where your reason for the split has come from but I'll look into it, I'm sure it was a religion thing because in England Henry VIII created the Protestant religion.

Also, I apologise about implying that all Protestants were to live in Northern Ireland, I know that isn't the case, it was just the stronger opinionated Protestants who couldn't stand the Catholics that moved up. There are still many Protestants in Southern Ireland. My- for example -fathers side of my family are Protestants and my Mothers, Catholics. It shows that the religion conflict has died down, but is not totally gone.

I'm someone from 'down South' and yes I did know that there were other organisations, and everyone I know from 'down South' who is old enough to understand the situation does too. I know you aren't picking on anyone but I find that highly stereotypical and a little annoying by the many things it could imply.

Now I only mentioned the IRA (no idea why its in inverted commas) because the fact nobody seemed to believe that they were terrorists or something. Which, with proof, I have just .... proved (... that would've sounded a lot better without the two 'proves') they are.

Also these other organisations aren't talked about as much as the IRA simply because they aren't being as radical as the IRA and making it onto the news.


In AmericEar

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« #97 : August 22, 2006, 10:36:56 PM »

Sorry to double post.

OK I just found out that it was a political vote. Everyone voted for the North of Ireland to stay under English rule. It was a bad move at the beginning.


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« #98 : August 23, 2006, 02:04:34 PM »

Government of Ireland At 1920

Division of Ireland from 6th century onwards

A proud member of H.A.S.S. and the H.L.A. oh and if MP can do it - anyone can.
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