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: Area 51  ( 23066 )
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« #15 : March 21, 2006, 03:16:13 AM »

Did anyone read that article a while back about the theory they have moved Area 51? It just seems that because Area 51 has so much press, testing "Alien technology" there would be slightly unwise to say the least.

I read about that in't UFO magaize yonks ago, fort everyone had forgotten about it   :wacko:


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« #16 : March 21, 2006, 03:21:55 AM »

Omg, of course there are alien craft in area 51, havent you guys *seen* the xfiles?  o_0

They have super soilders in Area 51 too?  :laugh:

Mojo Toner

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« #17 : March 21, 2006, 02:27:34 PM »

Omg, of course there are alien craft in area 51, havent you guys *seen* the xfiles?  o_0

Naw, the best proof is independence day ;)


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« #18 : March 24, 2006, 03:34:31 AM »

And the president didnt even know about it!

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
Ranger of the North

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« #19 : April 04, 2006, 02:25:22 AM »

Yeah well, as far as I'm concerned the American Presidancy is a farce along with all other illusions of democracy. Just puppets to be manipulated by the people in the dark.


« #20 : June 03, 2006, 10:01:41 PM »

I guess so, I mean, does anyone actually believe what the american presidency says anymore?
As for Area 51, who knows what they've got in there, personally I think they've got a mixture of weapon testing and alien experiments.

Independence day rocked, I love that movie  :P

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« #21 : June 03, 2006, 10:06:49 PM »

:laugh: :laugh:  :laugh: American Presidency? Whats That?  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Na just kidden i know what it is. :P (a man/women who is supposidly "in-charge" of america

Personally  think that they test restricted weppons and investigate alien lifeforms.

Yup i have to agree with you there that was one hell of a film, first time i saw it i think i was only 9 ish.

Bhaal >:(


« #22 : June 03, 2006, 10:20:30 PM »

Haha, yeah  :D I love the president in that, so sultry  :laugh:

Yay, someone agrees with me :P

But seriously, when they get a new president, I think they'll be more trustworthy than Bush is, I just cannot trust a word he says, he's so fake.
Héru Endórë 2005

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« #23 : June 03, 2006, 10:43:50 PM »

was bill pullman in independance day wasn't it? good actor, doesn't tend to stretch himself too often though. was good in igby goes down ^^ and funny in spaceballs xD

anyways, on topic, buggered if i know ^^ wouldn't put it past people to cover this up, but then i don't tend to credit many organisations with the ability to do a good job of something like that, so who knows, anything, so they say, is possible. even if very unlikely xD

Certifiåble N.U.T.T.E.R.

« #24 : June 03, 2006, 10:57:38 PM »

Lol Sam  :P Yeah, Bill Pullman, he is an amazing actor, the films I've seen him in, he just blows me away..

But yes, back on topic, to be quite honest, can we trust anyone who comes and says "I've found alien life" etc, or had an "alien experience"?  After all the evidence that turns out to be fake, and that all these sightings people've had, that have also turned out to be false? So how can anyone believe anything that is remotely linked to real alien movements when all the past 'evidence' has turned out to be not real?
Héru Endórë 2005

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« #25 : June 03, 2006, 11:01:45 PM »

*shrugs* well i pretty much don't trust anyone to speak of, so not trusting someone who believe's they had an alien experience just comes so naturally ^^

and yet...bill hicks claimed to have had an alien experience, cited it as a reason for stopping doing drugs, so if it happened again people wouldn't be able to say it was the mushies xD and you can never go wrong with a good bill hicks quote/referance now can ya!

this topic's just devolving into endless bills! :o

Certifiåble N.U.T.T.E.R.

« #26 : June 04, 2006, 12:33:44 AM »


That's true, I wouldn't believe someone who told me they'd had a 'supernatural' experience, however, would you trust someone who'd said they'd had a paranormal experience? I think I would, I, myself have had a couple [ anyone remember that ghost topic we had AGES ago, infact I think it was 3 year's ago, where it ended up being like 5, 6 pages long? ]

Anyway, back to the point, I would believe someone who'd had a paranormal experience, yet would be wary of someone who'd had a supernatural one because I have never seen documents, articles or news coverage, films etc to support the fact there is actually real alien life forms out there.

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« #27 : June 04, 2006, 04:02:03 AM »

*trys to think what films i've seen Bill Pullman in*

I know i've seen him in films i just cant think what :'(.

I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist, but i saw something on Sky One once which was called

Conspiricy Theory:
Area 51

Considering i'm not usually interested in programs like that i found it quiet interesting, it brought out all these little facts which made you think and wonder about things like that.
. . .
. . .
my dad (who is into watching documentry's e.g. history, civilation etc, etc) went out and he left the tv on documentry channel (i think) and there was one of those programs which was combined with documentrys from the early 80's about area51 and i was quiet interesting about what they said about what was going on behind closed doors.
again this is not something the i normally watch it just caught my attention.

Bhaal >:(


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« #28 : June 09, 2006, 07:54:45 AM »

Area 51 is still used by the US government and is merely a place for testing weapons and military machines. The "peculiar looking" aircraft created by the US government and tested nearby are what give rise to this alien rubbish (as with many military bases in the US).

Area 51 has nothing to do with aliens. If it did wouldn't they shout it around the world (and the Russian's would've made damn sure they found out during the Cold War)?

Furthermore, if aliens were to come to Earth, why would they go to the USA? OK they are the superpower these days, but would the aliens know that? They might go to the country with the largest population, or largest land area, not simply the most money and bigest military. In 1947 (when the Roswell "incident" took place), there is a stronger case for the fact aliens, if looking for a power in the world, woulld go to the London due to the British Empire and victory in the World Wars.

I could be mistaken, but didn't this alien aircraft supposedly crash in the US?  If that's the case, then there's no way of knowing for sure just exactly where it was heading, or if it even meant to land anywhere on our planet.

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« #29 : June 13, 2006, 09:24:37 PM »

ahhh so true

Bhaal >:(

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