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: The Death Penalty/Capital Punishment  ( 36667 )
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« #30 : January 11, 2006, 12:20:09 AM »

BEWARE: This post contains senstive material, people with weak constitutions or painful experience with rape and murder, do not read on

Haha, criminals are hardly "fed and watered like plants" in her majesty's prisons. With so many human rights legislations, they have the right to sue (sp) the minute they're out for any maltreatment they get in there. They're hardly locked away and fed gruel! They're allowed to socialise, see their families, watch the football on the telly, AND if they can confess and seem guilty and sorry enough they're put on probation, even released. Aye legally they've recieved their life sentence, but only served a small part of it because they're sorry. Awww. They've taken someone's life, and because they can suddenly feel sorry, or in many cases plead insanity, they're let free? I don't think Jamie Bulger's killers should EVER have seen the green grass again.

Then, on the other side of the lawn... I agree that we don't have the power to condemn someone to death, even if they themselves have done the same to someone else.

Not too long ago, I lost an old friend. I didn't know her too well when she died, but she was my best friend when I was 11. Even though I hadn't seen her for 6 or 7 years, the blow was enourmous. She was raped, and the pain she suffered emotionally drove her to suicide. I would quite happily wish death upon the man who would take something like that from this poor girl. She was such a sweetheart, always with a cheeky grin.

I can completely see why Angelus sees reason to bring back the public executions. In his opinion, which I agree with, to a point: Watching someone die painfully for what they've done would probably be a very good motivation not to do something like that yourself. However, the idea of going to see a public execution seems to me sick and sadistic.

Then there's also the mental health issue. Many people who commit murder and rape are not of sound mind. There was an incident local to me where a severed head was found on a swing by a man walking his dog. The following police investigation found the rest of the body scattered in bushes, and led back to the murderer's house. The policemen who searched the house, big burly men, were coming out covered in blood and vomiting on the lawn, the contents of the house were so horrific. There was an arm in the oven that had been roasted with rosemary, and a body hung, drawn and quartered in the hallway. They traced the man, found that he'd left the UK for New York, where they found him eating a sandwich on a bench outside the police station. The man was found to be, as the officer that informed me of the story said "crazy as a fish". This man had committed seriously horrific crimes, but was entirely unaware of what he had done. Does he deserve death? Does he deserve to be locked up, but still allowed potentially harmful contact with the outside world and other inmates? I think he was sent to a high security prison with a luxurious lifestyle for the mentally infirm.

I don't really have a set opinion for or against the death penalty, but I don't think it should be dealt out hastily.

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i would rather die than live in a cage

« #31 : January 11, 2006, 05:45:47 PM »

i read in the news yeaterday about a couple who maliciously abused and raped a baby of only a few months old. now there going to jail for life which really means about 7 on good behaviour and because they will be so hated by society the goverment will use our taxes to set them up abroad in the sun. how is that fair??? they should be sentenced to death or at least be forced to live with the other in mates in prison that would teach them a few things.
take the james bulger killers at the ages of 11 they murdered a toddler in cold blood and now theyve been released and living in some hot country having the high life because they demonstrated 'regret' for there actions. if the  capitol punishment was re introduced i for one would be more than happy to support it. as long as already stated it been completely proven there guilty.

choose your own life for you live your own death

drunken S.M.A.R.T.I.E
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« #32 : January 11, 2006, 06:44:33 PM »

I read about those two rapists today who did that to a more low can anyone get?  A baby for pete's sake? 

If ANYONE tells me they don't deserve death, then your scum yourself, I'm sorry.

Ranger of the North

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« #33 : January 12, 2006, 01:18:35 AM »

Yeah I've heard what they did to that baby and that is seriously screwed up. Life should mean life, as I have stated before.


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« #34 : January 12, 2006, 04:20:43 PM »

I read about those two rapists today who did that to a more low can anyone get?  A baby for pete's sake? 

If ANYONE tells me they don't deserve death, then your scum yourself, I'm sorry.
Aye, so I'm scum then. The left wing scum.

Even if they did that, who says you have the right to take away a life in revenge. Murder is murder. Two wrongs will never make a right and the day capital punishment comes back (it won't, btw) I'm going down south.

High Dúnedain King

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« #35 : January 12, 2006, 05:07:01 PM »

Haha, I have every right to condemn a man or woman to death if they took a life.  They gave EVERY SINGLE ONE of their rights away as soon as they did their crime.

And yeah, if you don't think that disgusting man deserves death, there is something terribly wrong with you.  Did you even read what he did?  How can you say that b*stard has any rights?

A murderer has no rights.  They give up their rights when they take an innocent life. 


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Eledh o Eryn Lasgalen

« #36 : January 12, 2006, 06:48:05 PM »

So would you personally kill the culprits?

I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith.
High Dúnedain King

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« #37 : January 12, 2006, 07:13:27 PM »

Yeah, I would.  In the most brutal way I could, ideally, but if I had to give the Lethal Injection or something, I would definately.

Ranger of the North

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« #38 : January 13, 2006, 12:37:25 AM »

You are wrong Icy, Murderers DO have rights under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Most brutal was possible? If you think that's justice than sorry but you're in no position to call people who are anti-death penalty scum. Jim is right the death penalty will never come back and it's a damn good thing. Instead of handing out punishements we should look at preventing the cause of crime rather than treating the effect. Killing someone makes no difference, they have already commited their crime and killing them just makes you as bad as them. America has the death penalty but look at their government, full of right wing christian fundementalist wackos who frankly make the Tories look like angels (I must admit I am generalising American politics here, I admit not all american politicians are like that, just far too many). You'd model our justice system on that? A country that thinks that using electricity to barbecue someone to death isn't a "Cruel and Unusual punishement". It seems to me that if the UK was run your way we'd have to suspend human rights (Something else American politicians don't mind doing if it gets results). If anyone tries to take my human rights away from me I think I'll also be inclined to go south.

Oh and by the way I'm sorry if I come across as a little anti-American. I have nothing against the American people just the majority of their politicians. Infact I have a dislike of almost all politicians, just the American ones in particular.


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« #39 : January 13, 2006, 12:19:55 PM »

Haha, I have every right to condemn a man or woman to death if they took a life.  They gave EVERY SINGLE ONE of their rights away as soon as they did their crime.

And yeah, if you don't think that disgusting man deserves death, there is something terribly wrong with you.  Did you even read what he did?  How can you say that b*stard has any rights?

A murderer has no rights.  They give up their rights when they take an innocent life. 
Aye well according to the current Government they do have rights, regardless of your views.  :angel:

Your saying they don't have the right to murder, but you have the right to murder them if they murder someone, so what stops me from having the right to murder you? You will be taking a life, I can take yours, and someone can take mine, etc.

Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #40 : January 13, 2006, 04:59:28 PM »

Well, I think it about time someone came in here and gave Icy some support.  I totally agree with everything you say Icy. 

It is wishy washy liberal types like you lot that have turned this county into the pitiful state it is in today.

A person who murders someone in cold blood or who takes an innocents life without any remorse should have no rights to anything.  Oh yeah, lets bung em in an institution for a while... pay for all their meals and their bedding and their rooms and then... lets let em go and not only that, we will set them up for life!!!!  WHERE is the justice in that eh?  Are you seriously trying to suggest that it is appropriate for murderers to be treated like that?  What about the victims?  There's no second chances for them is there?  What about their families and the devastating effect it has on them? 

You know... it is almost as though a prospective murderer could weigh up the odds of the consequences for their actions before they do it.  I mean, there you are in the world struggling to make ends meet, having to sell yourself into slavery for life just to get by... but hey hang on.... if you murder someone in cold blood... well you are looked after for 10 years of your life and.... hang on again.... if you a EVIL enough to upset enough people really really badly, then when you come out you get a WHOLE NEW LIFE where you are set up with a new identity and home and even given skills that you never had before!!!!!!    >( >(  Well I dont know how anyone can justify that. 

Go on justify it.  I really really want to hear your arguments for it.  And before you start applying your arguments personally towards me.... dont bother.  That is just a way to avoid the real issue which is the above. 

Where is the deterrent?  Where is the punishment?  Where is the JUSTICE? 

High Dúnedain King

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« #41 : January 13, 2006, 05:04:06 PM »

Thank you B, I was beginning to think I was the only one who cared about this  :D

Exactly.  Where is the Justice these days?  There isn't any.

I could happily go out and kill someone...anyone...a mother with a young old woman who had served in WW2...a man who was a Doctor and had saved millions of peoples lives...maybe even mine...

Your saying I have a RIGHT to live if I did that?  It's sick...what right should I have?  If I killed an innocent life, why should I have any rights?

And before ANYONE says I do, I mean real rights, not something written down on a piece of paper.  What rights, as a human, do I have, regardless of laws and such?

Ranger of the North

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« #42 : January 13, 2006, 11:35:59 PM »

Piece of paper? Real rights are those written on a piece of paper, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is what gives us our rights. If you get rid of these pieces of paper what rights does anyone have? None is the answer. There is no such thing as a right without some sort of system of law. As far as I'm concerned if someone commits a murder and is remorseless they can stay in prison for life, I agree releasing people like you have mentioned is stupid, but killing them also solves nothing. Understanding why people commits crimes can help prevent them, but you can't learn anything from someone who is dead. Yes the criminal justice system isn't purpose, yes there is room for improvement but handing out death as a punishment isn't it. Who knows where that could lead? Maybe we should go back to a viking system of justice? If someone kills someone you care about you kill them, and then someone who cared about them kills you, and before you know it the population of england has slaughtered each other. Or maybe we should follow Draco's example and have death as a punishment for every crime? Life imprisonment for these sickos you've mentioned by all means, death, sorry but no. It doesn't solve a damn thing except make people feel safe knowing there aern't these people out there, but then life imprisonment achieves the same thing.


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« #43 : January 14, 2006, 08:07:52 PM »

Universal Declaration of Human Rights is what gives us our rights

Exactly, its a DECLARATION, not a, the UN are pushovers anyway...bosnia proved that.

I'd say the Amsterdam treaty would be more sufficient.


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« #44 : January 14, 2006, 09:41:59 PM »

Well, I think it about time someone came in here and gave Icy some support.  I totally agree with everything you say Icy. 

It is wishy washy liberal types like you lot that have turned this county into the pitiful state it is in today.

A person who murders someone in cold blood or who takes an innocents life without any remorse should have no rights to anything.  Oh yeah, lets bung em in an institution for a while... pay for all their meals and their bedding and their rooms and then... lets let em go and not only that, we will set them up for life!!!!  WHERE is the justice in that eh?  Are you seriously trying to suggest that it is appropriate for murderers to be treated like that?  What about the victims?  There's no second chances for them is there?  What about their families and the devastating effect it has on them? 

You know... it is almost as though a prospective murderer could weigh up the odds of the consequences for their actions before they do it.  I mean, there you are in the world struggling to make ends meet, having to sell yourself into slavery for life just to get by... but hey hang on.... if you murder someone in cold blood... well you are looked after for 10 years of your life and.... hang on again.... if you a EVIL enough to upset enough people really really badly, then when you come out you get a WHOLE NEW LIFE where you are set up with a new identity and home and even given skills that you never had before!!!!!!    >( >(  Well I dont know how anyone can justify that. 

Go on justify it.  I really really want to hear your arguments for it.  And before you start applying your arguments personally towards me.... dont bother.  That is just a way to avoid the real issue which is the above. 

Where is the deterrent?  Where is the punishment?  Where is the JUSTICE? 
Excuse me, I've done nothing to *your* country. My country has enough problems of it's own because of *your* country  ::)

A person who murders someone in cold blood has no right to live but yet the judge or politician have the right to murder THAT person in cold blood? Oh, I see the logic now...  ::)

If they're given new skills and a home when they come out, then maybe society should do that in the first place, eh?

Thank you B, I was beginning to think I was the only one who cared about this  Grin

Exactly.  Where is the Justice these days?  There isn't any.

I could happily go out and kill someone...anyone...a mother with a young old woman who had served in WW2...a man who was a Doctor and had saved millions of peoples lives...maybe even mine...

Your saying I have a RIGHT to live if I did that?  It's sick...what right should I have?  If I killed an innocent life, why should I have any rights?

And before ANYONE says I do, I mean real rights, not something written down on a piece of paper.  What rights, as a human, do I have, regardless of laws and such?
What is justice? Tell me that, because Britain certainly doesn't know about justice in the first place, regardless of Capital punishment.

By right of birth on this earth everyone has a right to life, regardless of what you do. There is no higher superiority here that can condemn you to death for killing someone else. American states still have Capital punishment; people still kill.

And even without the moral side of it, what happens when you get the wrong people? Is it just a tragety that innocent people where killed by the state? Then put the Judge to death too.

If there was still Capital punishment or Public executions the Birmingham 6 would have been dead. It was years before evidence was brought forward to their innocence.

If you want to talk about real rights, then think about the right of death and birth. The same arguement comes back by people pro Capital punishment - "But the victim has a right to life too", aye, well so do the thousands of people around the world that have been killed by your Government, where's the justice in that?

Your arguement has worked against you with your last sentence. As human beings, killers have rights to life regardless.

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