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: The Death Penalty/Capital Punishment  ( 36669 )
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« #15 : January 06, 2006, 05:06:38 PM »

Right so basically you agree with an eye for an eye?

basicaly yes! if you shoot someone you should be shot in the same place as they were n in the same conditions!

like if they werebeaten the crap out of then the person who shot them will be beaten the crap out of then told to run n then shot!

i beleave it will bring serious crims down if the death penalty was brought back!
and i do beleave that public exicutions should be brought back too!
And thats why I hope people with ideas like that never get in power :)

High Dúnedain King

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« #16 : January 06, 2006, 06:00:14 PM »

Its a shame people like me and Angelus don't come into Power.  And you know what, this debate has made me want to go for it now  :)

I like to be fair.  Death for a murderer is fair.  I want children, and I don't want my children living in a world where murderers are let off, just shoved in jails (which are over-popukated anyway)

Honestly, I dunno how anyone can not agree with the Death Penalty.

I just hope no one you know gets murdered so you have to find out how hard it is to live with the murderer being alive.


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Eledh o Eryn Lasgalen

« #17 : January 06, 2006, 07:11:48 PM »

It’s difficult not to agree with the both points of view. Yes, capital punishment doesn’t solve anything, nor brings any benefit. You can’t bring back to life the killed person. It’s just revenge. Who are we to deprive someone of his life whatever bad he/she would be? If we are to believe in God, it is his privilege to deal out death, I suppose. Guiltiness almost never can be proved by 100 per cent. Maybe it is fair to deprive someone of life, but what good would it bring? Fairness for the sake of fairness? The person of course must be expelled from society, not to bring any more harm. With death penalty there is another peril, in my opinion. Adopting it leads to more violent society.
Maybe it’s out of place but remember what Tolkien himself thought on the point:
 ‘Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.’     

I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith.
High Dúnedain King

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« #18 : January 06, 2006, 08:31:32 PM »

And if we don't believe in God?

Being Wiccan, I believe in the Three-Fold Law.  Whatever bad you do, expect it three times over.  A murderer RIGHTS he deserves three times that pain, that end. 

Believing in a God to deal out judgements is just a way to avoid it.  Its a way to think, "Well, I don't want to make this decision, so we'll lock the murderer up for life, then God can deal with it."

Are you honestly saying Myra Hindley, or whatever her name was, didn't deserve death?  Your saying the guy who killed Sally Anne should live the rest of his life?

Your saying if I killed someone know, you wouldn't mind me living?  What if I killed your girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father...son daughter?  Thats ok is it?  You wouldn't mind if I just got locked in a cell, being fed and watered?

No wonder people do murder, its not like its difficult anymore, you don't get much of a punishment.

I can GARUNTEE if the Death Penalty came back into force, it would half the murders.


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Eledh o Eryn Lasgalen

« #19 : January 06, 2006, 09:16:05 PM »

Is death an appropriate punishment? Isn’t life time imprisonment a torment?

I can GARUNTEE if the Death Penalty came back into force, it would half the murders.

I think it wouldn’t. Where I live capital punishment was stopped a few years ago, yet a number of murders didn’t increased.

I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith.
Ranger of the North

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« #20 : January 07, 2006, 12:29:21 AM »

Your saying if I killed someone know, you wouldn't mind me living?  What if I killed your girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father...son daughter?  Thats ok is it?  You wouldn't mind if I just got locked in a cell, being fed and watered?

Fed and Watered? Not much of a life is it. Like a pet kept in a cage, occasionally taken out for exercise than locked back up. Not much of a life. If you killed someone I loved I wouldn't want you to die. Prison is not a nice place believe it or not. The way some people go on about it when arguing for the death penalty you expect it to be a 5 star hotel. You must also consider that not all murders are the same. If you follow the whole "eye for an eye" principle than even knows convicted of accidental death have to die. They have killed and ergo must die themselves. You keep making references to terrible murders. The people who kill that ruthlessly and with such callous disregard WILL spend their whole lives in prison. Those who murder and are released (Though I think anyone commiting 1st Degree murder, that is murder planned in advance, should all be given life and by life I mean imprisonment for the rest of their life not some 24 years or whatever) don't simply walk the streets looking for another victim. They are monitored for the rest of their lives.  There of course have been cases of people being released from jail to kill again, but that is a failure of the authorities to not have recognised that these people needed to be imprisoned for life. Does the criminal justice system need to be improved? Like hell it does. IS the death penalty the answer? No.

Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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Ú-chebin estel anim. Nai hiruvalye Valimar.

« #21 : January 08, 2006, 03:37:35 PM »

Basically; Why kill the killer, when you can begin to understand the underlying problem and prevent it properly.

Because you really think that all criminals, regardless of the crime they've committed, can be'cured' so that they'll never reoffend?

Sorry but that is completely wrong. Certain types of criminal NEVER feel remorse, look at the lads who killed James Bulger in 1993. No remorse there, they simply don't care. They are my age, and one has just had a baby with a girl who has no idea who he is. You think he deserves that? I hope he now understands how much suffering he caused to James' family. They have to live out the rest of their lives without the most precious thing they ever had. I don't think I could live like that without my kids.
Fair enough, if a criminal truly repents then fine. They can do their time, and when they are released they will suufer with the guilt of what they did.
Anyway the point I'm trying to make is what is the point in keeping someone alive in our jails, leeching taxpayers money to buy them PS2s and all the little luxuries that criminals get. If someone is never going to feel any type of remorse, then what is the point of keeping them alive? They will eventually get released due to the fact that this country cannot serve proper justice. I don't want evil, sick, remorseless criminals roaming around, specially when there could be sickos anywhere cos they don't let parents have the right to know when a dangerous person is living near them.  >(

I'm not sure I'd agree with bringing back public execution, but under the right set of circumstances and controls then the death penalty would not be unwelcome to me.

Please rush me my portable walrus polishing kit. Four super brushes that will clean even the trickiest of seabound mammals. Yes, I am over eighteen, though my IQ isn't.

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« #22 : January 09, 2006, 04:03:11 PM »

And if we don't believe in God?

Being Wiccan, I believe in the Three-Fold Law.  Whatever bad you do, expect it three times over.  A murderer RIGHTS he deserves three times that pain, that end. 

Believing in a God to deal out judgements is just a way to avoid it.  Its a way to think, "Well, I don't want to make this decision, so we'll lock the murderer up for life, then God can deal with it."

Are you honestly saying Myra Hindley, or whatever her name was, didn't deserve death?  Your saying the guy who killed Sally Anne should live the rest of his life?

Your saying if I killed someone know, you wouldn't mind me living?  What if I killed your girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father...son daughter?  Thats ok is it?  You wouldn't mind if I just got locked in a cell, being fed and watered?

No wonder people do murder, its not like its difficult anymore, you don't get much of a punishment.

I can GARUNTEE if the Death Penalty came back into force, it would half the murders.
So you agree with incorporating religious beliefes? While you may agree with the Three-fold law, I don't, and chances are the person on death row doesn't. That contradicts your line of "And if we don't believe in God?". Religious beliefes should be kept seperate from what is state murder. While believing in God to deal judgement should be left alone and not used, same applies for any religion.

The Death penalty would not half the murders, not all murderers are set on Death row. It was abolished for a reason.


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« #23 : January 09, 2006, 04:07:52 PM »

Basically; Why kill the killer, when you can begin to understand the underlying problem and prevent it properly.

Because you really think that all criminals, regardless of the crime they've committed, can be'cured' so that they'll never reoffend?

Sorry but that is completely wrong. Certain types of criminal NEVER feel remorse, look at the lads who killed James Bulger in 1993. No remorse there, they simply don't care. They are my age, and one has just had a baby with a girl who has no idea who he is. You think he deserves that? I hope he now understands how much suffering he caused to James' family. They have to live out the rest of their lives without the most precious thing they ever had. I don't think I could live like that without my kids.
Fair enough, if a criminal truly repents then fine. They can do their time, and when they are released they will suufer with the guilt of what they did.
Anyway the point I'm trying to make is what is the point in keeping someone alive in our jails, leeching taxpayers money to buy them PS2s and all the little luxuries that criminals get. If someone is never going to feel any type of remorse, then what is the point of keeping them alive? They will eventually get released due to the fact that this country cannot serve proper justice. I don't want evil, sick, remorseless criminals roaming around, specially when there could be sickos anywhere cos they don't let parents have the right to know when a dangerous person is living near them.  >(

I'm not sure I'd agree with bringing back public execution, but under the right set of circumstances and controls then the death penalty would not be unwelcome to me.

In some cases, yes, they can be "cured" and not reoffend, for example Tookie williams.

What defines wrong? Certain types of criminals may never feel remorse, yet many may do and will feel remorse, weither its 2 or 20 years down the line. Capital punishment doesn't just deal with murderers. In other countries people are tortured and slaughtered for their Political beliefes and opposition, religious beliefes or just because they where in the wrong place at the wrong time. State murder is murder, is murder, is murder.

How much of taxpayers money goes into each cellmate? Not a lot. Yet people are contempt to let politicians decorate their offices with gold-lined wallpaper (payed for by the public), have a monarch that sits on £10 million+ a year because shes "privilaged" and waste millions on trivial matters? And then they complain about people "leeching" in jail. I've heard it all now.

Ranger of the North

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« #24 : January 09, 2006, 06:30:51 PM »

I think it says alot about human nature when people want someone to die for them to feel safe. No response to any particular comment or person, it just occured to me.

High Dúnedain King

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« #25 : January 09, 2006, 08:29:19 PM »

Because you, and anyone else who doesn't agree with the Death Penalty, are too humane.  Chris, I thought you hated humanity, yet you want a killer to survive?

Ahh well, I just hope someone brings the Death Penalty back.  I don't want to raise children in a world where killers can be freed.


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« #26 : January 09, 2006, 08:33:02 PM »

And so where would euthanasia come into all of this? It involves ending someone's life, which in some eyes could be viewed as murder.

Ranger of the North

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« #27 : January 09, 2006, 09:27:12 PM »

Because you, and anyone else who doesn't agree with the Death Penalty, are too humane.  Chris, I thought you hated humanity, yet you want a killer to survive?

Humane -  Kind-hearted and merciful. Most of humanity is nothing like this and so therefore Humane and Inhumane should switch meanings. I don't hate humanity, just the majority who are generally quite bitchy to each other. I hate murderers, I hate rapists, I hate criminals in general, but I don't want to see them dead. Actually no, I'm not sure if hate is the right word. I pity them more than anything else. People don't just become criminals, society creates them. Rather than just hand out punishments we should be tackling the inequalities in society, tackling the social injustice.
« : January 10, 2006, 02:10:52 AM Blaen »


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« #28 : January 10, 2006, 07:23:55 AM »

Because you, and anyone else who doesn't agree with the Death Penalty, are too humane.  Chris, I thought you hated humanity, yet you want a killer to survive?

Ahh well, I just hope someone brings the Death Penalty back.  I don't want to raise children in a world where killers can be freed.
Aye, cuz being humane is suddenly a bad thing.

High Dúnedain King

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« #29 : January 10, 2006, 04:59:41 PM »

Well, yeah, to me it is.  Being 'humane' to a pathetic parasite is unbelievable to me. 

I read in the paper today, about that guy who ran a farmer over in his OWN land rover...he got 15 years.  15 Years.  He's a drug addict too.  In 15 years, I'll have maybe a 5/10 year old child...I don't want him or her out in the world when he's freed.

And we're not talking about Euthanasia Gollum, there's another topic for that.  But yes, I agree if someone wants to die, they have a right to die.  I mean people who actually deserve to be listened too.

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